Wednesday, July 31, 2024

175-205-195 press pyramid, 20 kg swings 5 x 5/5, rev band pushdowns

 I chose the simplest technique that I've used to press 225

Lock knees
Push to face

the pushing bar to face is more important than anything

I felt really good on the warmups too

175 x 1
185 x 1
190 x 1
195 x 1
205 x 1
195 x 1 x 5 ( missed one out in front)


Monday, July 29, 2024

175-200-185 presses ( walkout) laterals, rear delts and rev grip pushdowns

 This went fine and these felt relatively fine but I'm not sure I'm going to train it. Feels vulnerable a\ with the wide stance and the hips pushed so far forward. Not a lot of margin for error it seems. and that is with just 185-200

175 x 1
185 x 1
190 x 1
195 x  out in front
195 x 1
200 x 1 ( hard )
195 x 1
185 x 1 x 5


Sunday Ruck

 It cooled off quite nicely so it was a much more enjoyable ruck. Hard enough but easier to go hard when you're not baking in a sauna at the same time

Decent time too which would have been 10 min faster if I didn't stop to chat with the Husky's lol. But it was worth it

45 lb ruck

9 laps

10,000 steps

4.5 miles

ave speed 3.2

Leg glute ham tie in tight during the mid of the ruck so i went slower at first then realized a slightly longer stride would be better. Stretched out towards the end

combo of belt squats 5 rep pistol and 44 kg swings worked it


Saturday, July 27, 2024

44 kg swings 25 x 5, 36 kg belt squats, pistol practice, pullaparts

 This went better than expected. Was a bit nervous about a few things, my trigger thumb,my right shoulder , my neck tightness to name a few

But been taking alleve for a few days and it's helping. forgot how much nsaids actually do work. Won't maintain too long but at this point the pain is worse for me than the meds

Swings actually felt strong but I needed to really concentrate on all the technical parts and not just expect it to be there, as I have been doing

Surprising too how well AXE style training seems to work. Kinda the best part of both worlds

Heavy and low reps and no timed rest actually building decent mvo2 endurance

Wanted to test out belt squats again and see if the left vmo would not tweak and it was fine

36 kg 3 x 8

pistol practice 3 x 5/5

pullaparts 3 x 30


11.9 (  bath)

Friday, July 26, 2024

Hottest ruck yet

 Definitely the  hottest ruck yet this summer.

I could have gone at 9 instead but wanted to test myself in the heat. It was a solid performance, especially mentally

Not going to say it wasn't hard but it wasn't horrible

45 lbs

6 laps

56 min !

85 + degrees, no breeze, no clouds almost no shade


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

16 kg swings 20 x 10/10, Walkout press 155 x 1 x 6, reverse grip pushdowns

 Well this workout tested my heat training, conditioning and mental strength. About 95 in the garage today and we blew through 400 reps with no problem

Surprised and happy that my conditioning for  this new level of work transferred so well so quickly especially in the heat. haven't done more than 10 reps in forever and that's been only once a month too

Says a lot, too, for the carryover from AXE style training

16 kg swings

20 x 10/10

30 min - 

totally drenched in sweat and onto press

155 x 1 x 6  main key here is locked knees as I walkout. Just like the squat these felt very good just need to progress slowly for my knees hips and back sake


Monday, July 22, 2024

Well that didn't last long. Walk out press

 Decided to see if walking out the press as I have in the past would help me find the trigger.My legs have definitely gotten weaker under the bar of late and I'm sure that has been part of my press problem

I think this mono lift  press helps in the short run but not in the long

Walking it out is like cleaning it before pressing I think; it help creates tightness

BUT I haven't walked anything out in 5 years so I have to go slow

155 x 1
175 x 1
180 x 1 x 6

this also lets me set up with a wider stance which I can definitely feels helps. My older videos show the same thing. I think this definitely helps with the layback arch

clubbell arm cast
15 x 8/8
20  x 8/8  x 4

this was harder than expected. didn't push tho

laterals/rear delts 15s

rev band pushdown  3 x 15 love these


will still do light  swings first on wed then some very light presses for walkout  form 

Sunday Ruck

 Decent one. Not too hot and slept pretty  well. 

