Monday, July 16, 2007

Max Vo2 Snatch training, couple style

Tracy decided to join me in my Max VO2 snatch workout today and it gave me nightmares last night at the thought of pacing it with her, lol! In reality it didnt turn out badly at all and I got my 40 sets with an honest 15 sec the whole way through. It was actually easier than I expected although I was sweating it til we started.

Max VO2 Snatch
16 kg
15 sec on, 15 sec off
40 sets, 7 reps per set
280 snatches
10080 pounds.
20 minutes exactly.

this is halfway through

this is the last few sets

rack walks
200 feet per arm, 10 sec rest then the other arm
2000 feet.

while not as hard as last week this was still a killer after all those snatches and my arms were the weak link. still havent been up to 2000ft in awhile.

Band Scap pulls
4 sets of 12 reps
red and blue bands

datsit, glad that's over!


Tracy Reifkind said...

It was awesome to work off, and with, the energy of someone you love! Thanks for keeping up, lol, next time 50 sets!

Guarden said...

How do you feel the scap pulls helps you?

Royce said...

KILLER!! That's seriosly cool how ya'll did the you go/she goes format.
280 is a lotta snatches brudda.

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks Honey! :)) I feel the same and thanks for dragging me through!No more nightmares though, lol.

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks royce, i was just telling tracy how cool it was that I could even DO it.

Mark Reifkind said...


they really help stabilize and situate my shoulders,especially for the injured right one.
I do it behind my back ,like the old timers with those strand the triceps well too and really stretches the pecs and front delts/biceps.

Tom Furman said...

How do you feel metabolically this training differs from Tabata? For example Crossfit will do a Tabata series of 3 to 6 exercise to get systemic effect, but shift local fatigue. I smell an article here if you are in the mood.

Mark Reifkind said...


I think this is easier as with tabata you have half the rest time as the work bout. I love this type of training and have done a lot of it. Short work bouts and equal rest bouts do well for me.
I can recover very quickly like this. If you dont give me at least equal work to rest I get high lactate levels and can't recover as fast.
I think with snatches you dont have to shift exercises as it is such a total body thing,yet assymmetrical that it has almost the same effect.
I will go up to 50 sets then wave back down as I ramp up to 8 reps per work bout and then work back up to 50 sets.
Just dont know if I am going to do this once weekly or go back to hi rep swings on alternate weeks. we'll see. having fun though!

Geoff Neupert said...


That's a helluva workload buddy. Nice job.

Is it the camera angle or were you moving into some lumbar flexion both and the initiation of the hip after lockout and at the end-range of the back-stroke? Or is it just abdominal compression? What if you tucked your chin just a little more on the back-stroke? This will allow the pelvis to remain neutral with hip flexion and engage the glutes and hams more by allowing for a little more knee flexion...Follow my drift?

Whatever the case, you won't catch me doing that protocol any time soon!

Mark Reifkind said...


its is abdominal compression which does lead to a bit of flexion- that has been my problem for years- although it is better than ever and the single kb is particularily easy on it.
it's all those years of DEEP flexion from gymnastics whenever I went to stabilize the core.nasty but getting better. I have some semblance of an arch.
as far as dropping my chin more I could definitely try but it seems I already look down's the natural way for me though.
I do have to stay away from more knee flexion- that's why Ive tried with tracys shock absorbtion analogy, but when I overload a squat pattern it always messes up my back.
doing the swing/snatch as a true pulling pattern seems to work the best for me.
I love the light and fast aspect of this though.

Mark Reifkind said...

I see what you mean about the chin geoff, I will definitely tuck it in more on the downswing if I can.

Guarden said...

great, thanks.
I will try them :-D

Geoff Neupert said...

Actually, on second-thought, Rif, it's more like chin in, or back, like your at attention in the military.

Guarden said...

Mark. You talked about your shoulder mobility.
Don't you mean that it is your flexion-mobility, and not the extension mobility in the right shoulder that bother??
My problem is en the extension-phase...

Mark Reifkind said...


both. The overhead flexion is limited by the original injury but I have noticed the lack of rear extension as well.
as I increase the extension it seems to increase the flexion as well.

Guarden said...

aaah. ok
I will see to the filming.
maybe tomorrow.

Aaron Friday said...

Awesome tag-team workout, Rifs! Show those bells whose boss.

155-200-180 Chin Press! rolling db ext 3x8 with 25s, laterals, rear delts, rev band curls

 This went great! Tried to just go as naturally as I could and not overthink things. Wore elbow sleeves too and that seemed to help 135x1 15...