Thursday, August 16, 2007

Stretching the shoulder in extension.

Beside the stick slide, the movement that has been opening and helping to stabilize my shoulders rom is the stick stretch behind the back.I had been very focused on overhead flexion flexibiltiy but had neglected,badly, shoulder extension.
The stick slide really opened up the scapula and this one is opening up my very tight anterior delt, biceps, corracoid brachialis and radiobrachialis.This is allowing the elbow to really lock which allows the humeral head to sit in neutral.I can lock my elbows, and get my triceps to fire again, without it loading the biceps tendon. This is very good.
Another thing I recalled: I used to swing around the bars with grips like this. Crazy now to think about it.Eagle giants, german giant, all with a 'dorsal' grip, or where your back it to the bar when you swing.
AS I reclaim my gymnastic ranges of motion one thing is very clear, the gymnasts shoulder are stretched and loaded six was from sunday! We spent a lot of time stretching the shoulders through max rom with very close grip and the joints totally locked out.
I could also REALLY feel the difference in muscle tension, joint range of motion and restrictions,especially in trying to be square,from right to left. right was MUCH tighter and restricted. This has really opened it up and I am much more square and even.
I have to use the mirror though as my perception of where I am "square" is not right and I need to see it square first, then I will feel it.
I know this, the more square and plumb I am the less pain I am in and the more work I can do and the less anti inflammatories I need.. No doubt.
heres the exercise:


Chris said...


you could do a whole series of these videos...."The Minute of Stretch"......

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks man, I was thinking the same thing.

Unknown said...

Rif! 1000 blessings on you and your family. The video helps and my forearm flexors thank you. What's first, the book or the dvd?

Mark Reifkind said...

thank you, I thought you might like/benefit from this simple but very effective stretch. as far as your question not really sure but something will be out soon.

fawn said...

Way cool stuff, Mark. Thanks!

Unknown said...

Yep, I feel it. Actually, my tricep knots up and wants to resist the stretch right above the elbow. I found that interesting. Thumped the tricep this morning. Keep me posted about the release. I'm in.

Mark Reifkind said...

tim, usually it's the biceps, brachialis and radiobrachialis that are tight and the triceps fire trying to 'open' the elbow. make sure that it's not just the triceps contracting that you are feeling. the resistance should come from the front side of the arm if it's a tight elbow flexor issue. you WANT the triceps to fire to balance out the tighter flexors.

Fuzz said...

Way to keep the best things simple and effective.

Unknown said...

Mark, you're right. i said resist the stretch but i meant it's cramping. it was early, i was tired...

Aaron Friday said...

Thanks for posting that vid, Mark. It's great.

Mark Reifkind said...

hope it helps aaron. like andy said, simple but very effective. I can't beleive how badly I let my shoulder extension slide over the years.I used to have tons of ROM back there and the more I recover the better my shoulders sit.

Pete said...

Excellent drill, Rif. I definitely have tight shoulders, and this is a simple but effective drill along with the snatch holds overhead.

Shaf said...

Nice one, Rif.

35 lb ruck 3 miles 46:39, 15:30 ave pace

 Went back and re measured the distance for my half mile loop and I was right; it was spot on. Using the stopwatch and the walking app must ...