Wednesday, May 31, 2023

205 x 1 x 10, 20 kg swings 5 x 8/8, light pushdowns 3 x 15

 This felt really solid alhough 3 reps or so were out in front as I pushed myself away from the bar instead of falling back then pushing

This seems to be a key point. Once I lock in I have to fall away from the bar ( at least mentally) before I push up. The issue is I also have to maintain hand and arm tension in the rack.

I was a bit 'flat' today from mondays work and it took 4 or so sets to loosen up and feel the groove

Warmups up to 195 went great. First set with 205 was ok but not explosive

Third and fifth sets were great. fourth  a little wonky

then 6 a bit slow, 7 and 8 were great

9 was slow but 10 was one of the best of all. Have to keep my elbows higher







20 kg swings 5 x 8/8 fast!

light pushdowns 3 x 15

4 am 
BW 176.0
BF 14.1

12 noon
BW 176.8!
BF 10.9 !!! Lowest in forever
W 59.8 ( bath but still!)

Monday, May 29, 2023

225 x miss ( SOO CLOSE) x 2, 220 x 1(29th),215 x 1, 205 x 1 x 3, laterals, rear delts, heavy band pushdowns

 This was SO DAMN CLOSE. On both! The  technique is correct and I executed well but  just need to be a bit faster and more  confident in it and 225 WILL go, regularly

The main things is though is that it works, is consistent and I can remember how to do it, it seems! No small matter.

I tried really hard NOT to overthink it during the morning lead up to the workout and it doesn't seem to help and in fact usually messes me up by taking me out of my body and the feel I want to get

135 155 175 195 x 1 all easy and fast
205 x 1 warmup probably one of my best ever

then 225 for a close miss. Didn't lock knees enough at start but a good grind
I thought about dropping down to 220 but I  thought I could get it if I locked my knees better and it was close
then a MAKE at 220. now THIS is unbelievable to make this after two max grinds
then onto  215 where I missed the first attempt by pushing on the bar first instead of falling back but  this got fixed well on this second attempt
then three perfect ( albeit tired) singles at 205

then 3 x 8/8 laterals and rear delts with 20's these are FINALLY getting stronger! I can see 25's in the future!

then one set light  rep/purple band to warmup then 2 x 10 with black red and purple bands

BW 175.2
BF 14.2

so a little light too 

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Sunday Ruck


Finally a strong one

45 lb ruck

9 laps 

1:17 ( with a few dog stops )

1:30 door to door

nice and cool and  overcast. perfect weather

nothing fast but decent steady state work

BW 176.2
BF 14.7

48 kg One Arm Swings 12 x 5/5, 48 kg belt squats 3 x 8, pullaparts


this went  great. no alcohol is making for much better sleep. was nice and rested this AM,

warmups went strong but grip, as usual with this bell, took 4 sets to "warm up"

belt squats were solid and pullaparts were, well, pullaparts

BW 175.2
BF12.7 ( bath)
W 58.2

Friday, May 26, 2023

Thursday Ruck

Started out cool ended up hot

Slowish but steady

45 lbs ruck

6 laps

3 miles

55 minutes

3.9 mph to speed

BW 176.8

BF 13.8

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Back to Kono :225 ( almost) 215, 205 x 1 x 6, 20 kg swings pushdowns

 I had a feeling this might work. But I've had that feeling before

But  this time was solid

The idea was this: the only thing I know works is hip drive forward at the start and stay on the X

Starting in that position is not  working and getting into it dynamically has to be perfect

I tried to keep my hips too forward at the start and that made the bar go forward


Oly Shoe
Wide stance
Closer grip, index on start of smooth
Hips forward to get under bar, elbows slightly up
Spot X 
Unrack. Lock knee and stay on X
Kono technique start:
push back, hips forward and press up all SIMULTANEOUSLY

155, 175 and 195 FLEW

205 also flew!

