Monday, December 31, 2018

177 lb press 1 x 5 ,2 x 2, 32 kg belt squats,Floor pushups, laterals

Full blown cold. Decent nights sleep but a pretty full workday and lots of meds to keep going. Nothing bad but irritating and distracting
Got the workout I wanted, all with false grip ( which I'm still not sure is any better, really) but it wasn't as easy as I hoped.
Could be the cold, could be the groove.
All in all it got done but didn't fill me with the confidence I had hoped it would

Standing press
45 x 5
65 x 3
85 x 3
120 x 2
135 x 2
155 x 1
177 x 1  x 5
177 x 2 x 2
9 reps with 91% of max

 Will see how next week feels, might be time to take a run at 200 and put that thing to rest

32 kg belt squat

nose clear and endurance good. could be the pseudophed :)

Floor pushups

very strong suprisingly so. again endurance is surprisingly good.

3 x 10/10 with 15's

BW 170.8
BF 13.3

Sunday, December 30, 2018

47 lb ruck

The headcold I've been fighting for the last few days won. It settled it pretty mild during yesterday but gave me some issues sleeping. Nothing bad just sinus congestion. hard to breathe through my nose but trying to do so helped

Ruck was fine , just took it slow and I felt relatively strong.

47 lb ruck
12 laps
8 iso squat stretches
1:50 min
RPE 6.5

lots of little stops to let legs loosen up

BW 169.8 (first time under 170 in awhile)
BF 13.3

Lighter presses tomorrow with false grip

Saturday, December 29, 2018

40 kg One Arm Swings 10 x10/10,Pistol Practice, wt pushups, laterals

Tough one today. Been fighting the beginnings of a cold and today's the toughest workout we do, really. It's not super heavy but not light either and 20 reps sets are just hard. IF you do them right and try to accelerate maximally every rep of every set.

Not really sick yet but a bit congested and stuffy.
Oh well. Do my best

It was fine. Only one swinging today but glenn was there to coach. I always end up going faster this way and even though I tried to slow down and breathe more I was faster which made it harder. that's ok I haven't pushed cardio in forever.

One arm swings
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5
28 kg x 4/4
32 kg x 4/4
40 kg x 10/10 x 10 sets
200 reps
17,600 lbs
 RPE 7.5

Pistol practice
4 sets of  4/4 with shoe but no extra heel elevation. Made a big discovery too. I need to conciously shift my weight to the big toe before I start the descent and it dramatically changes my balance point for the better AND my rec fem does not scream at me! Very weird but good. Big toe pressure preloads the quads

Wt pushups ( false grip)
bw x 10
53 lbs x 10 x 3

switched to false grip prepping for Monday press

3 x 8/8 with 15's

BW 170.2
BF 11.3
W 59.1

( bath)

the ruck should be interesting tomorrow

Friday, December 28, 2018

47 lb ruck

Bumped the weight up just a bit as I barely even notice the 45 lbs anymore.  Didn't want to jump too much and I couldn't tell I had increased it either, which is just as I wanted,

Started off stiff and tired but warmed up quickly.Decent pace and breath control

48 lb ruck
6 laps
55 min

BW 170.6
BF 13.0

legs feeling good lately

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

24 kg speed swings 12 min 8 RPA,Standing press 105-142 x 3,walking lunges 20#, laterals

Hard to believe just how much harder 8 reps per 15 second is than 7 reps! My heartrate at the end was 160 or so and it hasn't been topping 140 of late, even for 16 min. But it had to be done as it's just been too easy and it's not helping me get better.
Hard to accept I used to do 10 reps per arm for 20 min sets on a very regular basis. But it sucked ,lol, and was definitely more about lactic acid tolerance training than power production but I need some 'sucked' too.
Well it did :)

24 kg speed swings
15:15  8 rpa
12 min
192 reps
10,176 lbs tonnage

but form and power felt good and bell speed and height were as well

Standing press- False grip
45 x 5
65 ,85 x 3
105 x 3 x 5 sets
115 x 3 x 2 sets
127 x 3 x 2 sets
132 x 3
142 x 3

No idea why i decided to play with false grip but it felt really really good. Seemed actually easier to get the bar launched as well! weird. Will take it for a test ride Monday with 177 and see how it locks out.
I could bench so much better with a false grip than with thumb wrapped but that was a bench and not overhead but it seemed to also take pressure off my biceps tendon as it did in the bench.

It seemed like if I 'pinched' my elbows in right before the start it really set the groove and the launch well. And without as much leanback needed

20 LB walking lunges( zercher hold)
4 laps of 20 steps

these felt GREAT! as good as a lunge has felt. Maybe extra weight was what I needed to re groove

One arm db laterals
3 x 10/10 with 15's
band rear delts
3 x 12 with red band

need to put these in the rotation as an alternated move

BW 171.4
BF 13.1

1 pm
BF 11.1

after bath


Monday, December 24, 2018

185 lb Press 3 x 2 PR! 1x1, 60 kg belts squat , floor pushups, laterals

This was a freakin hard ass workout! Start to finish. Even the warmups were hard. No excuses I felt great, slept great felt strong and solid and had a bath and good stretchout. It was just fucking heavy and with this exercise I have NO margin for error. BUT I did 7 solid reps with 95% and that should get me to 200 in three attempts or less.

I can grind on this, that's for sure, but for sure I shouldn't HAVE to with these damn weights.The groove is so elusive for me and so dependent on so many variables. But, I made the lifts and I made a big jump from 180 last week. Normally I would have jumped just 2.5 lbs but I'm on a deadline :) it was fine

I did see from the video I am NOT getting enough of the bar weight on my chest on the step out. If I'm too vertical on the walkback it always feels heavier and that was true today.

Not sure what I'll do next week. Not ready for attempts at 200 nor 190. Perhaps 175 for some fast doubles. I'll think on it.

45 x 5
65 x 3
85 x 3
105 x 2
120 x 2
135 x 2
155 x 1
170 x 1
180 x 1 ( ugh, not fast at all. had me very worried)
185 x 2 x 3 sets  fighting on each one each set a PR
185 x 3/4 miss
185 x 1!

total reps with 95% of 195 max = 7

second set. I did NOT have ANY confidence for a double on the third set. But I fixed some timing and it was easier

60 kg belt squat PR
10 flat floor
10 x 3 sets standing on plates

these went great! first time with this weight

Floor pushups
2 sets of 50 !

3 sets of 10/10 with 15's

BW 170.2
BF 13.3

Merry Christmas to me!

Saturday, December 22, 2018

60 and 68 kg One Arm swings 10 x 5/5, assisted pistols, wt pushups, laterals

This was a very surprisingly strong day all around. I got the closest ever to transferring the 68 kg and  did not have one grip issue the entire workout. A serious PR for that. The first time I felt like I could accelerate the 68 kg without feeling it was going to tear out of my hand.
Grip strength and overall total body strength obviously up

One arm swings
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5
28 kg x 4/4
32 kg x 4/4
36 kg x 4/4
40 kg x 4/4
44 kg x 4/4
48 kg x 4/4
60 kg x 5/5 x 7 ( 9240 lbs)
68 kg x 5/5  x 3 ( 4500 lbs)
13,740 lbs total!

Assisted floor pistols
3 sets of 5/5 SO much harder on the rec fem but ready for it. Front hand spot kept me more square

wt pushups
bw x 10
53 x 10 x 3
strong today. pecs and shoulders cooperated

2 set of 10/10 with 15s

BW 170.4
BF 12.1
W 58.5


Thursday, December 20, 2018

Thursday Ruck

Really nice one today. Super overcast, cool to the point of almost being cold for the first few laps then joyous as the outside cool air made going faster just that much easier.
Legs felt light but strong and loose. Lungs solid too

But SO did not want to go! But so glad i did

45 lb ruck
6 laps
52 min
RPE 6.5

BW 170.8 ( third day straight! )
BF 14.3
W 56.7

uh oh too low water

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

24 kg speed swings 16 min,115 lb standing press 10x3,walking lunges, laterals

Just a weird rhythm to this workout, lots of pre workout issues distracting then miscues with training partner as to times but all in all this went ok

speed swings
24 kg x 7 RPA
16 min
11,872 lbs
RPE 6.5

all systems are go. 7's are actually too easy now but I really am not ready to go to 8's lol.


