Sunday, September 15, 2024

Sunday ruck

 Slept well and woke up fine. Even slightly cooler today but as soon as I started the ruck ( on the way OVER  to the park) the left glute started talking to me. Not bad but definitely there

Really slowed my pace and it felt ok but I'm still not sure why

After the first hour it felt normal again and I picked up my pace a but but weird. Lower glute into the IT band insertion ( but I don't feel IT band at all)

45 lb ruck

9 laps

4.5 miles

10,000 steps

1:25 min pace

ten min dog talking

1:45 total time on feet


40 kg swings 25 x 6, 40 kg belt squats 8,10,10, BW lunges 3 x 6/6, pullaparts 3 x 30

 Woke up feeling  great. Even my left glute released and felt normal ( which had me worried). Everything felt square and energy was good.

Even neck right bicep and lat felt normal lol. and by normal I mean 'normal normal' not MY normal which is semi tweaked somewhere

25 sets in 32 min

bw 173

Friday, September 13, 2024

Thursday ruck

 All good except left glute  is tight for some reason. Walked through it but it definitely slowed me down. Got tighter after the  ruck, of course,nothing serious but a pain ( in the ass  ,lol) to have to work out. Since NOT leaning while standing at work everything is in re adjustment mode. Close to square plumb and neutral the better but a realigned process at play

45 lb ruck

6 laps

55 min

3 miles

172.6 bw

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

185 x 1 x 6, 195 x 1 x 6 215-235 static holds, 20 kg swing 5 x 5x5, floor pushups28,28,20

 Slept like shit last night but didn't actually feel too bad and this workout was on fire! Could keep my knees locked and each set moved really really well


The two things that matter most. If my knees flex too much I lose hip drive and the bar goes foward. If I lose the X the bar goes forward

If I lock the knees I don't have to think much about balance OR pausing. It happens

Not trying to push the bar back over my face makes the groove so much more simple

the static holds went great too. Overload and hyperfocus on locking and holding knees as well as staring at the X

BS 172.6

Monday, September 09, 2024

200/205/215 x X x 3 205 x 1 x 3 ,laterals rear delts front raises

 Did the technique I wanted to but it didn't work. Pushing back 'to the slot' so early seemed to cost me balance at the sticking point

but work capacity was good and the three missed grinds at 215 didn't hurt my 205 downsets 

at 205 and up I have to initiate hip drive prior to pushing back I think. Especially with these full pauses

  BW 172.6

Sunday Ruck

 Terrible sleep. Didnt even stretch out as  I needed the extra 1/2 hour of sleep more. Overall the walk wasnt too bad but I crashed the rest of the day with multiple naps and feedings.

45 lb ruck

9 laps

1:30  min

10,026 steps

4.5 miles

Saturday, September 07, 2024

32 kg swings 20 x 10, 32 kg belt squat , 8,10,10 Stick lunges 3 x 6/6, pullaparts 2 x 30

This was the fastest ever with this protocol. Wasn't trying to go fast but could. and when I realized we were I didn't try to slow down either.

30 min for 200 reps. not bad at all

heartate about 130 at the end and probably that for the last 5-7 sets

Took a wider stance and used a more definitive hinge on purpose. My body was been talking to me to try this and I went for it. Resisted the temptation to also go to my lower heel Adidas shoe but was worried it would be too much of a change.

this felt strong

belt squats went well and decided to use the stick in the high  bar squat position for the lunges, working to keep back arch and eyes up for a change

Love it

BW 174

Thursday Hot Ruck

Heat conditioning has peaked I believe. Hottest ruck of  the summer and one of my best Thursdays. Wasn't even conscious of the heat!

Heat tolerance training is as much mental, or more, than physiological. SO nice.

Legs and lungs felt strong

45 lb ruck

6 laps

55 min

3 miles


Wednesday, September 04, 2024

185 x 1 x 12, 225 static holds, 20 kg swings 5x5/5, floor pushups 3 x 27

 This went ok. Nothing wrong specifically but not as 'snappy' as I expected to be.No tweaks but things were just tired. Makes sense, Monday was a ton of work, which I actually made for a change.

didn't take it seriously enough too which is never smart

Technically things went right just not sharp. still good sleep and peace of mind


Monday, September 02, 2024

215 x 1! 210 x1! 205 x 1 x 3, laterals rear delts, rotators rev band pushdowns

 FINALLY!  Everything went according to plan for a change. The lock in works well. 25 % over my 172 bodyweight. Was wondering if I was ever going to get this ( or more) again. Plus a serious dead pause

175 x 1
185 x 1
195 x 1
200 x 1
205 x 1
215 x 1!
210 x 1
205 x 1 x 3

bw 172.2

Sunday ruck

 Strong but slow. Legs pretty work out from the  swings, squats and lunges. Go figure. But it got done and pretty strongly, all things considered

45 lb ruck

8 laps( dog distraction lol )


4 miles

3.2 mph


Sunday ruck

 Slept well and woke up fine. Even slightly cooler today but as soon as I started the ruck ( on the way OVER  to the park) the left glute st...