Saturday, January 21, 2006

Eerily Strong workout

Feeling much better after the last two days with the flu, but still nowhere near 100%.Strange night sweats still and woke up very dehydrated. Tons of grapefruit juice and water helped. Went in not knowing at all how well I would be able to train, if at all.Suprisingly everything went well and I even hit a recent snatch pr!

weighted pullups/see saw press
bwx3 36x5/5
18#x3 44sx5/5
18x4 44sx6/6
18x5 44sx8/8
18x4 44x8/8

all this felt fine. no lightheadedness or racing heart. decent pace too. energy up.

62x3/3 recent pr!

wow. that was a shock. everything felt fine and very strong. groove was very solidand natural. the triple was easy. the 8's with the 44's told me the lungs arent back yet. very happy.

bottoms up clean
88x 3/4!!x2

Damn. So close with the Bulldog which will be an all time pr. Just being a little hesitant but the second attempt was much closer than the first. very suprised.

great workout and I think I am on the mend.

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190 x 1 x 12, 210/225 static holds, 24 kg goblet squats, floor pushups 30, 20

 This went VERY well almost all reps identical. Realized I get better drive AND minimize shoulder stress if I unrack it with more weight on ...