Wednesday, December 13, 2006

My shoulder is BACK! First chins in years.

After working on this for the last 2 years I have succeeded in getting my shoulder to fully supinate so that I can now fully hang from the chin bar and even do chin ups again! This is a huge,huge thing for me and coincides with my shoulder finally fully settling in the socket in neutral again.

It also gets me out of the incredible constant pain I've had in my rotator cuff,shoulder, bicep,neck and AC joint I've had for what seems like forever. I knew that being able to fully supinate the arm and get the teres completely stretched out would be key but I didnt think it would unravel things like it has.

This has taken forever but it is definitely worth it.It makes sense,though, from my developmental theory standpoint, as I spent SO much time swinging around the hi bar with my palms fully supinated and arms externally rotated.Undergrip giants. many many many undergrip giants.Not having that ROM killed me.THe more I restore the ROM I had when I started training the better my body feels. Close stances, piked stretches, stretched hamstrings,close overhead postitions.

Everything except spinal flexion, that kills me.THat is where the KB extension saves the day, and my back.It is the perfect antidote to my gymnastic induced flexion injuries.But I have to maintain alot more ROM and muscle flexiblity than I have and today proves that even more.

BUt I also had to do my one arm swing (instead of the one arm hi pull) experiment today and that went well also.

10 minute very hot bath( passive warmup, this is working like a charm: 10 minutes)

Straight arm one arm swings

x18/18 in 10 minutes
x20/20 in 12 minutes 196 reps

this was so different from the hi pull it took me awhile to get my groove. Did the warmups in my Nikes thinking that would be good as I am barefoot on rubber covered plywood but I didnt like it at all. Messed up my root so I kicked them.

10/10/5/5= 100 reps

total reps =306 in 24 minutes 13,464 lbs

as usual it took me a couple hundred reps to warmup and the second group felt much stronger!form was superior and force was higher.go figure. This is definitely the assistance exercise for the straight arm snatch technique. I have a lot of work to do to master this though, so much differnt than the pull style of snatch.

Way easier on the shoulder though as well as my biceps.Connect the arm to the body. Brett Jones style "an arm disconnected from the body will be punished!" I love that quote and use it all the time.It puts all the emphasis on the hip snap to propel the bell, as it should be, and NOT the arm.Need to take more warmups though.

Rack walks with 24 kg
100 foot per arm/ 200 feet laps x 4= 800 feet.

this was tough.havent done it with the 24 in a long time.knee was good and the nikes work very well. gait feels best it has in eons. hammie and calf are staying open very well.

Jumping Chins off Bosu

strangely enough I just kind of went to this rather than really testing the shoulder in a hang only position. I put the bosu under the bar to help me slowly lower into the full hang and then I had the idea of crossfit style jumping chins. Since I dont jump ever with my knee the bosu seemed like a safer idea. It went GREAT!!!!!
I had no trouble getting all the way into the hang( not perfect but 85%) with no pain and the whole movement seemed "right" to do.Then, after each set I just hung from the bar to see if I could do that and it felt great!

I am seriously excited by this! Also, some very interesting things happened to my thoracic extensors in this supinated chin up position. This has very good possiblities. I got my thoracic extension then I have had in years. I could be very sore tomorrow but I dont think injured. Of course time will tell.

BW 161.4
BF 8.8%
water 60.7%

SO this is the schedule and the focus of each day and movement:

Saturdays: competition movement( snatch) and comp weight(24 kg), medium volume.

Mondays: heavy overload movement(28 04 32 kg), max force low volume

Wednesday: assistance movement , speed work, highest volume.

gait worked on monday and wednesday.

datsit,staying looser!


Joe Sarti said...

Congrats Rif, persistence and a thirst for learning lead to great things and you are a true testament to this.

Nice Plan, look forward to reading more about your progression

Also, thanks for your support ;-)

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks joe, hope the plan will work out. its been a long time coming where I could think I could recover from all this but i think its time.

and you hang in there

Marko Suomi said...

Happy to hear that about your shoulder! Great!

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks Marko, it feels weird, almost, NOT having the shoulder pain and lack of ROM. Not quite used to it yet,lol!

Franz Snideman said...

Congrat's on the shoulder!

A true testimonial to your diligence and training commitment!

Keep it rocking brother Rif!

Mark Reifkind said...

yes sir, it took a long time but I figured it out. same with my psoas and my back, my lateral hamstring and posteriror tib and my knee and now the teres major and my shoulder.
I've actually had days now of no pain and its truly strange!LOL>

145-205-185 side and rear delts,band pushdowns, reverse band curls

 This went ok but actually thought it would go better. I thought I should be able to 1) stick at least one 205 and get two. I missed a bunch...