Saturday, February 08, 2025

40 kg swing 25 x 5,( 35 min) Goblet squat 16,20, 24 x 4 x 4, BW squats 2 x 15, pullaparts 3 x 30

 Bicep forearm got strained friday from spotting levy on his presses and of course didn't say anything to me until bedtime,

Slept like shit the night before so I really needs some good sleep but not to be. In pain all night  tossing and turning

5 hours 17 total sleep and NINE MINUTES OF DEEP SLEEP!! FUCK AND I felt it! Luckily it must have an elbow sublux as it didn't bother me once I got swinging. Dodged another bullet

Sets and reps were pretty strong, all things considered
Goblet squats didn't bother the arm either as I expected they were. Have to do this more lightly and focus on depth more than weight, as well as static strength in the bottom


12.9 ( bath)

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48 kg Swings 20 x 5, 48 kg belt squats 4 x8, pullaparts 3 x 30

 I decided I wanted to swing the 48 again, despite my thumb being very tight yesterday. IF I COULD I hadn't realized, until I looked, th...