I at least have to start alternating sets with 7's and 8's

105 x 3 x 3 sets
110 x 3 x 3 sets
115 x 3 x 4 sets

this just takes so long to warmup the extension, especially after swings but it was solid. Remember to flex harder than you think you have to prior to launch. really makes a difference

walking lunges
4 laps of 40 ft
long stride technique today

3 x 8/8 with 20's
not bad

BW 170.8
BF 13.6

ruck up tomorrow


Monday, December 17, 2018

180 lb press 5 x 2, 135 x 10 PR, 48 kg belt squat, Floor pushups, laterals

This started out very tough and ended up very well.

All things were go at the start and it was a very tough heavy start. Felt good, elbow resolved itself, sleep was solid, no alcohol mindset good but the warmups and the first set felt heavy. Had thought I would do the first set with 180 and if it was strong I would go 182.5 for the rest. My first set scuttled that idea. It was slow, at least the first rep

but the second set was solid and then the third (above) was strong as was 4 and 5
 Maybe just got warmed up?

Standing press
45 x 5
65 x 3
85 x 2
105 x 2
120 x 2
135 x 2
155 x 1
170 x 1 ( not bad but not easy)
180 x 2 x 5 sets
RPE after second set 7
135 x 10 PR had more left too

48 kg belt squats
10, 12, 14 , 16

Floor pushups

this was a surprise too

15 lbs x 8/8 x 3

BW 170.4
BF 13.3

dats it, Next week up to 185 and see what I can do, Hopefully some doubles. thinking set one single, then a double then see

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Strong Ruck

This was a great surprise. Legs were loose but strong and the entire ruck was solid.The air was cool and crisp and the sky gorgeous.
I caught the flow of the ruck quickly and I can't remember a better one.
Stride felt elastic and strong


45 lb ruck
12 laps
1:52 min
RPE 6 !

BW 170.2 !!
BF 13.0
W 57.7

that's surprising too

going to 182.5 for double tomorrow instead of 180.  We'll see

Saturday, December 15, 2018

48 kg One Arm Swings 10 x 6/6, Box Pistols , wt pushups, laterals

These went really went. Was rested fresh and un tweaked. Good combo
Wasn't freezing cold either and that's huge
The damn bell is heavy that's for sure but I also didn't have to really focus on my grip to get through and try to maximize power without it opening up
That's progress

One Arm swings
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5
28 kg x 4/4
32 kg x 4/4
36 kg x 4/4
40 kg x 4/4
48 kg x 6/6 x 10
120 reps
12, 720 lbs tonnage

Box Pistols

these went well too.  Left side is really coming along  right side is way higher and I haven't figured out the groove yet either. Looking at the video it seems I am twisting right with the torso when I squat left, I should be twisting left. Perhaps I should hold on with the left arm . Will test it

3 sets of 6/6 off box
1 sets of 4/4 on floor. Leg is strong but rec fem screams! especially left side! Still more work to be done

Wt pushups
bw x 10
53 lbs x 10 x 3 sets

horiz bar feels strong

3 sets of 10/10 with 15s

BW 171.4
BF 11.4
W 59.9

ruck up tomorrow!

Friday, December 14, 2018

Fast Ruck

 Really solid one yesterday. Tracy went with and without a ruck so all the laps times were fast, lol. Legs were a bit tired at first but able to  keep pace.

45 lb ruck
6 laps
48 min
RPE 6.5

 BW 171.6
BF 13.3

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

24 kg speed swings 8 RPA, 107 and 117 lb press 8 x 3, walking lunges, laterals

Late start today but we got it done. Decent too

24 kg speed swings
14 min
196 reps
10,388 lbs tonnage
RPE 7.5

pretty strong effort all around.

Standing press
107 x 3 x 5 sets
117 x 3 x 3 sets

these felt heavy and triceps were cooked. wanted to go heavier but this was not easy and didn't even feel decent til the 4th set

walking lunges
3 sets of 40

these actually felt good

3 x 10/10 with 15s

BW 170.8
BF 13.3

day off tomorrow

New MacV 1 boots in. love em so far

Monday, December 10, 2018

180 lb press: 5 x 2 PR! 44 kg belt squats, floor pushups,laterals

This was unexpected. Especially after the first set where I got the second rep but really had to grind on it. The above is the second set ( which I filmed as I didn't know if there would be a third!) but there was. And a fourth. But the fifth was crazy as I really had a ball busting grind on the first rep and that I was done but then decided 'hey, just go for it' and it was easier and faster than the rep before!

SO much of this is just timing everything PERFECTLY.  When it's this heavy if it's not perfect its a grind. But I can do it now and not miss. Just a few months ago I would have missed at least 4 of the 10 reps I did not being committed to keeping the hips forward at the sticking point. Now I know works but still need stronger glutes in extension.
Perhaps band work thrusters of some kind. Serious.

Standing Press
45 x 5
65 x 3
85 x 3
105 x 3
122 x 3
135 x 2
155 x 1
170 x 1
180 x 2 x 5 sets ALL TIME PR

Never did ONE double with this weight before. Definitely strong enough to do 200 if I time it right
Or maybe even if I dont SO much stronger than when I barely missed 200 months ago.

44 kg belt squat
10, 12, 14 ,16

very close stance and really working knees forward in the bottom plus keeping weight on big toe better

Floor pushups

not sure if  this is an all time PR but it is a recent one

3 sets of 8/8 with 15s

BW 171.2
BF 13.1

good day!

45 lb Ruck

Another excellent ruck Sunday. Cool breeze, overcast and just a strong one. Started out a bit tight in the glutes and legs from the workout saturday but by the fourth lap things got loose and I got much faster.

Did 8 or supported squat stretches to loosen things up and that helped. No more calf issues since I switched boots

45 lb ruck
12 laps
8 supported squat stretch holds
1:50 min

Most excellent!

Saturday, December 08, 2018

44 kg One Arm swings 10 x 8/8, box pistols, wt pushups, laterals

A lot better than last week. First, not hungover, and second eights are SO much better than tens  (read :easier ) But reallt decent power out put too
Not my best effort with this weight but solid

One arm swing
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 4/4
28 kg x 4/4
32 kg x 4/4
36 kg x 4/4
44 kg x 8/8 x 10
160 reps
15 , 520 lbs tonnage
RPE 7.5

Box pistols
4 x 5/5

rec fems were tightening up A LOT on each side on each rep! Pistols were solid but the rec fem was cramping!

Parallel bar pushups
bw x 10
53 x 10 x 3

decent. good break for horiz position

3 sets of 8/8 with 20s

these felt hard. a bit heavy

BW 170.4
BF 11.4
W 58.9

ruck up tomorrow

Friday, December 07, 2018

Thursday ruck

A good one today. Got a late coffee so I was amped and ready to walk! Nice cool overcast weather always helps too, plus the air is so clean again! Legs felt loose and strong as did lungs.All in all very good

45 lb ruck
6 laps
52 min

BW 170.6
BF 13.1

Oh, BTW just ordered these. Could not help myself :) Don't need 'em, just want 'em

Wednesday, December 05, 2018

24 kg speed swings 13 min 7 RPA, standing press 105 x 3 x 10 , walking lunges, laterals

This actually went easy today. Felt rested, strong and ready to go. Always nice although these instances are further and further apart, at least they still occur :)

 Even got rushed into the start and it went fine

24 kg speed swings
13 min
182 reps
9646 lbs tonnage

very strong today on all front, power, grip wind, acceleration

Standing press
65 x 3
85 x 3
105 x 3 x 10

I like this better. 10 first reps practice is better than 5 or 6 sets

Walking lunges
4 laps of 40 ft

next week add sandbag weight. ready again

3 x 10/10 with 15's

best this move has felt in a month

BW 171.6
BF 13.1

datsit it
ruck up tomorrow

Monday, December 03, 2018

175 lb Standing Press 5 x 3 PR!, 40 kg belt squats, floor pushups, laterals

Got all them first shot! It's been a long time since that has happened.The video is the second set, they got better each set after that with the last set truly the best set! This is so dependent of perfect timing of the press into the bar drive, the hip/ glute extension and static hold as you go through the sticking point and then being patient and staying in balance through the lockout. Lots to go wrong and not much leeway to not go off

But I was strong today despite another too busy for optimal recovery weekend

Standing Press
45 x 5
65 x 3
85 x 3
105 x 3
120 x 2
135 x 1
155 x 1
175 x 3 x  5 sets PR!! ( big warmup jumps too)

3 min minimum rest between sets. probably some close to 4 . This helps so much. Vital at these workloads and volume

40 kg belt squat
12, 14, 16, 18

very close stance. strong and rhythmic/ hammies were sore from all the rucking and swings and four straight days of training

Floor pushups


3 x 8/8 with 20's

best these have felt in a month

BW 172.2 !!
BF 12.4

1 pm ( three poops later :) )

ate a lot yesterday

of much needed day off. very happy with the sets. next week 180 for doubles

Sunday, December 02, 2018

Full ruck

What a beautiful morning. Cool, crisp and slightly overcast. Made to go fast. And, right after a fresh rain so the air is full of O2 and moisture. Perfect.  Had a few interruptions the first 20 min which required slowing down but I made up by going super fast the rest of the two hours. Brought it in right on on time but felt stronger each lap.