told myself earlier if 205 went I'd do straight to 225 so I did, Just change tho not plates
This was SO close. I see I had didn't lock out enough on unracking but the rest of the technique held and the bar launched!
then 215 SO SOLID

then 6 sets of 205 with just two getting the timing wrong of all three simultaneously but man I was under the rest

then 20 kg swings 5 x 8/8

light pushdowns 3 x 20, 18 15

BW 176.6  !
BF 14.7

Monday, May 22, 2023

215 x 1 top weight 225/220 misses, 205 x 1 x 5, pushdowns heavy, laterals, rear delts

Total shit show. Slept great, felt great warm up great then shit the bed at 205

used the same techniques
wide  stance
hips wedge under bar
spot x
pause call
hip drive to start
rehip drive

only it didn't work at all today. I did as desired in unracking the bar without pushing forward but had balance problems from the get
175 x 1
195 x 1
205 x 1  MISS!
205 x 1 strong
215 x 1 strong
225 shit
225 better but still shit
220 x shit
205 x 1 x 5

re adjusted technique on 205  to just unrack the bar with hips foward and looking at X but let the bar come off the pins a bit

THEN press and drive hips

going to wear heels again wednesday, still have not made 225 barefoot


Sunday ruck


Solid one. One week no alcohol and I can feel the  difference

Cool and overcast this morning, Perfect weather

Not fast one but not slow either

45 lb ruck

9 laps

1:25 min

10, 360 steps

last mile = 16:10

good energy

BW 176.2
BF 14.7

Saturday, May 20, 2023

44 kg one arm swings, 44 kg belt squats, pullaparts

 Sixth day  no alcohol and while I'm still waking up a few times a night to pee or just awaken for no reason I can seem to get back to sleep easier and I'm awakening rested and refreshed for the first time in forever. Good reason to try to continue this.

Tonights date night and I usually have the most alcohol on these nights but not tonite and we'll see if tomorrows ruck is easier or not

Today's swings were really strong but this workload is always hard. Always a ton of work ( many tons actually) and power and bell height were very  good

Rest between sets about  2 min.

44 kg One arm swings 16 x 5/5

44 kg belt squats 3 x 10. very strong groove
Pullaparts 3 x 30

BW 175.2

BF 12.7 ( after bath)

W 58.2 !

Thursday Ruck


Another hot one. Clear skies no clouds and no wind. Perfect get  your head out of your ass and just move your legs day

Which I did. It wasn't as hard as last Thursday but not easy.

45 lb ruck

6 laps

3 miles

top speed 3.5 mph

RPE 7.5

BW 175.8

BF 14.5

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

205 x 1 x 8, 20 kg swings 5 x 8/8, light pushdowns

 This went great. Another decent nights sleep ( again no wine at all) and all the techniques and timing worked well


Wide stance

Wedge hips under bar( buckle over arch)

Spot X and arm angle same as back arch

Hips up to  unrack, don't lift from arms at all

Hip drive/Hip drive to press

For the unracking I have to think about NOT moving my upper body, even to the point where I'm thinking I'm pressing off the pins

normal warmups to 195 x 1 all solid

205 x MISS out in front craxy

205 x 1 set 3

all were good about the same. have to REALLY take my  time in the setup, getting my hips in front of the bar as much as possible set 4 the best set  of them all. THIS is the setup and timing

this went and felt as good as it's been. all very consistent and the pause is actually helping me

20 kg swings  5 x 8/8

band pushdowns 3 x 15

BW 176.6
BF 14.5

Monday, May 15, 2023

225 Miss, 220x 1, 217.5 x 1, 210 x 1 x 3, pushdowns, laterals, rear delts

 SOOOOOOO close again.But, realistically  this is only the second time I've used this technique  with two plates and both were very close attempts

Last time I was late in the second hip drive. This time I didn't my hips forward quite enough in the setup and ended up too vertical 

But it was solid attempt. I think next week I will take 212.5 or 215 before two plates to really open up the position and settle in

