Wednesday, July 04, 2007


That was all today was; just work. I was more fried than expected from Mondays little 16 kg sprint session and with it almost 100 degrees today I put off plans to try to do the 15 on 15 off snatch protocol with 24 kg swings instead. I am getting smarter, albeit slowly.
But I was dragging ass and literally had to pull myself up by the collar( a figurative one of course) and throw myself in the gym
Luckily Nick was there and that made it easier not to puss out.Plus he is taking up kettlebell training more seriously and joined in for the last 200 swings. Lets just say he has a new found respect for kb training.

One arm swings, 24 kg.

24 kgx5/5/5/5x 13 sets
x10/10/10/10 x 1 set
300 reps
15,900 lbs.

Did the first 100 reps while nick did some light speed squats and then we went 'you go I go' for the next 200. It was toasty in Stones today too. LOTS of sweat. Love to sweat like that, reminds me of training gymnastics in the summer in Miami,lol. Very hard to swing pommell horse when everytime skin touches you stick dead on the horse.Encourages proper technique.
Definitely using a more classic swing form now; arched back, eyes straight ahead, break at the hips and use the legs as shock absorbers.Shoulders, and more importantly my spine, seems to be tolerating it. It seems much more balanced, body wise. better distribution of force. Jumping style.I have been hoping my back would someday be able to tolerate this style and I think now it has. At least with one arm work.

16 kg Snatch Holds
90 sec PR!
75 sec
60 sec each arm

the 90 sec was solid.right arm overhead position getting better and stronger. left is cake.

rack walks 16 kg
200 feet per arm
800 feet total x 2 sets
1600 feet

Wow, this feels hard again!This is the second week back from the cert month and just getting back to my former workloads is no joke. I can do them but I can feel its harder to recover. It will come but I am definitely working my way back.
Next step off a peak is always down. You can either step back or fall off.

But even though stepping back is the right thing it rarely feels good to me.

Knee feels better and the walks reflected that,BUt the upper body is pretty toasty. The shoulder is pretty good though and thats a good sign.Its much more of an even muscle and system fatigue than connective tissue loading.

datsit, gonna stretch it loose.


Franz Snideman said...


Nice job on the 90 sec 16kg snatch holds!


Mark Reifkind said...

thanks man, your clients must love you, you are so positive all the time.the ability to see the positive in the effort,not just the result is a key to being a motivating trainer.

155-200-180 Chin Press! rolling db ext 3x8 with 25s, laterals, rear delts, rev band curls

 This went great! Tried to just go as naturally as I could and not overthink things. Wore elbow sleeves too and that seemed to help 135x1 15...