45 lb ruck
12 laps
2 hours exactly
RPE 6.25

BW 170.4
BF 10.4
W 69.9

Post bath again but it's great to see those numbers again

Ok tomorrows press is 175 for triples. Will see how many


Saturday, December 01, 2018

40 kg One Arm Swings 10x10/10, box pistols, wt pushups, laterals

It's a good thing that kettlebell training is " the best thing for a hangover" because i overindulged just a bit last night.
You pick it, you play it, is a favorite saying of mine so I did.

It wasn't that bad but it wasn't fun, especially on todays' big volume workout, lol.
Serves me right

One arm swings
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5
32 kg x 4/4 ( I actually thought we were using this weight today! total mind gap! Have ZERO idea why as we haven't use this weight for sets and reps in years. Could have been the wine
40 kg x 10 x 10/10
200 reps
17,600 lbs tonnage( now that'll knock the alcohol out!)
RPE 8.5-9.0

Didn't help I rucked yesterday, either. Legs were feeling it
No worries though, I lived :)

Box Pistols
4 sets of 6/6

now these were the best ever. Really finding my groove and my rec fems are getting stronger every week

Wt pushups
bw x 10
53 x 10 x 3

strong here too

3 x 10/10 with 15s

no problem

BW 168.4
BF 10.4 !!!
W 59.9

wow haven't seen these numbers in forever. I'll take it. Especially the day after :)

Ruck up tomorrow  full two hours!

Friday, November 30, 2018

Cool ruckings

Didn't get to it yesterday( for a variety of bad reasons) but I made up for it today. And, it was nice and cool and overcast to boot. Just wonderful.

But it was more of an effort than it should be- mentally- I kept trying to talk myself out of it. what i need to talk myself out of is the need to take it easier instead of harder. It's getting too easy to back off now. Have to cut that shit out

Hard(er) times are coming, in the world. I can feel it. If not me just getting older. Have to be ready.

45 lb ruck
6 laps
55 min
RPE 6.5

BW 170.2
BF 13.3

32 kg volume swings tomorrow

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

24 kg speed swings 12 min, presses 5x5 117 lbs, walkinglunges, laterals

Back to the start of the cycle. thought about doing 8 reps but there were some things going on and distracted me. Next time though
All was good. Power and wind were fine. Nice and humid and warm for a change, too

Speed swings
15:15 x 7 RPA
12 min
169 reps
8904 lbs

that doesn't seem like enough work 8 reps per arm would bring it up to 10.176  got to build back

117 x 5 x 6 sets
same volume but I'm not sure i like it. 10 first reps is a good thing too

4 laps of 40 ft

best in ages

3 sets of 8/8 with 20's
felt heavy

BW 169.2
BF 13.4

Monday, November 26, 2018

175 lb Press 4 x 2 1 x 3 PR, box pistols, floor pushups, laterals

This went way better than expected, after five days of no training at all. Very pleased. It looks like I needed a rest?

45 x 5
65 x 3
85 x 3
105 x 2
120 x 2
135 x 2
155 x 1
175 x 2 x 4 sets ( video below of 3rd set, hardest of the previous ones)
175 x 3 PR ( video above.)

Man I just felt great, rock solid and the groove was there Perhaps this is the key for max efforts- a week of no pressing!

Oh and a new belt as well! Since I'm pressing like a weightlifter I decided I should use a weighlifter's belt! Worked great for it's initial voyage

Box pistols
4 sets of 6/6

right side coming along much better, don't need to hang on with second hand now. also, a key is to lift left leg HIGHER than on left leg side! way better control on descent than just letting the leg hang down. Must  be activating the left rec fem  connect something on right side

Floor pushups
3 sets of 40
a  bit wider hand position and plenty in the tank

3 x 10/10 with 15's

BW 170.2
BF 12.4

After bath
11.4 ( 1 pm)

a good one!

Sunday, November 25, 2018

9 lap ruck

Back at it after  being TOTALLY off training since last monday. Went down to santa barbara on wednesday for thanksgiving with friends and I did zero training although I did walk a lot and of course got on the floor to stretch out.

But this is the first real vacation I have taken in twenty years. Sure I travel a lot, but for certs or workshops. Basically if I'm getting paid. This time cancelled work on thur and fri and no training and gave myself a much need mental and physical break

Four days of total muscle inactivity was probably one day too long and I was itching to get some loading in today. Plus, I realized I hadn't sweated for beans in all that time too. No good

But I wanted to easy back in today so only 9 laps

1:25 min Ruck
45 lbs
9 iso squats

fast and easy. went well could definitely have done more but I have to press heavy tomorrow

BW 170.4
BF 12.7

thought I'd be lighter. Feel lighter.


Monday, November 19, 2018

165 lb press x 4 x 5, 1 x 4, 36 kg belt squat, floor pushups, laterals

This was good. Tough but good. Had a raging headache for some reason but I still got four solid sets of 5. It's enough. Ready to go up in weight and down in reps.
Had to skip ruck yesterday as the air was so bad. Thought it would help my energy more today than it did; so that's good info. doesn't make that much difference.

All things were good just whenever I have to grind a rep on a set of five the chances of getting all five sets go down dramatically and I had two or three grinds today. Amazing I got the last set!

45 x 8
65 x 6 ( experimenting with higher warmup reps)
85 x 5
105 x 3
120 x 2
135 x 2
155 x 1
165 x 5 x 4 sets ( fourth set shown above)
       x  1 x 4
135 x 8 down

happy with everything.

36  kg belt squat  x 12, 14,16  20

these were solid

floor pushups
1 x 50
1 x 45


3 x 8/8 with 20s
elbow is normal

BW 169.6
BF 12.4

not bad considering no work at all yesterday


Saturday, November 17, 2018

60 and 68 kg One Arm swings, box pistols,wt pushups, laterals

This went great. Warmed up in the bath again and that's making a huge difference as the garage is pretty frozen and will be for quite awhile. All parts of the body were feeling as good as they have, all at the same time in perhaps, forever. SOOO nice

Warmups went well and power output on all the swings were good. Even the grip was good

One arm swings
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 4/4
28 kg x 4/4
32 kg x 4/4
36 kg x 4/4
40 kg x 4/4
44 kg x 4/4
48 kg x 4/4
60 kg x 5/5 x 7 ( 9240 lbs)
68 kg x 5/5 x 3 ( 4500 lbs)
totals = 13,740 lbs!

