Wednesday, January 31, 2024

155 x 5x5 175 x 1 185 x 1 195 x 1, 20 kg swings 5 x8/8 floor pushups 35, 31

 This was a good idea but I discovered somethings. If I hit the eccentric groove wrong on even a light weight my left should can shift. I haven't had that in months ( since I did reps last) and I don't like it

Doesnt happen with singles

Two, the reps allow me to stay more upright but heavier weights ( as I found out with even 185 and 195) require a much deeper backbend with the reps don't prepare me for. this is why it never converted before

The load the bow technique seems the right one but very hard to master 

 BW 175.0

Monday, January 29, 2024

205 x 1 x 10 (PR) laterals, rear delts, wt pushups

This actually didn't go anywhere near as strong as I thought it would! 135 felt heavy. Ack No real reason for it but it doesn't need a reason now does it?

My focus today was driving the bar back to my face as I was driving the head back

The bar went back but my head not enough the first four sets!

Then it got better but then I was tired.

The reps weren't fast but I got them out

135 x 1 x 2
155 x 1
175 x 1 x 2 
195 x 1 x 2
205 x 1 x 10 (  missed two out in front as well)
180 x 1 x 1 tired now

 weight at noon

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Solid Ruck

 A bit dehydrated this morning and legs and hips feeling yesterdays big workload but steady pace the whole way

45 lbs ruck

9 laps

4.5 miles

1:25 min

18.53 min miles rest included

40 kg swings 25 x 6, 40 kg belt squats 3 x 10 pistol practice 3 x 5, pullaparts 3 x 30

This went great despite restless sleep. Fast pace do, basically I go you go with Nick

Really happy with bell speed, height, power and technique



Thursday, January 25, 2024

Fast Ruck

 This might be an overall PR. It definitely is a recent one. Three miles in 51:44 or 7:15 min miles!

What the record is or not this was a great, strong ruck. Got started at 8 as I had a cancellation and what a difference! Also getting great sleep last night after two nights bad up with Walker helped tremendously too

45 lb ruck

6 laps



Wednesday, January 24, 2024

175/185/190/195 x 1 x 3 each, 20 kg swings 5 x 8/8, pushups 35 30

 This went pretty damn near perfectly. Everything felt very solid and correct despite not getting great sleep last night

Just being able to stand up STRAIGHT at the start looking forwards instead of up is such a relief! No balance problems. Then being able to throw my head to 'pull the trigger' from a static start is so natural.

The only mistake I made was not pushing the bar back towards my face enough, that's why  a lot  of the reps slowed. Didn't go forwards but up too much

body weight at 12:30  175.4!
                                      10.2 after bath

Monday, January 22, 2024

215 x 1, 220 x miss x 2, 205 x 1 x 3, 180 x 1 x 3 db side and rear delts

 Well this didnt work either. AND I got into the exact position I wanted but could not generate any speed. Same problem as load the bow: with my hips already  forward there's scant momentum to be had by driving them more foward

Driving from the hands first pushes the bar out in front and laying back first didn't go well either

Last try was with 180: starting upright and looking forward then arching back dynamically to start the press

It seems to have promise but everything else has too

This technique seems like it will be easy to get a locked knee start. that soft knee is killing me



Sunday, January 21, 2024

Fast ruck

 A really good one today.Fast and strong from the start

Didn't sleep that well but everything was good to go immediately

45 lb ruck

3 laps in 24 min

6 laps (  3 miles) in 54 min

9 laps 4.5 in 80 min

17.46 min miles average

No dog interruptions and no looking at phone lol



Saturday, January 20, 2024

32 kg x 10 x 20, 32 kg belt squats 3 x 10paused, pullaparts, kickstand squats

  A really good, strong day. All anxiety, heart stuff has subsided and I actually slept well

Also been thinking a lot about my Mvo2 levels so I decided to push the pace today in the volume part of the cycle and go a bit faster between sets

HR peaked each set at 150 BPM and next set started at 100 BPM, Not too bad but it's hard to remember doing this whole workout (strength matters swing test) in ten minutes, not the 28 it took me today

But it was good to feel strong

then belt squats with pauses and some kickstand squats 3  x 5/5

pullaparts 3 x 30



Thursday, January 18, 2024

thursday ruck

 Fast one too. Not great sleep but felt fine when it was time to go out the door

45 lbs

6 laps

55 min

short rest pauses but negative splits. cool and overcast just perfect


Wednesday, January 17, 2024

185 x 1 x 5 190 x 1 x 6, 20 kg swings 5 x 8/8, floor pushups 2 x 32

 This went very well. Had an early cancel and got to start at 7 am I was a bit nervous about changing the time but it went perfectly

My shoulder was definitely cranky from the wrapped thumb work so I went back to false grip

I also realized the first big key/problem is not getting my chest up and arched to I made that the priority instead of the the hips in front

Then I knew I had to  get my knees locked or nothing else mattered. So I focused on that second

Then, how to start? How get speed? It didn't turn out to be so hard but I soon realized I have to re drive the hips at the sticking point or the bar goes forward

SO that's the cues

1) Chest up

2) Lock knees

3) Drive 

4) Hips

The false grip seems to work best with this high arch/bench press type setup. the wrapped thumbs,increasing my shoulder activation seems to encourage me to stay too upright

