Just another day at the office. The office gym, I mean. It was one of those days when I didnt want to get out of bed and it just got harder each hour.I knew I wasnt going to be bubbling over with energy by the time I got to speed swings today but oh well. still have to go to work.
ANd since all I am doing these days is swing variations there is a ALOT of work that can be done. That is one of the things I have noticed since giving up repetition snatches and focusing on just the swings; the numbers can get really high really fast. Where 2oo snatches with the 24 kg is 10,600 pounds I would be lucky to get that on a Saturday and 6500-8000 lb workloads were more the norm. ANd the snatch has much more float time as well as rest at the top.
With swings, especially done hardstyle with concious effort and intent to produce max force and speed, you can really build the tension AND the sheer numbers.10,000 pounds is a medium low day.
So today I knew I would show up and jsut put in the numbers but that's ok. It's these days that are the foundation of real training. The ones where you just 'git er dun'. You have to EARN the great days, and this , the hard slog, is the currency.
ANd, as usual it turned out better than I expected going in. REALLY love just using the three weights and I have adapted quickly. Pavel hit the nail with this one and the sharper variations in load makes for better variations. The cns adapts to it quickly, it seems.
Brett also was right to suggest making my light days the 16 kg and that is paying off way better than I thought. Getting the ego out once a day is a good idea. Course I am seeing how many reps I can push with the 16kg so just a different type of ego boost perhaps :))
I can get competitive with anything.
One Arm Swings, continuous.
36x10/10/5/5 x2
53x10/10 x 13 sets
260 reps
13,780 lbs ! not bad.
these were actually very easy considering how beat I was. Fast and snappy and the reps seemed low(!)My GPP is really up it seems.Most reps were head height with very solid comp acceleration the entire rep. I swear my upper body is growing from this.
Waiters Walks
16 kg x 100 ft per arm, 200 ft per lap
5 laps
100 feet
ANd since all I am doing these days is swing variations there is a ALOT of work that can be done. That is one of the things I have noticed since giving up repetition snatches and focusing on just the swings; the numbers can get really high really fast. Where 2oo snatches with the 24 kg is 10,600 pounds I would be lucky to get that on a Saturday and 6500-8000 lb workloads were more the norm. ANd the snatch has much more float time as well as rest at the top.
With swings, especially done hardstyle with concious effort and intent to produce max force and speed, you can really build the tension AND the sheer numbers.10,000 pounds is a medium low day.
So today I knew I would show up and jsut put in the numbers but that's ok. It's these days that are the foundation of real training. The ones where you just 'git er dun'. You have to EARN the great days, and this , the hard slog, is the currency.
ANd, as usual it turned out better than I expected going in. REALLY love just using the three weights and I have adapted quickly. Pavel hit the nail with this one and the sharper variations in load makes for better variations. The cns adapts to it quickly, it seems.
Brett also was right to suggest making my light days the 16 kg and that is paying off way better than I thought. Getting the ego out once a day is a good idea. Course I am seeing how many reps I can push with the 16kg so just a different type of ego boost perhaps :))
I can get competitive with anything.
One Arm Swings, continuous.
36x10/10/5/5 x2
53x10/10 x 13 sets
260 reps
13,780 lbs ! not bad.
these were actually very easy considering how beat I was. Fast and snappy and the reps seemed low(!)My GPP is really up it seems.Most reps were head height with very solid comp acceleration the entire rep. I swear my upper body is growing from this.
Waiters Walks
16 kg x 100 ft per arm, 200 ft per lap
5 laps
100 feet
I was amazed that I could do these! Last time the 16 was a mess, one of the reasons I stopped doing them. I wanted to walk today but didnt feel like doing 1000 foot laps with the 16kg and this seemed like an idea.worked great although the right side was tight and tough it was way better and my elbow locked well.Really teaches an efficient gait, that's for sure! Back in the mix for these.One day double overhead walks!
Suitcase farmers walk with 16 kg
200 ft per arm, 400 ft per lap
3 laps
1200 feet
2200 feet total
the walks endurance is finally getting together.Just have to make sure to really stretch out the left hammie, extension is getting weaker again with the increased volume . Thes farmers with just one bell are interesting as well. Last time I tried them I didnt like them because I did them too heavy. The offset weight is interesting.McGill loves them too, so in they go.