Box Pistols
4 sets of 5/5
 didn't have to use both arm support for right side! a first! leaned into it more and the balance was there. very good elasticity in the bottom position finally
this is really coming along . and the rec fem strength to hold the non working leg up too

Wt pushups
bw x 10
53 x 10 x 3

left shoulder a  bit stiff on first two sets, then released

3 sets of 10/10

BW 168.8
BF 12.1
W 57.7

post bath

probably won't ruck tomorrow. Air quality is still very bad :(

Thursday, November 15, 2018

5 lap ruck

 Air quality from the fires is still really really bad so I went but I cut it short a bit. But man it's really nasty out there

45 lb ruck
5 laps
50 min
 RPE 6.5

pretty strong but worrying about sucking in all that shit made it hard to enjoy. But legs feels good

BW 169.6
BF 13.3

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

24 kg speed swings 14 min, 105/115/120 lbs press 10 x 3,walking lunges, laterals

FINALLY got the shoulder, elbow, wrist to release yesterday and what joy of nothingness! No pain, no locked elbow no unmoving wrist.
Finally got serious about the pec minor release and had tracy stick her sharp ass elbow in it for 10 min and got it full released. Then, I work on decompressing the wrist and got IT to release as well When I woke up this morning the elbow locked out fine, no pain and the wrist moved normally

Reverse chiropractic at it's best. Bodymaintenance for the win

so nice to feel nothing!

24 kg speed swing
15:15 x 7 RPA
14 min
196 reps
10,388 lbs tonnage

very good height and high power output the whole set

105 x 3 x 5 sets
115 x 3 x 3 sets
120 x 3 x 2 set

very strong. SO IMPORTANT to  reset elbow each and every rep. Also NOT to flex spine when loading lats
 not so easy!

Walking lunges
4 laps of 40 feet
worked on toe in on each step and and this helps load TFL . this could be the source of my adductor issues, too much to out on each step

3 sets of 10/10 with 15's

strong. no elbow issues

BW 169.6
BF 13.3

Monday, November 12, 2018

165 kb Press 3 x 5, 1 x 4 3/4, 1 x 4, 32 kg belt squat, floor pushups band pullaparts

this was a surprise given how locked up I was all weekend.Turns out it was my WRIST  that was locking down my elbow and then my shoulder! Had time to really work on it this morning and still couldn't get it to release until a band distraction I was doing for my pec minor adjusted my wrist right at the base of my thumb and after that all the rest dissapated! By the time I finished my bath and got in the gym pretty much everything was a go

Except I was pretty beat up from a weekend of bodywork and joint restrictions and some pain. But all in all I am VERY happy with the workout. All the mistakes I learned from from last week worked great and with just a little more energy I would have made all five sets. Next week

45 x 5
65 x 3
85 x 3
105 x 3
120 x 2
135 x 2
155 x 1
165 x 5 x 3 sets
       x 4 3/4 x 1
       x 4
I should really count the fourth set as it was SO close to lockout but I won't. it was hard ass rep which probably is what kept me from the 5 rep on the 5th set. On 5x5 you can't have any real grinds or it just kills the rest of the sets

Remembering to re set my elbows as well as 'pause" the lat flex before launch made all the difference Reset the elbows high, squeeze the sponge and glutes and wait just a sec then LAUNCH! the rest worked well

32 kg belt squat
 12  15 18 20

nice to go light. a little closer stance and toe in a bit to work more TFL

Floor pushups

caught up with me :)

Band pullaparts
black band x 40 x 2 sets
red x 40 x 1

these were great. Just didn't the laterals to mess with my wrist but have to add these in everyother workout! they were great when done as a real exercise and not just a corrective

BW 170.2
BW 12,7
W 58%

hopefully everything stays in place for a bit!

Saturday, November 10, 2018

48 kg One arm swings 10 x 6/6, Box pistols, wt pushups, laterals

left elbow out of position for some strange reason ( over active flexors) and while it didn't hurt at all swinging it isn't comfy. Extensors in pretty good spasms and left biceps tendon not staying stable. Voodoo floss and lot of windmills and band work has helped but it hasn't settled in yet/

Training was strong though

One arm swings
16 kg x 5/5
20 lg x 5/5
24 kg x 4/4
28 kg x 4/4
32 kg x 4/4
36 kg x 4/4
40 kg x 4/4
48 kg x 6/6 x 10

sixes were fine. No different, really than fives. Left side grip a bit of an issue because of the elbow but nothing terrible

Box pistols
4 sets of 5/5

these are still feeling strong but it is still interesting my right side is so off balance. I can use just one arm for support with left side leg but need both for right side! Must be right side ab/psoas is weaker , not just tight

wt pushups
bw x 10
53 x 10 x 3

surprised this didn't bother my elbow at all

2 x 6/6 with 20's
1 x 8/8 with 15
 this bothered my elbow with the 20's

radial brachialis not happy

BW 169.2
BF 11.4
W 59%

first bath of the winter , lol

might not ruck tomorrow. The Camp Fire up north has made the air quality the level of Bejing. We'll see

Friday, November 09, 2018

Coolbreeze Ruck

It's so much easier for me to go fast when it's cooler out. Add in a nice breeze and I'm even better. Finally got a Thursday ruck like that today, so nice to not cook during the whole ruck

Legs were definitely tired and tight at the start but still could move quickly, a very good sign of decent conditioning

45 lb ruck
6 laps
45 min!

BW 170.
BF 13.5

Wednesday, November 07, 2018

24 kg speed swings 13 min 7 RPA, 105/115 lb press, walking lunges, laterals

Decent training today! Speed work went very well and so did presses. A little stiff, still not enough time on the floor but getting better

24 kg speed swings
13 min
182 reps
9646 lbs tonnage

105 x 3 x 5 sets
115 x 3 x 5 sets

normal warmups. Really worked on staying tight on internal bounce but still was hard! I have to make sure when I flex the lats I don't drop my chin, noticed that on the press videos!

Walking lunges
 3 laps of 40 steps

being lazy. need to get back to 4 and then go back to sandbag lunges again

3 sets of 10/10 with 15's

BW 171. !!
BF 13.5

too high. eat less day

ruck up tomorrow

Monday, November 05, 2018

165 lb Press 2 x 5,1x4, 2 x 3, 48 kg belt squats, floor pushups, laterals

Just didn't have it today. For who knows what reason. Everything should  have been good. Body felt good, gym not too cold, mentally good, bodyweight high, shoulders and back ok. But it was a long weekend with a lot of socializing and not enough naps.

then the time shift which helped as far as more sleep but had me training an hour later and not enough coffee.

Lots of excuses. Big point was I only got 2 sets of 5 ( still a PR ) but not what i wanted or thought I'd get.

I hate fives lol

 45 x 5 x 2
65 x 3
85 x 3
105 x 3
120 x 3
135 x 2
155 x 1
165 x 5 x 2 sets
       x 4 x  1
       x 3 x 1

what happened I think was that I didn't stretch out my front panel enough from the swings and rucking and as I initiated the press with the internal bounce I lost glute tightness. I save a lot of reps but the coordination wasn't there

On the last set as I initiated I really kept the glutes tight and that was the key BUT it was too later
live and learn

48 kg belt squats
12, 14, 16, 18


Floor pushups
3 sets of 45!

3 sets of 8/8 with 20's

BW 170.2
BF 13.1

Sunday, November 04, 2018

SuperFast Ruck

This was a shocker. Especially given the tightness in my glutes when i started. We got rid of daylight saving time today so i got an extra hour of sleep. that helped. Plus it was cool and that helped. Plus I ate up a bit yesterday and that helped.

But man I was fast! didn't time any specific laps but I was almost 15 minutes ahead of regular pace! thats crazy

45 lb ruck
12 laps

BW 170.2 !!!
BF 12.1

and there ya go

try  to get a bunch of set of 5's tomorrow in the press


Saturday, November 03, 2018

44 kg One arm swings 10 x 8/8, single leg box pistols,wt pushups, laterals

Good one today although I had a bit of vertigo upon awakening. Ears have been clogged a bit lately. Kinda freaked me out a little but I stayed calm. Very mild thank g-d. Still there at start of workout but not at end. that was good.
Workload was solid power and speed good and bell felt light
Amazing to me how much easier this workload is that 4 kg lighter but 4 reps more per set!

