Excellent article in Pavels latest newsletter by Gray Cook on the benefits of static stretching.After hearing Bretts presentation of Gray Cooks work at the Level 2 Cert I'll read everything he writes.I have beleived there is a definitite place for static stretching all along( my rifga poses) and have had great results in my own rehab using static stretching as a corrective exercise for length tension relationship imbalances.A lot of what I present on my DVD is right in line with what Gray writes about in this article. The stretching has to be individualized and selective but it does have it's place in helping balance out the tensions in the body ,reducing pain and restoring proper motor patterns. Read the article here.
I agree Rif. I have always used static stretching with my clients and myself with favorable results. As Cook talks about, getting someone to static stretch serves as an assessment tool to let you and them know differences from side to side!
Of course there are many other effective methods of stretching but static stretching gets too much of a bum rap of if you ask me!
Here's a thumbs up for SS!
it's really good for DOMS as well as getting people better awareness of their bodies in space and where the restrictions are. Most people cant sit on the floor with their legs out straight in front of them and their pelvis in neutral. crazy!
I just wanted to say I totally agree with you on stretching... I have over 10 years of yoga behind me. I have never been an athlete, no sports, no other "exercises" in all my 35 years on earth. I believe my strength is in my ROM.
I have also noticed much shorter recovery time from heavy lifting with my yoga practice.
fawn I beleive you are right.I also like how Gray talks about how yoga poses work on stretching one muscle(s) while using strength and stabilization at the same time. I think that is the next step( yoga like poses) after one gets very basic ROM with static stretches.
I have had some profound changes in my body and joint helath since really 'getting on the ground' and doing my very basic, but highly individualized, 'rifga' poses.\
Interesting statement too that " your strength is your ROM".Geoff said something similar to that talking about how z was a strength system. Great stuff!
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