Monday, May 23, 2022

195-215 press, wt pushups, side laterals, rear delts

 Well this sucked. Start to finish. And, as usual, for no good reason. Slept good, felt good, a wee bit of distraction but nothing that should have produced THIS shit show

Was not in my body and couldn't find my base or my start position at all. Got distracted by trying to line up directly under the X and was all over the place. But, mainly, in my head instead of my body

Trying to push the bar back again. Just a mess


65 85 105 135 x 2
155 x 1
175 x 1 fast
195 x 1 but WIGGLY! all over
200 x 1 same,knees never locked and just mushy
205 x 1 better  but slow and out in front
210 x 1 actually getting a bit better
215 x 1 best of the day but soft knees at start
220 x X two times not even close. arghh
205 x X x 2 now I know somethings wrong
185 x 1 made it but hard
135 x 1 x 2
185 x 1 better

was not setting my hips at all at the start so  each of these were basically all shoulders and arms
when I set my hips with the last 185 I realized what I've been doing but too late

wt pushups
bw x 10
53 x 10 x 3


side laterals/rear delts x  3 x 8/8 with 20s

BW 173.8
BF 12.1!
W 58.7

waist was SMALL today  too. Got into the fourth hole on my belt and I haven't been there in 5+ years

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