Friday, November 04, 2005

Light and Fast

Been reading Dr Art Devanys first chapter of Evolutionary Fitness and already I love it. This is just where I need to be going and right now and he is a light in the darkness. The guy is just brilliant, imo, and has an honesty and bluntness that truly smart people have. they just state their truth and its yours to do with what you want.

I will have to read and reread, as is my curse, to really grok this stuff but thats alright. Its so fascinating I cant keep away. Nothing better than something really good to sink my teeth in on the cutting edge of the state of the art. lol.

Just how I was when I discovered Mr Tsatsouline. These guys are different.They have the ring of truth and the stink of integrity on them. Devany is definitely hitting on some intuitions I have always had about training and diet and explaining them from a scientific, as well as poetic perspective. Like Joseph Campbell for mythology.

Devany is big into training fast twitch and uses lighter weights and trys to increase acceleration during his compound an sprinting movements. Like Westside barbells dynamic effort day. short intense efforts and dont train too long. this will take some getting used to!LOL!!

Its getting easier to train faster and in less time now that I am solo . I used to train very fast in bodybuilding.

one arm swings, darcs, one arm cleans, snatch, two hand swing to overhead with one pood. 8 reps each

two sets of these

Swing flip squats
53x8x7 sets. Havent done these in awhile. defiinitely a good squat position.

two kb clean and press
36x5x5 took about 30 sec /sets.
felt great. light and fast. explosive. shoulder has relaxed from wednesdays bench presses.

pullups/ handstands
alternate sets of 5 reps and ten seconds. these are getting downright easy now. almost never miss first attempts.

two kb farmers walk
2/44's x6 laps. lighter and faster. 30 sec between sets.

I like this style of training. very wsb. shorts sets and short rests. no problem. its those long sets I hate. wind is getting decent and this helps my funtional leg strength( i.e ability to actually walk!) that I will have to add in another day at some point. It is literally teaching me how to walk right. the kettlebells low center of gravity really helps me root as I walk. its definitely getting stronger.I need another 72.or do mixed sets with the 72 and the 53 for a half lap.

On the FLoor stretching
20 minutes. also training splits 20 minutes this am.have to be careful swithing from side to side and this causes my shoulders to sublux! and they dont go back easily either.
L sits
downward dog
Hammie walk ups
sumo squat stretch

deads again tomorrow am cant wait.

bw 159.6
bf 11%

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175 x 1 x 5, 185 x 1 x 5 ( layback style) 16 kg five mine 15:15 swing test 100 reps

 This took a few warmup sets ( and almost tweaking my tricep again with  95!) but I think it went well over I just have to 'THINK RIGHT...