One arm swings
16 kg x 5/5/ x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 4/4
28 kg x 4/4
32 kg x 4/4
36 kg x 4/4
44 kg x 8/8 x 10
160 reps
15,520 lbs that adds up quick!
RPE 7/5

Next week will bump up volume a bit on the 48 going to 6's to keep the delta change at 20 % or so . time to do it

Box pistols supported

these were much stronger today when I stopped touching  my down leg to floor and used more arm support and stretch reflex. actually felt decent for the first time!
4 sets of 7/7

Wt pushups horiz bar
bw x 10
53 x 10 x 3 sets

left shoulder still achy but warmed up well. this is a better hand position to transfer to barbell

3 x 10/10 with 15's

BW 169.4
BF 12.1

ruck up tomorrow


Thursday, November 01, 2018

Hot ruck

Another hot one. Felt good starting out. No food at all before as it never seems to help, no matter how hungry I am going in. Once I get going I'm not hungry as the activity brings my blood sugar back up.

But it was freaking hot, in the 80s , and it's november! Luckily there was some wind which is better than none but it still sucked.

I'd rather do two hours on a sunday morning than one on a thursday afternoon after work :)

ok enough whining

45 lbs ruck
6 laps 52 min
RPE 8.5( just mentally )

BW 169.4
BF 13.3

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

24 kg Speed swings 12 min 7 RPA, 105/115 press 10 x 3, walking lunges, laterals

Decent one today, no where near as cold. Weird weather these days. Decided to go back to the 24 for this next cycle but drop the reps to 7 and really focus on power. Worked great. No rush to get the reps in and the total time for each set was close to 13 seconds as I milked each rep to the max.
I might go back to 8 rpa but perhaps not as I take the cycle back to 15 min

24 speed swings
12 min
168 reps
8904 lbs


 105 x 3 x 5 sets
  115 x 3 x 5 sets

took awhile to open up. pressing muscles still a bit tired from monday

walking lunges
3 laps of 40

tracy took m vibrams so I had to do it barefoot on concrete,sucked. should have worn regular shoes

3 set of 8/8 with 20
felt heavy

BW 169.4
BF 13.3


ruckup tomorrow

Monday, October 29, 2018

165 lb Press 5 x 4 PR, 44 kg belt squat, floor pushups, laterals

This was way tougher than it should have been and it's only because i misjudged the temperature in the gym. It was freakin' cold; much colder than outside and I didn't take a hot bath or shower and was wearing just compression shorts and t shirt!

I really have to be warm to press well and I just wasn't getting there! So I went back in and dressed in sweats but it really through me off till I got to 155 and warmed up just a bit. The first set at 165 ( hard) finally got me warm but it was a tactical mistake I won't make again

Winter isn't coming; it's here.

45 x 5
65 x 3
85 x 3
105 x 3
120 x 2
135 x 2
155 x 2
165 x 4 x 5 sets PR

RPE 8.5-9.0

the technique held well as I had more than a couple  iffy reps I would have missed just a month ago or so. Bar got out in front but I did the right thing and got my hips under instead of trying to shift the bar and it worked fine.

PLUS my left biceps tendon had been out all morning and didn't have time to really unfuck it til i got home, But it was inflammed a bit as I was pressing and made me slow down a bit on some reps. It all ended well but not the best day in terms of ease.

BUT it all got done!

44 kg belt squat
12, 14, 16, 20

Floor pushups

hard today and my left shoulder wasn't loving it . But it did feel better on the third set than the first

3 sets of 10/10 with 15s

strong and focused

BW 169.8
BF 13.0

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Fast pace ruck

For no good reason at all today's ruck was fast and easy from the start. Nice cool morning and pretty dark for the first half hour til the sunrise above made it's appearance. So beautiful. And it was so nice to have loose and strong legs from the start! Especially after yesterday's volume fest.

Mind was solid too and all systems were go!

45 lb ruck
12 laps
1:48 min
RPE 6.5

ok big presses tomorrow. 165 for sets of 4

BW 170.2 !!
BF 12.1

lol back to fighting weight

Saturday, October 27, 2018

40 kg One arm swings 10x10/10, box step ups, wt pushups, laterals

From the heaviest weight to the heaviest volume, just a week apart. this workout is always hard but it's getting easier. Today was not bad at all. Great sleep the night before always helps tons

One arm swing
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 4/4
28 kg x 4/4
32 kg x 4/4
40 kg x 10/10 x 10

RPE 7.5

not that bad and power was solid

Box Step ups
4 sets of 7/7

really worked on feed forward tension and hyper irradiation on the negative and it really helped! more than I expected. Flexed opposite fist, abs and Rec fem
much improvement

Wt pushups parallel bars
53 x 3 sets of 10

left bicep tendon was not set well. strong but not fluid

3 sets of 8/8 with 20s


BW 169.4
BF 12.1


Thursday, October 25, 2018

Ruck it

Didn't have my third cup of coffee today and I could feel it when I set out for my ruck. Plus, it was hot, no shade, no wind and HOT.
Can't get used to one shade of the weather without it changing on a dime these days.
Just. Not. In.The.Mood.

But I got it done. Just slow

45 lb ruck
6 laps
1:05 ( slow)
RPE 8 (just tired and notinthemood.)

BW 169.8
BF 13.6

get er dun

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

20 kg speed swings 15 min, 105/115 press, walking lunges,laterals

   Top of the cycle for this bell. Next week I'll go to 12 min and go back to the 24 kg bell. Perhaps for 7 reps per arm. We'll see. Felt solid today. Again, amazed at the how much harder ten reps per 15 sec is compared to 8. Not even close in effort and cardio

20 kg speed swings
15 min
8 rpa
240 reps
10,560 lbs tonnage

very strong and powerful

45 x 5
65 x 3
85 x 3
105 x 3 x 5 sets
115 x 3 x 5 sets

very very solid teshnik and bar speed/ path

walking lunges
3 laps of 40 steps

legs have been tired. backed off a bit

3 sets of 8/8 with 20s

BW 170
BF 12.7

ruck up tomorrow

Monday, October 22, 2018

165 lb press 4 x 3, 1 x 4 PR 40 kg belt squat, floor pushups,laterals

This went so well. Could not have asked for more. Not a bad rep in the five sets and the last set four reps was not bad at all. This technique is working out great. Best press workout I think I have ever had.Actually it is for sure. I was very confident in the technique and it all held together. Energy and strength were good as well

A little tight and stiff today from the heavy bells and first ruck in awhile but it didn't affect the performance and, as usual , the press is as a corrective.

45 x 5
65 x 3
85 x 3
105 x 2
120 x 2
135 x 2
155 x 1
165 x 3 x 4
       x 4

40 kg belt squat
12, 14, 16, 18


floor pushups

these were strong but overall fatigue caught me. Not long rest, either 2 min or so

3 x 10/10 with 15s

BW 169.8
BF 12.0 !!


Sunday, October 21, 2018

First ruck in a week

Between the move and the weekend at StrongEndurance my rucking has taken the brunt of it.  Didn't miss any workouts but I missed two rucks in a row last week and today was get back on the horse day. It went well although  with so few miles in my legs over the last twenty years a week off feels like a month off to my upper body!

Not exactly the best day to come back after the 60 and 68 kg swings but so it goes. I just started slowly and took a lot of 30-60 sec rest to let the legs 'aerate' lol. Towards the end it was my upper back muscles yelling but I got through it.

Have to confess there were more than a few times I gave myself permission to only do 9 or 10 laps. And that would have been fine. Nothing I'm more scared of these days than a foot bone injury! Slow is fine.

45 lb ruck
12 laps
1:55 min
RPE 7 (took it very easy)

BW 169.8
BF 12.8


Big presses tomorrow, 165 for 3's

Saturday, October 20, 2018

60 and 68 kg One Arm swings 7x5/5,3x5/5, box step ups, wt pushups, laterals

Back in the saddle , back to really heavy bells. This went very well, especially considering the last months distractions and relatively poor training.Perhaps the rest/ change/chaos helped? who knows but today was strong

One arm swing
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5
28 kg x 5/5
32 kg  x 4/4
36 kg x 4/4
40 kg x 4/4
44 kg x 4/4
48 kg x 4/4

60 kg x 5/5 x 7 sets : 9240 lbs
68 kg x 5/5 x 3 sets: 4500 lbs
13,700 lbs!


grip was very solid too

Box steps ups
4 sets of 6/6

right side was stronger thank goodness but still way weaker than I ever would thought. Long way to go on this exercise but it is where I need to be right now and works my hips as well as the quad

Wt pushup
bw x 10
53 x 10 x 3

horizontal grip today.
ok strength once I got warmed up. this opens up the pec/shoulders but it starts out tight

3 sets of 8/8 with 20

always feel how this balances the muscle tension in the shoulder

BW 169.6
BF 12.1

RUCK TOMORROW! Can't wait!


