Friday, November 02, 2007

Friday : Z and Clubs.

I have not done as much Z drills this last week as I have been focused more on taking my clients through the drills perfectly than demonstrating them. Consequently I have not been getting anywhere near as much of it done as I have the last 2-3 weeks. I was doing some kind of drill with almost every client every day. Thats a lot of greasing the groove and it really seemed to make a difference.
And the last couple days I could really feel the difference. Old myofascial 'windings' winding up and twisting me again.This of course causes more muscle tension and more winding. Not to mention torque on the joints.Add in some pretty good DOMS from all the new movement and I had to get back on track; so twenty minutes of Z drills at 5 AM followed by ten minutes RIFGA stretches focusing on the hammies and abs and finishing up with the roller on IT and hams.If I keep those areas neutral my pelvis stays neutral and my back stays happy ;))
It seems that when I decided to focus on regaining my basic gymnastics "body" and started all the close stance stretching and standing work that rehab and the healing seemed to accelerate pace.Each new skill brings me that much closer to being fully out of pain and with as much mobility, strength and endurance as possible.The base though is the one arm swing. That is what has made this all possible, in the final analysis.
Key observations with the Z lately is that the thoracic work really relates to my shoulder much more than I thought and I can get a good release just with thoracic circles.the transverse plane work really seems to matter,especially since one side is pretty stuck.
Plus, it seems the neutral spine lengthening drills( almost like standing meditation) are some of the most effective. I get very interesting adjustments and releases of winding from these so simple drills.
Neck mobility(especially tilts/slides) seems to open up the levator and elbow circles, especially downward circles done bilaterally,really expand the right shoulder's external rotation.The elbows are intimately connected to the shoulders it seems and I didnt realize how much internal rotation I had lost. Thought it was mainly external in the right shoulder.Going out after I type this for another 20 minutes or so, full routine. Its warm outside for a change.
I also did clubbell demos all morning and it's really good for me to lock the elbows with the presses and swings.Even light clubbells work you hard.I am also digging the close stance/outside leg work. I have good leverage there. Nice for a change.So much of opening up my shoulders is about strengthening the mid back and the clubs are really getting those hard to reach between the shoulder blade area.
Intense movements but so different than kbs. kbs are more raw power; the clubs require much more of a delicate balance to stay in the arcs. A good balance of training though, I think.The clubs stretch out what kbs make tight in me. Plus this is a forth training day for me, albeit it a very light recovery one.Havent dont that since the '90's.

Nice to feel the triceps sore. The swipes and arm casts are going build some mass back there again,which I am looking forward to.The casts seem to be tolerated fine and already are doing good things for my shoulder mobility. But I can see where you can really tweak yourself with these things if you are not careful. Have to do very mindful work.

Tomorrow might take a shot at 300 one arms with the two pood if I am feeling spry.


BJ Bliffert said...

Nice pic of a planche. That, with the lever(s) are two of my goals by the LEVEL II.

Regarding Z, I find my self doing what you described. Rather than a dedicated time, I pick a few drills and do them throughout to day. Or I target ares I know are tight.

Mark Reifkind said...

BJ, yeah thats a serious planche.can't wait to see your planche and lever man.
for me I tend to start with the spinal lengthening stuff and follow the tension are the body.whatever pops up when I'm finishing one move gets the attention next.

BJ Bliffert said...

Glute and Ab tension for me. But getting much better after the little things you told me to do back in April.

Geoff Neupert said...

This is so cool...reading your progress I mean.

Shoulder health is directly related to T-Spine mobility so that's no shocker.

Keep it up man. I'd love to get a chance to hit some I-Phase testing with you. THAT would be fun.

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks dude.there is obviously so much more to learn. good luck at the meet!

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