45 lb ruck

9 laps

10,000 steps

1:30 ( including dog talk)

legs and lungs feeling pretty  good


Sunday, July 21, 2024

40 kg swings 25 x 6, pistol practice, pullaparts

 Shoulder still a bit tight wake up but releasing the teres and pec minor do the job, just not sticking that well

strong workout though once I got warmed up and realized the shoulder would hold

then straight to pistol practice


Friday, July 19, 2024

Thursday hot ruck

 Mentally I was really into it. taking out press and re focusing on endurance work shifted things. I had no problem accepting the heat even though  ( again) I was running on little sleep (  the other dog this time)

Not  great speed but the mental focus was everything. Not having to think about keeping my calories and my weight up is great too. definitely would like to be a bunch leaner and eat less overall

45 lb ruck

6 laps ( cut a but short to avoid a crazy guy)

56 min

6901 steps

3.2 mph

83 degrees and cloudless

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Taking the presses out.

 Decided to stop pressing. It's been weighing on me for awhile. I'm tired of trying to figure this out and have been dreading my workouts. Plus I've started accumulating body tweaks from always changing techniques and I don't want to go back to being in pain because I'm chasing some number.

My body has changed these last six months and my stress levels since Oct 7  have been super high.Too high, it seems, to accommodate this level of max efforts

Did light  swings today and it was nice. Light  weight hard effort, lots of sweat in a low skill drill

Just a fucking workout for a change, not a performance and technical test

16 kg  swings 18 sets of 10/10

360 reps

12,960 lbs

floor pushups  3 x 20

taking this easy, shoulders are still achey and pecs too tight

Clubbell casts 15 lbs 3 x 8/8

bodyweight squats  3 x  20

datsit. Feel very good about the decision. back to focus on work capacity, strength  endurance and power training


Monday, July 15, 2024

Pin Press first heavy session

 This went ok, despite my right shoulder being fooked til this morning.. Thought it was the pec but the real source was the teres major ( brought on I think from the kb presses). Once I got that relieved the  shoulder felt good

The presses were solid, the key component is how far in front are my feet for the setup and how wide? I need to basically lock out the  knees and hips while under the bar and drive through them to initiate the press from a dead stop

I even experimented with my GoRuck boots for a few sets thinking flatter would be better but it wasn't. Fell backwards

but overall good promise

135 x 1
155 x 1
175 x 1
185 x 1
195 x 1
200 x 1
205 x 1 ( poor lockout)
210 x 1 (balance)
190 x 1 x 5

rear delts
floor pushups 2 x 20
rev grip band pushdowns 2 x 15


Sunday, July 14, 2024

More bicep tendon issues, 32 kg swings 20 x 10

 Woke up with right bicep tendon not right and sure enough  shoulder felt wonky in the swings. But this time around set15 I felt some tearing sound as I started the first reps after the hike pass! Not bad but not good. No bleeding or gap ( felt like scar tissue) but it was tight all day

Didn't open up til this morning when I really got on the  teres major go figure. then it released across the board. But this one had me scared. MORE body maintenance needed it seems

goblet squats didnt feel good so I went to two hand supported pistols: two up one down and on both side for change. felt great

body weight squats / TKE's 4 sets of 15 each

pullaparts 3 x 30


11.9 ( bath)

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Fast hot ruck

 Got to get out early today and glad I did. A really strong, fast ruck in moderate heat (  80's) but I sweated like a pig. The only real problem actually was tons of sweat in my eyes constantly but a very fast time!

52 min for 3 miles!

17:20 average per mile. really happy with this

45 lb 

6 laps

6952 steps

3 miles

52 min

3.7 top speed

31.5 top stride length!