Wednesday, October 17, 2018

20 kg speed swings 14min 8 RPA,107 lb press 10x3 , walking lunges,laterals

Solid one today. Going back to swings as I just I can do more work more safely this way . A few more week of 20 kg then back to 24kg but only for 7's

20 kg one arm swings
15:15 8 RPA
14 min
224 reps
9856 lbs


very strong lat flex and presstiming worked great

4 lapsof  40

3 sets  of 10/10 with15

BW 168.6


ruck tomorrow!

Monday, October 15, 2018

165 lb press x 2 x 4,3 x 1,48 kg belt squat,floor pushups,laterals

This  went so much better than expected. LONG weekend at StrongEndurance seminar with very little food and right into early wakeup and regular work day. Very tired plus bad traffic on the way home left me sitting for 30 min. something I really didn't need at this time. But  everything worked out very well

Warmups didn't feel particularly good but once I got to weight it FLEW!

45 x 5
65 x 3
85 x 3
105 x 3
120 x 3
135 x 2
150 x 1
165 x 2 x 4 sets  so fast!
165 x 3

48 kg belt squat

strong too

Floor pushups

can't bitch about this

3 x 10/10 with 15's

BW 168
BF 13.3

ok back to normal schedule now ( I hope) for awhile!!

Sunday, October 14, 2018

48 kg One Arm Swings 10 sets of 5/5, box step ups, wt pushups, laterals

Strong one today

One arm swings
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5
28 kg x 4/4
32 kg x 4/4
36 kg x 3/3
40 kg x 3/3
48 kg x 5/5 x 10

RPE 7.5

Step ups
4 sets of 7/7

right side is weaker than left! it's not crazy given how much extra attention I've given to that side but it's weird to actually see and feel it!
This is the exercise for me now. Lots to go to be able to do it with no self spot or touching of the leg

Wt parallel pushups
bw x 10
53 x 10 x 3


3 x 8/8 with 20's

BW 167.6
BF 12.1


No ruck today as I have to work as Master for recerts at StrongEndurance course!  damn

Friday, October 12, 2018

Back off ruck

Despite a good nights sleep I was seriously beat by the time it came to ruck. Add in extra hot day again I was dragging ass from the start.

Even though I have to miss Sunday ruck to work for StrongFirst to re certify a group of instructors I cut short the ruck by one lap.
Discretion and all that.

a full hour and a half nap told me I made the right choice

45 lb ruck
5 laps 52 min ( slow)
RPE 8.5

BW 167.8
BF 13.6


Wednesday, October 10, 2018

13 min SNATCH Vo2, 105 lb press 10 x 3 ,walking lunges, laterals

Yes I did SNATCHES! Got a wild hair I could do them and it worked fine. Pretty much like I never stopped ( although I'll see tomorrow). Don't think my overhead position  has changed very much from when I could do snatches but it has changed from when I stopped doing them because  I pretty much lost it, after my TKR

It's not better than it ever was but it's about the same as it was when I could do them, if that makes sense

Started out VERY easy, just 5 reps per set for 10 min then upped it to 7 reps for the last three. No problem and these are much easier than swings!

Snatch Vo1 13 min 16 kg
5 reps per arm 10 min = 100 reps
7 reps per arm 3 min = 42 reps
142 reps total
5112 lbs

not much of a workload. If I had done the 20 kg swings it would have looked like this
8 rpa x 13 min = 208 reps and 9051 lbs work. Have to think on this

107 x 3 x 10 sets  ) regular reps, working on fast start: flex and press!
strong but shoulders are sore

walking lunges
3 laps of 40 steps

3 x 10/10 with 15s

BW 168.8
BF 12.3

ruck up tomorrow!

Monday, October 08, 2018

160 lb Press 4 x 2, 1 x 3,44 kg belt squats, floor pushups,laterals

much stronger than expected and groove was more solid than ever! perhaps the time off helped? don't know but the bar moved great today!
Decided to just fuck it and go back to my "internal' bounce start trigger and man it worked well. That's the problem I have been trying to solve so hard and this is it. Perhaps it' not 100 % strict no momentum press but it's NOT a push press and it does start with a dead stop. I'm not competing and this will have to do for the purists

45 x 5
65 x 3
85 x 3
105 x 3
135 x 2 (strong!)
150 x 2 strong also
160 x 2 x 4sets
          1 x 3!
also took a bit narrow stance and that seemed to help keep my hips under the bar better too.

44 kg belt squat
10 ,12,14 16 very strong and smooth

Floor pushups

strong too!

3 x 8/8 with 20's

BW 169.6
BF 12.3

good start! Man not having so much extra stress is really really really nice!

too old for that shit

Sunday, October 07, 2018

Full Ruck

Was a good one today. Slept well and it was dark and crisp early fall morning, my favorite time of year

Still started out slow though as goal one was just to  make all twelve laps strongly. It's only been a few weeks but this falls off fast for me

 Got a decent stretch out before hand but still felt the need to do some assisted squat stretches during the walk. Just felt right

45 lb ruck
1 hr 53 min
12 laps
3 squat stretches
RPE 6.5

slow and steady. Compared to all that heavy equipment lift and carry schlepping this is piece of cake!

BW 168.9
BF 12.1

 160 lb press tomorrow for five sets of something

Saturday, October 06, 2018

44 kg One Arm Swings 5 x 8/8, 5 x 5/5, kickstand squats, box step ups, wt pushups, laterals

Back in the saddle! Yay! Slept well and body felt fine this am. Right glute, adductor tightness 90% resolved by Thurs ruck and normal ROM and activity. but still had a slight twinge on set 4 when I overcontracted glutes too much at top of swing ? weird. Strong but didn't want to push it, hence splitting the sets of 8s and 5s

One arm swings
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20kg x 5/5
24 kg x 4/4
28 kg x 4/4
32 kg x 4/4
36 kg x 3/3
40 kg x 3/3
44 kg x 8/8 x 5
          x 5/5 x 5
7760 lb
4850 lbs

these were strong

Kickstand squats
2 sets of 10/10

these are too easy now. Have to hold weight or just do the step ups

This went very well on my left side and for the first time, did a set on my right and was shocked how weak it was! I'm used to it being SO much stronger than the left I hadn't thought about it basically being too weak for itself!

I will use this exercise instead of kickstands at the start and finish with one set of kickstands for a burnout pump to failure for the last set

Parallel grip weighted pushups
bw x 10
53 lbs x 10 x 2
           x 8

prefer this grip now. gonna stay with this

3 x 10/10 x 15s

BW 168.6
BF 12.1

rucks could be tough tomorrow1

Thursday, October 04, 2018

Good Ruck

First ruck in a week and boy did it feel good! So strange. I so didn't want to get started. My body did not want to stretch out, strideout. It felt flexed. Cramped. My right adductor has been tight since all the moving. Did a bunch of bodymaintenance but it didn't want to fully release

But the ruck squared it up pretty fast and helped my anxiety as well. It felt great to just move again, not too fast, not too slow but take in all that air and get onto auto pilot.

I almost thought I had forgotten how to walk again. Christ it's only been a week but that's what I was thinking. It was so hard to get started again, I can see how people can get stuck just not getting started.

Once I did I felt better immediately but so many can't even get there.

45 lb ruck
6 laps
55 min

Nice cool  breeze, and  overcast. My favorite. Fall is here, my favorite season

Wednesday, October 03, 2018

20 kg speed swings 12 min, 105 lb 1 1/2 press 10 x 3, walking lunges , laterals

Back on track. Got a decent nights sleep for a change, the gym is set up well enough to function properly and I had a few cancels and got a decent stretch out as well. yet as soon as I got home I had to take a 15 min power nap to get my head ready to train.

