Wednesday, April 17, 2024

195 x 1 x 11 , 20 kg swings 5 x 8/8, floor pushups 35, 25

  Not great sleep and a bit sore ( no aspirin for last three days) so all in all it was a strong day . Just definitely not 'fresh' 

Biggest takeaway: more focus on 'elbows up' right before unracking. If elbows are not up bar tends to go foward and I have to lay back more- more chance to get loose.

SO elbows up more. and widen stance JUST a little bit, as I have my grip
Also, lock legs hard  after the stand up too and get tighter, faster after the 'fast start' 

1) A little wider grip

2) A little wider stance

3) Elbows up!

4)  Lock!

5) Tight bounce to X



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35 lb ruck Another awesome fast one

  35 lbs 4.65 miles 1:13 min 15:46 ave pace 15:07 last mile THIS feeling, THIS flow state is what it's all about for me 3 miles in 48:29