Sunday, July 01, 2007

Ok now this is some serious stability.

Dr Mark Cheng, RKC Lvl 2 taking the TGU to a new level.


Christine said...

That's insane, I can't believe that! The bell didn't even twitch!

Pete said...

Very cool! Something new to attempt. That is some crazy tension.

Unknown said...

Okay, i'm going to have to try that. Tell my wife i love her.

Royce said...

i can't do it with an 18 :-(

Unknown said...

Remember, folks. A good dental plan and a Thai-style steel groin cup are absolute musts! :)

BJ Bliffert said...

Very nice. I may have to stick that vid on my blog for the people in classes.

Even though I have the Windy Steel Cup, I don't think I'll attempt it just yet.


Franz Snideman said...

I've tried it. Very difficult. There comes a point if you lift too heavy of a weight it just gets silly. But doing it with medium weights is a nice variation!

Jim Ryan said...

WOW! I am very impressed Dr. Mark!

Thanks for the inspiration! Something new to shoot for.

Unknown said...

Tim, tell your wife to make sure the kids don't come running by when you're trying it. I was glad that one of the girls was holding my son at the time when they filmed it.

Royce, if you're trying it with the old rubberized 18lb bells with the skinny grip, that might be why. Try a 26 lb bell and crush the dookie out of the grip & see what happens.

BJ, don't forget the full cage headgear along with the Windy cup & feel free to put my vid on your blog. That's a quite a flattering thought. Courtney sends her love to Kori.

Dr. Ryan, thanks for the kind words & encouragement, but the idea for this b/u TGU wasn't mine. Someone, perhaps Rif, was giving a presentation at the April 2007 RKC I was attending as an assistant. I just heard the words "doing the Turkish Get-Up with a bottom-up grip" and I dove onto the nearest 16kg bell to try it. :)

Sunday ruck in the rain

 Wow, quads were sore from the start today! good sore. though it would affect my ruck more but it didn't another fast and strong one! 35...