Saturday, July 21, 2007

Another amazing KB testimonial story

This is from Tim Anderson, RKC Level 2's wife. What an amazing testimonial to the health and strengthening benefits of basic kb training.Check out Tim's blog, too.

From the Blog of Tim Anderson:

We just got back from vacation yesterday and last night my wife decided to write a review on my dragondoor site. This is not something she would normally do. Anyway, she's been through a lot so I thought this was cool...As Tim's wife, I'm biased about his instruction skills; however, I have to write what my kettlebell training experience has done for me, especially since I have a unique health situation. I have a horrible back. I wore back braces for scoliosis during middle school and part of high school. The braces left me very inflexible and weak. Every summer since those braces, I haven't been able to get up on one ski (deep water start) at the lake - my back just couldn't handle the drag, year after year. There were other things I couldn't do, but this one bothered me the most! In my mid twenties, I worked out very regularly at the gym (traditional exercises), and I thought I was in the best shape of my life. For one time one summer, I actually pulled out of the water on a slalom ski - it was so hard to hang on to the rope, but I did it. Then within a 3 year time span, I had two kids, and then became extremely ill - hospitalized for almost a month. I lost half a lung and a section of a rib bone, plus my lat muscle was cut during surgery. At 5'11", I wasted away to 112 lbs. The last two years since my surgery have been a slow climb back up to a normal weight, and I've always considered myself in rehab mode ever since. Now, for the last 6 months, I've been training with kettlebells - swings, snatches, windmills and side presses. My back has felt the most flexible and stable than it has in years, not to mention I've made the best progress rehabbing my surgery site (shoulder and lat area). This past week at the annual lake trip, I decided to try to slalom ski starting in the deep water. I pulled right up on the second try - and it wasn't even that hard to handle the drag! I was on cloud nine! After the surgery I've been through, plus with the loss of so much muscle mass through the healing process, I never really imagined my core and upper body would have the strength that it used to have at what I thought was its prime. I still don't have all of my muscle mass back, but I'm so much more flexible than I've ever been, and I know how to use what muscle I have. I'm thrilled with the results of my kettlebell training!


Unknown said...

Hey - Tim's wife here - he just found your link and showed it to me. As an extra note, I really wish I had gotten over the KB intimidation factor sooner. Tim bought me a 9 lb KB last fall (the handle is bigger than the bell!), but it took me until January to give it a swing. I had been practicing windmills with dumbbells before that, but once I tried the KB, it just felt different. The side presses and windmills were perfect for rehabbing my lat that was cut, but what the swings have done for my lower back is incredible. I started with the 9 lb KB, and now comfortable swing the 18 lb KB - can even do a few snatches with it even on my left side (surgery side). I'm now practicing two handed swings with a 26 lb KB, and I'm working on doing a turkish getup without weights. I love the fact that progress comes so quickly! And I may not look it, but I feel powerful - very cool! Take care- Addie

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks for stopping by and what an amazing story. I too have scoliosis and kbs have had an amazing balancing and stabilizing effect for me!I have a friend who also has a bad case and has had great results with kb training,especially the one arm swing and snatch work.
I think the one arm work is the key for balancing the body.
and you are right, the kb just has a different feel to it-nothing else really swings, and that makes all the difference.
continued good luck and hard training!

Unknown said...

Suffered from scoliosis for over 5 years, started TGU with 9lb KB. An year after that, I'm doing TGU and other one arm drills with 36lb one. I'm making my next goals to 53lb
As you just mentioned, one arm drill is the key to fixing scoliosis and other kinds of imbalance. I found American hard style is better than Russian methods.
Power to you from Korea.

Sunday ruck in the rain

 Wow, quads were sore from the start today! good sore. though it would affect my ruck more but it didn't another fast and strong one! 35...