After sleeping on it I realized my post yesterday was a bit convoluted. Since I wont be doing any real "max effort" days ala wsb max weight or max reps days I have to organize it a bit better.
Mondays will be the max effort day equivilant and therefore should NOT be timed rests but low reps with max force output per rep, lower total volume. Sets of 5-10 in the high pull will do fine but I should go when I am ready to. Yesterday was no problem cv wise but that is not the point. I should let myself recover so I have more to put into each set.
Mondays will be the max effort day equivilant and therefore should NOT be timed rests but low reps with max force output per rep, lower total volume. Sets of 5-10 in the high pull will do fine but I should go when I am ready to. Yesterday was no problem cv wise but that is not the point. I should let myself recover so I have more to put into each set.
I could also alternate the exercises on this day as well as you would on a "real" ME day. One possible schedule would be
week one : two hand hi pulls
two: cleans
three: two hand low swings
four: one arm high pulls
this would not be a true me day but my "heavy day"
Wednesdays will be "dynamic effort" day, or speed day as I always called it, and here is where the submax weight(20 kg or 16 kg with bands) will come into play, as well as the short rest intervals. this will increase total tension and workload without having to do longer sets.emphais will be on perfect swing form and max force output. IN reality in wsb template all days are max force days, some days just have sub max weight and some days have max weights. to lift the most one must concentrate on the ability to produce as much force as possible as well as building work capacity to allow for more than one max force attempt( this is more applicable to pl'ing than my situtation but hey, cant hurt).
Saturdays will be my major deviation from the wsb scheme as I will practice with the comp form and the comp weight. not sure yet how I will organize the rep schemes as I'm not sure of my goal with the snatch;other than trying to perfect the movement and the power I can produce with it. I know I won't allow myself to go up in weight so I will have to devise a plan, which will probably revolve around total volume of reps within a time frame. we'll see.
Wednesdays will be "dynamic effort" day, or speed day as I always called it, and here is where the submax weight(20 kg or 16 kg with bands) will come into play, as well as the short rest intervals. this will increase total tension and workload without having to do longer sets.emphais will be on perfect swing form and max force output. IN reality in wsb template all days are max force days, some days just have sub max weight and some days have max weights. to lift the most one must concentrate on the ability to produce as much force as possible as well as building work capacity to allow for more than one max force attempt( this is more applicable to pl'ing than my situtation but hey, cant hurt).
Saturdays will be my major deviation from the wsb scheme as I will practice with the comp form and the comp weight. not sure yet how I will organize the rep schemes as I'm not sure of my goal with the snatch;other than trying to perfect the movement and the power I can produce with it. I know I won't allow myself to go up in weight so I will have to devise a plan, which will probably revolve around total volume of reps within a time frame. we'll see.
ANother way to view it could be this:
Saturday= Max effort day with Comp lift( snatch) and comp weights focusing on total volume of lifts done( the goal) and not on time it takes.Pretty much what I have been doing. this will also provide GPP.
Wednesday: Dynamic effort day with one arm swings with sub max weight and reps and timed rest intervals.
still leaves the question of what to do ( and call) Monday.If I could press it would make things so much easier.
this is how I get into trouble, lol. I think too much.
Personal opinions aside, consider the template in this post.
I like the template except that i cannot go heavier on the snatch than the 53 and have to find a way to improve the reps on that without doing long slow low intensity sets.
THis is a bastardized wsb template that is very individualized for myself and my many physical limitations and requirement. ]
great post and ideas btw.
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