175 x 1 x 4, 185 x 1x 4, 190 x 1 x 4, kb press 24 kg x 5 x 3, Pin Press 135-185 x 1 x 4

 This started weak and ended strong. My arch ability seems to have changed as I'm having all kinds of trouble getting into it no matter what I do and I end up too vertical and the bar out in front

I tried to fall back and press hands and hips and just soso.

Kb presses were strong but they don't solve the problem

I was ready to call it a day when I decided to see if I could press from the pins at all and it worked great! Tried to set up just  like the bench and it worked good. Can really set the base

We'll see how it works heavy on Monday  but I'm hopeful. Put the pin up on inch

these are the work sets


Monday, July 08, 2024

205 x 1 x 7, 195 x 1 x 4, wt pushups 3 x 6, laterals rear delts

 Back to false grip, chest up on X setup, layback and shove technique

My shoulders feel better already. have to get the timing of the reversal into the press motion at the end of the layback right but basically  this seems better. More triceps lats and pecs in it not just delts

nothing great but 6 of 7 decent reps with 205 is nothing to sneeze at either

Sunday, July 07, 2024

Hard hot ruck

 Wouldn't have been so bad except another bad nights sleep( still dog stuff). Got 8 laps done  before I packed it in

No sleep and neck/head ache from the poor sleep

What I did do went fast but just didn't want to push more

45 lb ruck

8 laps

9238 steps

1:25 min ( including dog time)

top speed 3.4 mph


12.3% no bath! where'd that come from?

Saturday, July 06, 2024

48 kg swings 25 x 5, 24 kg goblet x 2 x 4, supported pistol 3 x 4, pullaparts 3 x 30

 Slept great last night and not a moment too soon. I think it was 4 bad nights of sleep. I got a great nap AND a solid 7+ hours.What a difference it makes. I could think again

Still took a bunch of sets to fight the groove. the 48 is just that much difference in leverage needs than the 44 and I have to sit back to counterbalance just that much more

You cant take any reps or part of the rep, for granted. I will eat you

all 20 in sets in less than 30 min without trying, pretty much just us going in I go you go fashion with three guys. getting in shape perhaps. Never thought that this AXE style training would give me that but it seems to be the case

Goblets went well too and depth was solid

Friday, July 05, 2024

Real Heat Ruck

 Even though I got started at 11 instead of 12 noon it was 90 degrees and cloudless with no wind

Also still going on little sleep thanks to Ronin's fear of fans and this incessant heat

BUT it was good. Strong even. No  mental issues and steady pace throughout

45 lbs

6 laps

3 miles

54 minutes!

top speed 3.4 mph

BW 171.4  not sure if this helps but there it is

TONS of sweat but no issues

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

205 , 210( ugly) 215 x 7/8 217.5 x miss,205 x 1( 3 misses) , 16,20,24,28 32 kg KB press! Floor pushups

 Super hot ( 100+ day and night) day, freaked out dog, no slee, 172 lbs and no fucking groove

This is beyond getting old it is old. and boring

I might just do 205 for a bunch of singles on mondays and 24 kg presses on wednesday. not really sure right now

Monday, July 01, 2024

179 x 1 x 10, db laterals rear delts 3 x 8 20 lbs db curls 3 x 8 15's

 Very very solid workout. Missed the 9th  rep out in front but other than that all reps virtually identical

I DID let my shoulders internally rotate at the top, it worked well just have to be careful not to TRY to do it, just let it happen

what I have to try to do IS push the bar back as much as possible and stay on the X

Elbows UP

Lock in

Push back/ drive hips

It will change at 205 so have to get ready for it


175 x 1 x 5, 185 x 1 x 5 ( layback style) 16 kg five mine 15:15 swing test 100 reps

 This took a few warmup sets ( and almost tweaking my tricep again with  95!) but I think it went well over I just have to 'THINK RIGHT...