Then 220 for the 29th time! where I did get my hips forward enough and a solid lockout
then down to 217.5 instead of 215 and another great one in the right slot
then three singles with 210! another pr

then band pushdowns red purple and black for 3 x 10

laterals and rear delt  3 x 8/8 20s

BW 176.2
BF 13.9 !
W 57.3

Best night sleep in recent memory

Saturday, May 13, 2023

40 kg one arm swings 20 x 5/5, 40 kg belt squats 3 x 12, pullaparts


these went very very well. paced myself ( probably no more than 2 min/sets) and each  set was basically as this ninth set. happy with power and bell height.

two things have helped a lot lately: really taking a deep bit grip on the setup and remembering to really 'sniff' in right after the hiss outbreath. If I'm doing this very actively I don't brace enough and my back fatigues . fixed that and it really  helped

40 kg belt squats 3 x 12

these were solid too. this is definitely my base leg exercise

pullaparts 3 x 30

BW 175.2

BF 13.2 bath

W 57.2

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Thursday ruck 3 mile


Sunny and 62 degrees so very nice weather to ruck in. Got the whole six laps in but they were slow.lots of rest breaks, just not a lot of oomph

but it got done

45 lb ruck

6 laps

3 miles

55 min

BW 176.8
BF 14.5

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

205 x 1p x 10 sets, 20 kg swings , pushdowns

 This went really well. Ended up only "missing" the 9th  set by losing balance at the top and wanting to finish on a good rep. was planning for 8 but this is a PR

My misses were when I didn't start the rep with hip drive first but pushed against the bar too much. But just two reps or so

Had Glenn give me longer than usual pauses and that was much harder. Also showed me that I have to keep my hips actively forward before I re drive them for the start. Or, I fall back a bit

This (205) is the lightest weight I can use that requires the same timing and technique of 225. this has to be my Wednesday training weight. This showed it. 91% of goal weight








20 kg swings 5 x 8/8

light band pushdown
3 x 15  red and purple

BW 176.8
BF 14.5

Monday, May 08, 2023

220 x 1, 215 x 1, 225 miss, 205 x 1 x 3, pushdowns laterals, rear delts

 SO CLOSE! Just a hair away from two plates! But the great news is all the cues and the technique worked and I will get this regularly very very soon

Every set of the workout was spot on, technique wise. And getting 220 and 215 after grinding on 225 is a good sign as well








135 x 1
155 x 1
175 x 1
195 x 1

205 x 1 just perfect

then right to two plates, setup felt great. surprised I missed it have to do second hip drive much earlier with this weight it seems. looking at video when I  should be re driving my torso gets pushed back a bit and that costs me my leverage. very close- just  drive the hips and redrive them again almost BEFORE the sticking point. In anticipation
then to 220 really good
215 really solid as well
then three singles at 205, each the same as this perfect
then pushdowns heavy
red black and purple bands 3 x 10

laterals and rear delt

3 x 8/8 20s

BW 175.6
BF 14.7

Sunday, May 07, 2023

Sunday Ruck

 Decent one today. Perfect cool and crisp weather( for May!) with light drizzle. Just crazy. Got  going a bit early and got the 9 laps in easy

Not that fast but last three laps were decent with last lap at 7:45. 8th one was 8:10 or so and others were around 17 min mile pace

45 lb ruck

9 laps

1:23 min

top speed 3.6 mph

BW 175.8
BF 15.1

60 and 68 kg one arm swings, 60 kg belt squats

 This went very well but very hard. It takes SO much mental focus. that's even harder than the heavy ass bells. Especially when I'm trying to maximize the standing plank and bell height. Successfully remembered to sit back more at the top of the swing to counterbalance these monsters. Made all the difference