20 kg swing 5 x 8/8

pushups 32  x 2 sets


Monday, January 15, 2024

220 x 1(36th) 215 x 1, 205 x 1 x 4 laterals rear delts wt pushups

 Solid day. Still can't seem to lock knees enough and it's getting sloppy but I'm getting the chest position right and have leverage which is everything

Going to  really over focus on the knees on Wednesday

Light bodyweight today so happy with my strength

195 x 1
205 x 1 too vertical
215 x 1 decent but no hold
220 x 1 not great but I'll count it
215 x miss way out in front
215 x miss ( just rushing)
215 x 1!
205 x 1 x 4 the best of the day

laterals rear delts 20's x 8s
wt pushups ( wrapped thumb) 53 x 8 x 3


Sunday, January 14, 2024

Sunday ruck

 Decent as well. Better sleep ( no panic attacks ) but really could've slept in. Got a late start and barely any stretchout.  Only did 8 laps as my back was starting to get tight.

Slow pace but felt good and it got done

45 lb ruck

8  laps

4.5 miles




48 kg swings 20 x 5, 48 kg belt squats 3 x 10, one leg squats 3 x 8, pullaparts 3 x 30

 Pretty decent after two days worried about my heart ( looks to  be anxiety/panic attacks- no afib) but not very restful plus low appetite

decently strong but nothing special



Saturday, January 13, 2024

Thursday Ruck

 Decent one. Full six laps, three miles with solid pace throughout

All systems working fine

45 lb

3 miles

55 min


Wednesday, January 10, 2024

185 x 1 x 12, 20 kg transfers floor pushups

 Bad night, Either panic attack or anxiety or afib but I got almost no sleep. came on out of the blue and my heart just didn't feel right. Normal pulse and no other afib or heart attack symptoms but definitely not right

I had panic attacks before and this felt like this but not fun

Still not right but still normal pulse, etc

Training actually made it feel better but no sleep no supplements and hardly any coffee

 New technique seems to work well

Wrapped thumbs old innov8 shoes and slightly closer stance


Elbows up
Chest up
Hand and hips

20 kg transfers 4 x 15

floor pushups 35, 25



Monday, January 08, 2024

220 x 3/4 x 2 + 1 miss, 205 x 1 x 4 + 2 misses, laterals rear delts wt pushups

 Did everything that I tried to do right but just not in the slot. Hips were in front but I seemed too vertical at the sticking point

Went from 195 to 210 ( not bad but not fast) then 220 x 3/4  twice then a miss all out

Even the 205 down sets didn't feel good

thinking of going back to the Innov8 shoes again and wrapping my thumb. Lets see if a a change works

also back to 205 215 then two plates. 

Sunday ruck

 Good one and COLD one, 36 degrees and didn't wear gloves. Next time for sure lol. arms too a long time to defrost

Solid pace though, legs felt great right  from the start. Loose and fast.

Most kept to 8:30 half miles throughout with short rest pauses

45 lb ruck

9 laps



Saturday, January 06, 2024

44 kg One arm swings 25 x 5, 44 kg belt squat 3 x 10,single left leg box squat 2 x 8

 Did not sleep well and I was a bit light too

Didn't feel bad just didn't feel strong. All said it went well

belt squats were solid and added in 2 sets with the single leg squat. Time to raise the box now



Thursday ruck

 Decent one. went the full three miles with decent speed and endurance. even a decent mind set

45 lb ruck

3 miles/6 laps

55 min


Wednesday, January 03, 2024

190 x 1 x 10, 20 kg transfers 5 x 16, pushups 2 x 30

 If I can just do this exact technique with 225 it will a done deal every time



Lock in ( with hips forward)


Medium stance with bar directly over arch of foot. Swing the hips under, then the elbows, lock in a go!


floor pushups


Monday, January 01, 2024

Sunday Ruck

 Not bad not bad at all

45lb ruck

9 laps


3.4 MPH ave

legs lungs and rhythm good too

220 x 1 x 2 ( 3rd time doing this) 220 x X, 210 x 1 x 2, 210 x X, laterals rear delts, wt pushups

 Really can't complain; I made 220 for two decent singles and a close miss at the third try but as usual, when I fix one thing I forget another!

This time I didn't have my feet out too far in front of me OR too wide BUT I didn't get the hips out in front of me enough on the set up and I was too vertical and I dropped back as I didn't have the front counterbalance

I knew something was off but couldn't tell what

The good new is that 1) I'm strong and 2) even though the setup wasn't perfect I still made the reps

I could tell it wasn't right even at 155

Next week I'll go

195 210 220

I needed the 205 to 215 jump but it did drain me a bit,but mainly cause the technique was off

Here's the perfect setup I did last week with 190

and here's today's 205 warmup
the difference is so obvious. 
Ah next week I'll repeat and get a three times ALL time PR

Hips in front
Lock knees

laterals rear delts wt pushups


175 x 1 x 5, 185 x 1 x 5 ( layback style) 16 kg five mine 15:15 swing test 100 reps

 This took a few warmup sets ( and almost tweaking my tricep again with  95!) but I think it went well over I just have to 'THINK RIGHT...