Wednesday, March 21, 2007

"Dont Think"

That's all that went through my head when it was time to train today. I've been watching the series "Escape to the Legion", the Bear Grylls show about 11 guys who undergo a facsimile of French Foreign legion training. The first thing they tell them is "don't think, just do". That theme is played out over and over as these guys are pushed to their physical and mental limits in just this play version of the real thing.

Got woken at 2 am today and never got back to sleep. After 6 straight clients facing 300 darcs was not what I even remotely wanted to be doing but hey, if it was easy, everybody'd be fit. Plus, these are the workouts that count. These really count.It's not problem to train when you feel good( well I guess it is for some but not me). It's the ones I don't want to do that pose the greatest challenge to me physically, mentally and even spiritually. These are the days that really test you.

What is that qoute " Challenges dont build character, they reveal it"? Well, I believe that. I did 200 with the two pood on saturday so I had to do at least 300 today. Didnt want the reps too high as it is "speed day" and I want everything to be crisp and hardstyle. Monday will be slog day if needed.



24 kgx30 x 10 sets
300 reps
15,900 lbs

these went well with one minutes rests at the start, then 1.5 at the end. or so. I hate watching the clock; I like my workouts to take me OUT of time, not mire me in it.But sometimes you have to know if you are slacking too much.

Vest walks/16 kg
200 feet per arm 2 arms per lap
1600 feet.

these were easy but my legs were slow, lol.the vest didnt feel heavy at all finally and the 16 felt light. Left hammie a little tight so knee was tracking off, but not bad.Thinking about those poor bastards walking, running,marching and being punished for 18 hours a day made my little walk laughable. This helped.

face pulls

was going to do windmill hi low today but just no into it.Surprisingly my legs still feel great. I think I am finally adapting to all the volume and NOT changing my swing groove. This is the most consistent it's been ever. Just swinging and NOT snatching has been great for the technique, power and endurance.

BW 160.8
BF 9.6%
Water 59.6 %

don't know why my water is so low? I've been drinking almost exactly what I have been. strange.Thats why the bf is registering so high. with all the granola I should have been holding more water, not less. oh well no worries. feel strong and with good stamina.Just gotta sleep tonite.

Datsit, staying loose.


Brett Jones said...

I tell people this all the time - don't think - thinking ruins everything ;)
Hope you hit some sleep tonight.
BTW - Tell Tracy that she looks AMAZING!!!!

Mark Reifkind said...

good advices :)) I better sleep tonite or I will be one cranky,ok. MORE cranky sob tomorrow,lol.
workout was good though and thats really all that counts.

Mark Reifkind said...

tracy says thanks!

Royce said...

Kick ass workout dude. Forget the BF% and hydration levels. I know they are an indication of fitness but I would sacrifice my left eye to be where you're at. How many people in the world much less the obese US could nail those numbers.

Rock on dude!!

Royce said...

I don't mean don't mesure the levels BTW. Just that you have accomplished an amazing feat getting your mobility back!!

Mark Reifkind said...


thanks but I am not stressed by the rise in bf. just another problem to be solved.another piece of the puzzle to be figured out.believe me I am MORE than pleased with all the improvements in mobility and the diminishment of pain I have had the last two years. especially getting out of shoulder pain which was getting worse than my knee!

Fireman Tom said...

Rif, didn't read your post (yet) but wanted to post a comment/question "Where did you download the Frazetta??" I remember reading all those CONAN paperbacks in the '70s with the great Frazetta covers!


p.s. I agree with Royce's comments on not becoming too concerned about exact numbers. You look very lean and fit, and more focus on mobility and flexibility will serve you well, IMO.

Mark Reifkind said...


don't remember where I downloaded the frazetta but if you do a google search you'll turn up TONS of his stuff.

as far as the BF I'm not concerned about exact numbers as I am about trendlines. ANd I'm not worried,a s I wrote to Royce just like to know why things are happening. It's what I do,lol.

155-200-180 Chin Press! rolling db ext 3x8 with 25s, laterals, rear delts, rev band curls

 This went great! Tried to just go as naturally as I could and not overthink things. Wore elbow sleeves too and that seemed to help 135x1 15...