Wednesday, November 09, 2005

A little Kettlebell bodybuilding

Pavels 'fast tens" article got me going and I played around with the concept today. I started with long cycle clean and presses with 1 kb and then went to double bells.then I snatched again.Of course the universe had to give me its smack in the head not to get to excited as I subluxed the RIGHT shoulder on warmup one arm swing set with the 36! Just too loose and trying to get TOO much range of motion.

I am reminded again that full( and relatively easy) range of motion in all the joints has to come first. If I neglect this and get too tight, bad things happen. Lots of torsion going on when one side does not felx or extend as much as the other side. My joints lock up so fast I cant beleive it. So I finished my workout and went right into shoulder rehab. oh baby oh.

I did like the workout> I added my own touches to I and pyramided up in weight dropping reps as I upped the weight. This increased volume at the lower percentages is what builds a lot of mass I am convinced. It sure seemed that way when I was bodybuilding. the heavier weights increased density but the lighter ones ,and the pump, increased the size.

I am not sure, however that I should be chasing size, as thats what seemed to mess me up in powerlifting: to much tension in the muscles.I've got too many injuries to carry that much total body tension.I feel much better staying looser and (relatively) weaker. This is why I've been trying to get my weight and bodyfat down .I think I am just getting greedy again when I should be thankful I am in so little pain and can train so much.

bw 160.6
bf 10.6

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145-205-185 side and rear delts,band pushdowns, reverse band curls

 This went ok but actually thought it would go better. I thought I should be able to 1) stick at least one 205 and get two. I missed a bunch...