Monday, August 01, 2005


Incredible time this weekend with Pavel and the guys. Havent had so much fun since the Worlds in Japan and that was in 1995. Was super amped and pumped all morning long and was playing with bosu bola on the bosu ball for about an hour as I had a cancellation!

Finally got the snaps down and hit 30 in a row each hand standing on the bosu. This is going to addict me hard.

36x6+6 x2 feel strong.

x9+9 feeling light
x12+12 right side is now officially better than my left in almost 3 years.
x14+14 it is HOT but this wasnt that bad. dont want to do it again though.
x7+7 thank god for drop downs.
x9+9 that didnt last long
x12+12 ok, I'm tired now but the set was easy.

Volume =168 reps /PR! didnt time it but rest periods were very quick. a minute or so up until the 12 and 14 sets. getting ready to go to the two pood and some lower reps.

you could probably organize the snatch training like classical powerlifting periodization- start with high reps and lower intensity( weight) and as you peak out on that drop down in reps and increase load. I can see I'm not going to want to do too many more weeks of ever increasing snatch reps. Hands wont take it either. Will see what happens when the grips come.

one arm hi pulls
x10+10 these were hard. hips and legs are smoked

kb cleans
72x5+5x3 sets I'm done.

going back to protein drinks, I can feel the need for more recovery and I just dont like to eat food proteins. Dont mind drinking them though.

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175 x 1 x 5, 185 x 1 x 5 ( layback style) 16 kg five mine 15:15 swing test 100 reps

 This took a few warmup sets ( and almost tweaking my tricep again with  95!) but I think it went well over I just have to 'THINK RIGHT...