Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Back to Kono :225 ( almost) 215, 205 x 1 x 6, 20 kg swings pushdowns

 I had a feeling this might work. But I've had that feeling before

But  this time was solid

The idea was this: the only thing I know works is hip drive forward at the start and stay on the X

Starting in that position is not  working and getting into it dynamically has to be perfect

I tried to keep my hips too forward at the start and that made the bar go forward


Oly Shoe
Wide stance
Closer grip, index on start of smooth
Hips forward to get under bar, elbows slightly up
Spot X 
Unrack. Lock knee and stay on X
Kono technique start:
push back, hips forward and press up all SIMULTANEOUSLY

155, 175 and 195 FLEW

205 also flew!

told myself earlier if 205 went I'd do straight to 225 so I did, Just change tho not plates
This was SO close. I see I had didn't lock out enough on unracking but the rest of the technique held and the bar launched!
then 215 SO SOLID

then 6 sets of 205 with just two getting the timing wrong of all three simultaneously but man I was under the rest

then 20 kg swings 5 x 8/8

light pushdowns 3 x 20, 18 15

BW 176.6  !
BF 14.7

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have followed your blog for awhile now .. I was curious though if you could expand on your swing progression? How do you determine the volume & progression scheme? I have a few of the old "Strength Matters" manuals that touch on it a little, but doesn't offer a ton of specifics, thanks!

35 lb ruck Another awesome fast one

  35 lbs 4.65 miles 1:13 min 15:46 ave pace 15:07 last mile THIS feeling, THIS flow state is what it's all about for me 3 miles in 48:29