Wednesday, July 24, 2024

16 kg swings 20 x 10/10, Walkout press 155 x 1 x 6, reverse grip pushdowns

 Well this workout tested my heat training, conditioning and mental strength. About 95 in the garage today and we blew through 400 reps with no problem

Surprised and happy that my conditioning for  this new level of work transferred so well so quickly especially in the heat. haven't done more than 10 reps in forever and that's been only once a month too

Says a lot, too, for the carryover from AXE style training

16 kg swings

20 x 10/10

30 min - 

totally drenched in sweat and onto press

155 x 1 x 6  main key here is locked knees as I walkout. Just like the squat these felt very good just need to progress slowly for my knees hips and back sake


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195 x 1 x 13, 225 static holds 3 x 4 sec, 20 kg swings 5 x 5/5, floor pushups 2 x 30

 I was tired and sore from Monday so it took extra long to warmup and get dynamic. On days like this I SHOULD go lighter  for the first 4-5 ...