Face pulls
even these feel strong.
BW 161.6
BF 9.2 %
Water 60.6 %
I think my best weight seems to be 162, best combo of lean mass, hydration and lowest bf levels.workout about 45 minutes
datsit, staying loose and trying to get warm.
Suitcase farmers walk with 16 kg
200 ft per arm, 400 ft per lap
3 laps
1200 feet
2200 feet total
the walks endurance is finally getting together.Just have to make sure to really stretch out the left hammie, extension is getting weaker again with the increased volume . Thes farmers with just one bell are interesting as well. Last time I tried them I didnt like them because I did them too heavy. The offset weight is interesting.McGill loves them too, so in they go.
Face pulls
even these feel strong.
BW 161.6
BF 9.2 %
Water 60.6 %
I think my best weight seems to be 162, best combo of lean mass, hydration and lowest bf levels.workout about 45 minutes
datsit, staying loose and trying to get warm.
Hey Rif, I don't know if I have a defined goal with squatting.
I like the barbell also.
I would rather choose strength over mass with the big compound movements but I want a little mass too. Nothing unrealistic. Definately not trying to be a bodybuilder.
I have been wondering if Beyond Bodybuilding would be a better fit than EDT simply because it's geared more towards strength.
I am totally open to any constructive critisism.
That squat/pullthrough set was bad.
My lower back is not happy, I didn't keep a tight enough arch on the last rep on the bottom.
Actually I like some strongman stuff too ( not that I am that strong LOL )tire flips, logs, kegs, grip stuff.
I really meant what I said, I would value any advice!
There is also PttP bear program too. I forgot about that.
"It's these days that are the foundation of real training." Thank you for posting this. Without it I would not have earned anything today. I read this, ut on some good hard metal,got to work, and earned some change towards a great workout. I too felt better after getting started and i snatched 36 reps each arm with the 24kilo bell. Thats 9 more than last weeks snatch session and I feel guilty because it was easy. Keep up the great work with your blog!
Go tell the Spartans, stranger passing by,
that here, obedient to their laws, we lie
forgot my name sorry
glad I could help! searching for the things that motivate is a real key to keeping gettting up off the couch and into the gym.glad my blog helps.
don't feel guilty for not wanting to, feel guilty if you dont!
do it that is!
its key you define your goal. if you dont know where you want to go how will determine how to train?
just 'strength' is not enough, what kind of strength? very different training for each.
Nice job, Rif.
Have you tried going almost vertical on the swings yet--will the shoulder allow you to do that?
I tried some last week--just 20 at a clip with the 32kg--real gassers for me.
define strength, I like that. Do you remember that book by steven Covey called the 7 habits of highly effective people? One of the habits is you must "BEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND.". That can be no truer than in sports and athletic training. You literally must start with the end goal in mind and then plan your training accordingly.
Nice work Rif - and love the "define strength" - you have to have a goal of some sort.
Geoff - I don't recommend high swings (over head height) - in my mind swings are about projection of energy not vertical energy - if I want to put something overhead I will snatch it or press it. - Thoughts?
I too suffer from this same problem; not being clear with my end goal objectives. It's fun to try many different things and play around, but if you're goals are to vague you usually end up going no where.
yes actually I'm pretty good with the move.it's not the shoulder that restricts its my back that doesnt like any bilateral swings.have my clients do it all time.
damn, thats me geoff.
absofreakinglutely franz. I always begin with the desired goal and work backwards.
to me that overhead swing is just the completion of the projected energy as it goes through the full arc.
Just as a one arm swing will 'turn into' a snatch if you swing it high enough I see the two hand version as the same thng.
I always see it as a swing around the high bar or rings, with the person as the apparatus and the kb as the gymnast.
if one maintains the connection to the bell as it describes its arc eventually the horizontal becomes vetical.
the crescent swing is a swing pirouette to me.on hi bar or p bars
I just think of the weight toss and/or the caber toss in the Highland Games. I agree with Rif, it just seems like a natural progression. Notice how I said "progression." Not something to train newbies with, IMHO.
Just my 2 cents.
Rif and Geoff,
Just different ways of getting there - I just find that when people start working on elevation of the swing it leads to several swing faults so I keep them focused on the projection of energy and a target to focus and "deliver" energy towards.
Wasn't questioning either of you - just looking for discussion on the topic.
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