16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 4/4
24 kg x 4/4
28 kg x 3/3
32 kg x 3/3
36 kg x 3/3
40 kg x 3/3
44 kg x 3/3
48 kg x 3/3
60kg x 5/5 x 8
68 kg x 5/5 no transfer
          x 3/3 no transfer

then 60 kg belt squats 3 x 8

pullaparts 3 x 30

BW 175.2
BF 13.2
W 57.1  bath

Saturday, May 06, 2023

Thursday ruck

 Should've been a strong one but it was a slog. Slept well, felt fine, overcast and cool, all systems should have been go but it was hard. Speed was ok but it was literally pick one leg up at a time to keep going forward; no flow at all. But it got done

45 lb ruck

6 laps

3 miles

55 min

lots of sweat

Got 'er dun

Wednesday, May 03, 2023

185 x 2 x 5 195 x 2 x 5, 20 kg swings, pushdowns

 Experimented a lot today and really got things dialed in

First, I changed my grip back to wrapping the thumb. I'm figuring the moment arm on this lift favors the delts not the triceps so I gave it a go and it worked great. This way  I can also keep the bar high on the chest where it seems to want to go naturally and not roll around

Second I tried one setting the arch then spotting the X and NOT shifting the hips forward more and that seemed better but Glenn like the shift so I went back and forth for two sets with 185 and NOT shifting after the set up was better. Too hard to control exactly where and what the shoulders did the other way.

Then I realized that the reason I was losing my balance on the second reps is that I'm not coming down in exactly the same place as the first rep so went back to two singles. Both paused . Much better AND harder with the second reps really mimicking a heavy rep






175 X 2 X 2  1st rep pause second touch and go

185 x 2 x 5 sets 

195 x 2 x 5 last two sets were two paused singles
then 20 kg one arm swings 4 x 8/8

Band pushdowns 3 x 12 red and purple 

BW 176.4
BF 14.5

Monday, May 01, 2023

225 miss x 2, 217.5 miss x 2 205 x 1x 4

 All solid misses and so close

It's amazing to me now how much I have to vary the technique  by the absolute level of the weight. that is, I cant arch back anywhere near as much with 225 as I can with 205 and get away  with it. This is especially true at 215 and up

Another thing I realized is that I thought my unrack didn't really matter much as long as I hip shifted forward before I pressed but it seems to.

I still have to unrack with the hips in front of the bar and THEN load the bow before the press call. all the best lifts today  demonstrated that although by accident

The idea today was to unrack then shift hips forward AND back at the same time ( pretty much old "load the bow" technique) but load the bow until I saw the X. This worked well until I unracked it sloppily with my torso coming up too much and my hip shift wasn't enough. I had re arranged the geometry too much

My four down sets with 205 though were pretty much perfect

this warmup 205 was ok. take  off was ok but didn't re drive the hips enough at mid point to have speed to lockout

I jumped from 205 to two plates and this is where  I got sloppy with the take off. Not keeping my hips in front and shifting my COM BACK too much and although I had a decent bow it wasn't enough
I took it again and did even worse with the take up causing knee bend and a lower finishing point. Ack

then to 217.5 and this is was decent but my left shoulder got wonky and the weight shifted and I missed. But the setup was actually decent

the next attempt wasnt too bad but knee bend at start and didn't maintain hip forward
then  four  pretty much perfect singles with 205

Moral of the story? 




laterals and rear delts 3 x 8 20's

band pushdowns up to 10 with  purple red and black

BW 176.4

BF 14.0

W 57.2

Sunday 4.5 mile ruck

 Slow but solid one. Cool and overcast so that was nice. but legs were tight and slow for 45 min or so then opened up a bit

Nothing fast though and didn't even time individual laps as I knew they would be slow

3-4 dog meet and great stops as well

45 lb ruck

9 laps

1:25 for laps

1:35 total

10,337 steps

top speed 3.4 mph

BW 176.0

BF 15.4 ( dehydrated)

175 x 1 x 5, 185 x 1 x 5 ( layback style) 16 kg five mine 15:15 swing test 100 reps

 This took a few warmup sets ( and almost tweaking my tricep again with  95!) but I think it went well over I just have to 'THINK RIGHT...