Another great workout in the bank. So nice not to have my shoulder aching constantly.It's amazing to have it feel almost 100% normal again.ROM overhead is not perfect and things do tighten up but nowhere near where it's been for the last two years. Just swinging is the best thing I have done yet! Tons of work with no negative physical effect. I always thought it was but now i'm sure: the swing's the thing.
And this loading protocol is working great as well. I have been feeling really 'ready' for the days loading as it varies just enough from the last workouts but is similar enough to get some postive carryover.
Clean,Press, Windmill( left)
these feel really really good. The two pood soon.
Single leg DL ( right)
not sure I should do these before I swing, we'll see. but the move itself felt easy and good.
36x20 x2
72x20x12 sets
240 reps
17,280 lbs! ( thats a solid workload. 20,00 pounds is in reach)
these went great! Most of the reps were chest high and above and the swing felt powerful and the bell light in my hand. Lots of hip drive as well. Gonna keep the reps at 20 till I get 15 sets and 300 reps, then increase the reps to 22 or 24 and rebuild the sets.
Snatch holds
36x30 sec both arms
53x30 sec
x40 sec
x 45 sec
x 60 sec
these were very strong.
26x10/10x3 sets
datsit! staying loose.
HALO is something I haven't been doing for quite some time.
Is it better to choose lighter weight over heavy one, when the sole purpose is joint mobility/flexibility?
Damn Rif 240 darcs with the 2 pood.
That's 240 reps with over 40% of your bodyweight.
Nice one man!
I use both the 12 ad 16 kg for halos, both of which are pretty light.I suppose you col duse heavier weight and lower reps if you wanted to build more strength in that ROM but I need mobility more than anything there.
thanks man, 300 reps is just around the corner. I could have done 260 easy, never really had any form breakdown yesterday, just ran out of time.
I can also see heavy day including the 40 kg soon too.
RIGHT ON DUDE. You start working with the 'dog and you'll be tossing aroud over half your weight.
Yeah, nice job on the DARCs with the 32kg! Getting stronger feels pretty good, huh?!
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