It's amazing how fast I fall out of my routine and my strength and endurance goes right with it. But it comes back fast with just a few solid sessions

Speed swings
20 kg x 8 RPA
12 min
240 reps

this was strong! Very unexpected

105 lb press
3 reps x 5 sets
 1 1/2 reps x 5 sets

this was ok but my groove and balance is off. it'll be back as soon as I get some solid workouts in

Walking lunges
4 laps of 40 ft

3 sets of 8/8 with 20's

BW 168.4
BF 12.7

too light,lol!

datsit  Gotta make sure I ruck tomorrow!

Monday, October 01, 2018

155 lb press x 2 x 4, 40 kg belt squat, floor pushups, laterals

It was a miracle I actually got my ass in the gym and away from the other gym but it had to be done. Time to get back on schedule. Plus, I knew the hip and back extension would really help my very fatigued back and hams. Way too  much round back lifting these last weeks. I  was beat though but all things considered things moved pretty well. Surely could have been worse

45 x 5
65 x 5 ( touch and go)
85 x 5
105 x 5
120 x 5
135 x 5
145 x 5
150 x 5
155 x 4 x 2 first and last reps stop and go. was running out of air more than strength!
135 x 6  strong!

40 kg belt squat
10,12, 14,16

these felt great and really helped take tension out of my hams and back

Floor pushups
3 sets of 30 strict

just tired

3 x 8/8 2 15s

BW 168
BF 12.9


Sunday, September 30, 2018

Sunday workout

Woke up seriously stiff but uninjured today, a big win in itself. Right wrist extensors were seriously overworked though. Right at the epicondyle.
Lots of bodywork and stretching, along with thumb ext work got it back to 80 %

 Instead of rucking though I went back down to 217 and spent 3.5 hours rearranging things and trying to get ALL the mats to connect. As you can see from the video the mats won

Today :)

Presses tomorrow and hopefully back to a regular training schedule and not a stress and moving one.

BW 167.8 !!!
BF 13.9

that will be back up soon, too

Saturday, September 29, 2018

217 or Cal Ave Personal Training Studio

After a brisk 8 sets of 5/5 with the 40 kg and some 53 lb weighted pushups I sent the next eight hours moving , breaking down, assembling and clean was will be my new training studio: Cal Ave personal training
217 Calif Ave
Palo Alto,ca

I am sharing the space with a friend and colleague I have known and worked with for the past five years and have no doubt this will be an easy and successful venture .

But it was a ton of work so pretty long non stop days these last three as we pre set the stage and moved a lot of stuff to get ready for this morning and it all went very. Not easy for sue but do able for the whole time

and this is where intermittent fasting really kicks in. I basically went all day working on a few cups of coffee with heavy cream and a serious purpose. It's amazing how little food we need to make energy when the project at hand motivates us and drops us right into the 'flow' zone. And, for ONCE my knee and back were not the limiting factor in my ability to do the work I needed, and wanted, to do and I could really focus on the task at hand

being able to kneel is SO much more important than anybody seems to realize. This that can do it take it for granted, and those that cannot see to be so afraid to try that it's out of their mindset. So wok on the floor is either agonizing or impossible
Yet I can do it again and it's glorious

the  most cooked part of my body though are my wrist extensors which seem to have been really stretched to their max ( pun intended) by the serious grip challenges this last week.

One arm swings
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 4/4
28 kg x 4/4
32 kg x 4/4
36 kg x 4/4
40 kg x 5/5 x 8 sets
80 reps
7,040 lbs

( JUST right amount of work!)

Wt pushups
bw x 10
53 x 10 x 3 sets

then eight hours of heavy moving

BW 168.6!! the worry diet
BF 13.2

lets see if I can ruck tomorrow. Perhaps 8 laps will be goo.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

20 kg speed swings 14 min, 1 1/2 105 lb press,walking lunges, laterals

Wish I had felt this good on monday. No worries today; body and mind felt the best they have in weeks. Decided to de load for sure with the big move coming up this weekend

Speed Swings
20 kg x 8 RPA
14 min
280 reps
12,320 lbs

very strong today. good control across the board.

1 1/2 press
45 x 5
65 x 3
85 x 3
105 x 1/ 1/2 x 10 sets

really good. worked on start groove.

Walking lunges
3 laps of 40

strong actually

3 x 8/8 with 20s

BW 169.8
BF 13.3


Monday, September 24, 2018

185 lb Press x 1 x 3 PR, 40 kg belt squats, floor pushups, laterals

this sucked. I should have known better than to push this but I did. Just ugly , mainly mentally, from start to finish. Way too much going on this week with the move coming to have the mental focus to try this but I did and at least nothing got hurt!

And, I got a pr out of it but just by luck. Nothing went right.Never was able to concentrate, got distracted by bullshit stuff in the gym and just never found the groove. But, I am strong.

45 x 5
65 x 3
85 x 3
105 x 3
135 x 1 strong
155 x 1 ok
175 x 1 decent
180 x 1
190 x 0 not even close. just lost here
185 x 1 x 3 PR ( video is last set)
horrible groove, just muscled it
145 x 8 PR actually pretty good but it is light :)

40 kg belt squats
12 ,15, 20

no umph

Floor pushups

was actually thinking of one set of 100 but it was obviously not there. 60 was tough.

3 sets of 10/10 with 15s

BW 169
BF 12.2


Sunday, September 23, 2018

Solid ruck

This started a bit rough but cleared up fast and ended fast as well.Just a bit more tired when i got up than expected as well as a bit stiff. Nice coolness out this am, fall is coming and  I couldn't be happier.Love the brisk early mornings

Once I got a few laps in things warmed up fast and speed picked up. Legs, as has been the case, have felt loose and light right from the start ( well, almost from the start today).

Got a very fast 7:05 last lap today and it wasn't that hard!

45 lb Ruck
12 laps
1:50 min
12th lap= 7:05

everything was rocking today. Lets see if I have a 200 lb press in me tomorrow!


Saturday, September 22, 2018

44 kg One Arm Swings 10 x 8/8, kickstand squat, box step up, wt pushups, laterals

This was very strong. So much better than last week. But then again I'm not sick and pretty well rested. Felt solid .And, eights are NOT tens. It's actually unimaginable how much harder 10's are than 8's! 30 seconds of work versus 20. Just a whole nother level of suck!

One arm swings
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 4/4
28 kg x 4/4
32 kg x 4/4
36 kg x 4/4
44 kg x 8/8 x 10 sets
160 reps
15,520 lbs tonnage

feeling strong wind and lungs good, hr not too high, good recovery between sets


kickstand squats
2 sets of 10/10

18 " box step up

did these a different way today. instead of thinking of it as a pistol I thought of it as a big stair. Stepped up,( used light assistance on right arm,right leg behind me) and just stepped up then lowering into the same position again.
Worked great! Love this
For some reason I can find better balance and mechanics this way as opposed to lowering first? makes no sense but today was great

Left leg only
2 sets seven reps!

wt pushups parallel bar
 bw x 10
53 x 10 x 3

strong .prefer this bar placement now. I do enough bench press grip on Mondays

3 x 8/8 with 20

BW 169.6
BF 12.8

actually feel too light, lol

be careful what you ask for

ruck up tomorrow


Thursday, September 20, 2018

Hot as F*@"k ruck

Man this was tough. It got hot again in  hurry and it seems I've already lost  my heat conditioning! At least mentally

It was mid 80's no clouds and no wind. I felt like I was in an oven with sun lamp on me. Ack. Just wanted to get it over. Speed was decent and legs felt great, actually, Just hot as fuck

45 lb ruck
6 laps
50 min
5th lap = 7:20 (not bad considering)
RPE 9.25

was not fun. was ready to go home after three laps. Just did it for the discipline but I did not want to be there

BW 169.8
BF 12.9

needed rest day tomorrow
gonna be hot all weekend

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

24 kg Speed swings 12 min 8 RPA,105 lb 1 1/2 press 10 x 3, Walking lunges,laterals

Solid day and feel much better than Mondays. A lot of business stuff got handled and that's literally a load off my mind. Concentration today much better.

