Chek advocates that training progresses in this order
1) flexibility( both joints and muscle length)
2) stability
3) strength
4) endurance
5) power
I have used this metric for many years for my clients and myself with great success but I think it time I adapted it a bit:
1) flexibility/mobility
2) stability
3) basic endurance
4) strength
5) strength endurance
6) power
I think once the joint is mobile and stable than, as McGill suggests basic endurance of that stable position is important as a base for strength training. Then strengh THEN strength endurance. Then power training can come into play safely.
I would agree Rif. Strength Endurance is really important and with my back injuries I am even more of a believer.
Stability for the hip/lumbo pelvic area is essential as well. Lumbar mobility in my oppinion is over rated. People need more spinal stiffness in their lumbar spine,not more mobility. Alot of people, icluding myself, have segments that are way too mobile.
nice post!
Rif, nice post. I agree wholeheartedly about the Strength-endurance. That's one of the beautiful things about the RKC system--it naturally progresses to that training foci. (big word, I know.)
Franz, most people are TOO STABLE in their hips and pelvis and therefore have TOO MUCH lumbar mobility. Increase thoracic, hip, and pelvic mobility, and you'll reduce/normalize lumbar mobility. Then you can work on spinal stiffness for the lumbar spine.
that is right on Geoff. Couldn't agree with you more. The key is having mobility in your hips and t- spine.
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