Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Throw and go.

This is how you learn new gymnastics tricks. Man I would have KILLED to have access to a pit like this back in the day.


Royce said...

Hell man that just looks FUN!

Royce said...

Seriously I kinda lurched when I saw him launch, like he was gunna faceplant. Then he hit the pit I was like ME NEXT!!
Cool cool cool.

leslie said...

This looks like my son's gym. He's still going strong, and I have him read your writings about gymnastics -- he loves seeing your perspective.

Doubledouble13 said...

I just discovered this blog a couple of weeks ago and I really enjoy reading it. As a kid, I thought pits were a blast but when I was using a pit as an adult, I found it uncomfortable and somewhat dangerous (heavier bodies sink to the bottom much faster). But for kids it's just awesome. I'm looking forward to reading more gymnastics related items on your blog.

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks leslie. hoep your son enjoys my ramblings.I will always have a very very special place in my heart for gymnastics.My first true athletic love.

Mark Reifkind said...

glad you stopped by.I really didnt learn gymnastics in many ways til I went to Iowa and spent 45 mintue each day before practice bouncing tramp and playing add on. That when I really learned how to flip.Still miss it. Maybe again some day my spine could take it, lol.

Sunday ruck in the rain

 Wow, quads were sore from the start today! good sore. though it would affect my ruck more but it didn't another fast and strong one! 35...