As usual took awhile to get warmed up but once I did things went strongly

Speed Swings
15:15 8 RPA
13 min
260 reps
13,780 lbs

1 1/2 press
45 x 5
65 x 3
85 x 3
105 x 1 1/2 x 3 x 10 sets

these felt great. really have to STAY back as I approach lockout, too. found myself shifting forward, just as  I do when I miss heavyweights on the warmups! this was a good lession

Walking lunges
4 laps of 40 steps

3 x 10/10 with 15

BW 170.4
BF 12.5

Monday, September 17, 2018

190 Press x 0,1,0, 135 x 10 PR, 48 kg belt squat, floor pushups.laterals

Was just flat as a board today. Felt decently strong during warmup but just didn't have much to grind all the way when it came to it. That's fine, it's been four strong weeks of super personal bests  and todays' misses weren't bad really

As usual when i get to my max weights what's missing is SPEED off the chest. I'm super fast with sub max weights but I really need to focus on SPEED on my max attempts- something I'm not currently doing.

I have to be faster than nomal with these heaviest lifts. I expect the grind too soon. But the positions held well.

Just all this moving stuff and tale end of the cold has finally caught up to the weight  and I messed up the warmup. Learn this: JUST DO THE REGULAR JUMPS AND TAKE AN EXTRA REP WITH A MODERATE JUMPS
Not try too big a jump to a max pr
I should know better by now

45 x3
65 x 3
85 x 3
105 x 2
135 x 1
155 x 1
180 x 1 (TOO BIG!)
190 x 0
       x 1 ( kind of, a freakin' 5 second minimum isometric fight to 7/8 lockout
       x 0 even better attempt, should have made this too just too overall fatigued but speed off chest the best of all attempts, No aggression at all

135 x 10 PR ( old pr was 8) could have had more but didn't care lol

48 kg belt squat
4 sets of 12  taking it easy
these felt great

Floor pushups

better than expected

3 x 8/8 with 20s

BW 169.8
BF 12.3

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Full ruck

Finally back to health( 95%) and a full ruck to boot. Seems forever. But the legs were good today and the lungs too. Didn't try to push the speed too much as was tired at the start but soon woke up. Nice and crisp this morning so that helped a lot.

Nice to feel that my leg endurance doesn't take forever to kick in anymore and my legs are generally ready to ruck all the time now. Back feels good and the 45 lbs pretty light

45 lb ruck
12 laps
1:50 min

No timed laps but definitely finished faster than start. Legs and feet fine whole time

BW 168/8
BF 13.7


190 for singles tomorrow in the press!

Saturday, September 15, 2018

40 kg One Arm Swings 10 x 10/10, kickstand squats, single leg box pistol, wt pushups, laterals

This was way freakin' hard. Like queasy and not sure I could finish hard. Physically felt fine but after being sick all week, working double time on this new studio startup, and taking more meds to keep going than I have in years, my cardio system was not happy.
It got done but man it took a lot of mental focus.
Had to step outside a few times too, for extra air. But the swings were strong, lol!

One arm swings
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5
32 kg x 4/4
40 kg x 10/10 x 10
RPE 9+

Kickstands squats
2 sets of 10/10

Box pistol ( assisted lightly)
2 sets of 5 left leg only

Wt pushups, parallel bars
bw x 10
53 x 10 x 3

strong, surprisingly

3 x 8/8 with 15

BW 167.8 !!!
BF 13.5

worrying the weight off plus the cold. time to eat for a change.

can't wait to ruck tomorrow! it's so good to feel almost  healthy again

Friday, September 14, 2018

Sick ruck

Not in the good way, just still have cold symptoms although it's getting better fast I'm still sick. Strange that symptoms disappear when I train :)
today the cold was mainly in my sinuses, sneezing, dripping nose, etc. Fun but nothing too bad.
Did not want to push the system though so only did five laps instead of six
Felt right

45 lb ruck
5 laps
50 min ( was slow throughout)
RPE 7 really took it easy

BW 168.4
BF 13.3

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

24 kg speed swings 12 min 8 RPA, 105 lb 1 1/2 press, walking lunges, laterals

Not bad at all for still being a bit under the weather. Not full blown sick ( yet ) but definitely fighting the stuff that's going around here. Slept well and woke up feeling better than yesterday. Signed the lease on the new spot so tons of pressure is off. that helps!

Speed swings
24 kg ( reps GS bell )
12 min
240 reps
12,720 lbs

it's always amazing to see just how fast the tonnage adds up doing this type of work. and for so short a time!

these felt very strong after about 3 min as I started with one 16 kg sets warmup. took a bit but once I was loose the move was very powerful and bell height was good. HR was no problem and lungs were good despite the chest stuff

1 1/2 Press 105 bs
 10 sets of 3
 this was very very good. I could play well with more isometric tension in all the transition position and everything, including overhead feels more solid

Walking lunges
4 sets of 40

took longer strides and this felt better.

3 x 8/8 with 20


BW 169.8
BF 12.8

Monday, September 10, 2018

185 x 1 x 5PR! Floor pushups PR! 44 kg belt squat, laterals

Well this went great! Way better than expected!  As usual felt like shit coming in, tired and having trouble focusing but warmups went very well and made some decent big jumps too with no problem

The whole time I was very calm and comfortable with the load.The position is finally coming along and I feel like I can find it, AND count on it. The two reps that got forward a bit I was able to fix by driving the hips under the bar more instead of trying to push the bar back. this seems to be the way to fix it as I haven't missed a rep using this technique since I figured it out!

The key technique on the unracking is to really get the hips under, and really use the glutes to take the weight off. Then walking back leading from the upper back. The second rep I walked out too vertical and really had to fight to bring the bar into lockout. The next set, which the above is, was the best of all as I walking it out leaning more.
Like a charm!

45 x 5
65 x 3
85 x 3
105 x 3
135 x 2
155 x 1 belt
175 x 1 ( slightly out in front)
185 x 1 x 5 sets PR!!

Floor pushups
55 !!!! All time PR!

man this was solid AND we did these right after instead of doing belt squats first, as usual

44 kg belt squat
10,12, 14, 20

3 x 10/10 with 15's

strong day!

BW 171.2
BF 12.3


Sunday Ruck

Late posting but it got done on time. This went surprisingly well considering how hard Saturday's swing workout was. My legs and hips felt fine from the start, did not expect that at all. Lasted the entire time too and I finished very fresh. Starting to feel like fall and it was nice and crisp for my 7 am start.  It's so much easier to push than in the heat

45 lb ruck
12 laps
1:55 min

BW 170.0
BF 12.6

Saturday, September 08, 2018

60 and 68 kg One Arm swings 15 x 5/5 ea, kickstand squats, wt pushups, laterals

This was TOUGH! I haven't played with the 68 kg since June 16 and it felt like it! Even though the 60 kg swings felt some what strong the 68 really made every fiber in my legs and glutes contract hard on every rep! Talk about being PULLED into the stretch/downswing. Some serious overload eccentrics!
And it seemed if I started each set with the right arm then my left hand grip was stronger than if I started left arm. which seems strange but it was consistent

One arm swings
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5
28 kg x 5/5
32 kg x 4/4
36 kg x 4/4
40 kg x 4/4
44 kg x 4/4
48 kg x 4/4 ( nice 80 rep warmup! )
60 kg x 5/5 x 5 RPE =8
68 kg x 5/5 x 5 RPE = 9.5

Kickstand squats
3 sets of 10/10
elevated box one leg squat ( left only)
four reps, slight arm assist.
Like these have to train them more

Wt pushups
bw  x 10
53 x 10 x 3 sets
horiz grip. better than last time

3 x 8/8 with 20's

BW 170
BF 12.7

see how that heavy stuff affects the ruck tomorrow


Thursday, September 06, 2018

Fast and hot ruck

Haulover Beach, Miami
the water I grew up in
Kinda done with hot rucks but no choice today. Not super hot but I'm ready for some fall crispness IF we get any this year

regardless the pace was fast and my legs felt great. As did my lungs. Gait has finally settled in and I feel like I can play with it much more now.Speed it up and surge or slow down and take longer strides, even play with getting more 'air ' time in swing phase

45 lb ruck
6 laps
50 min

BW 169.8 !!!
BF 13.1


datsit. ready for an off day before the 60 and 68 kg bells this weekend

175 x 1 x 5, 185 x 1 x 5 ( layback style) 16 kg five mine 15:15 swing test 100 reps

 This took a few warmup sets ( and almost tweaking my tricep again with  95!) but I think it went well over I just have to 'THINK RIGHT...