Saturday, March 17, 2007

2 pood swings.

around body passes
around knee passes
figure eights

3 rounds with 8 kg.
1x3 left only with 8 kg
1x3left only with 12 kg
1x3 left only with 16 kg

havent done THESE in awhile! I will do these at Girya where I have enough space before I come up on workout days.

Clean and press into Windmill( left )
16 kgx 5( one c/p then five windmills)
20 kgx5

Single leg dl ( right leg only,weight in right hand)
16kg x5
liked these. don't think I am going to do pistols though. My hyperactive right psoas probably won't like that and wheregoes my psoas goes my back.

dead cleans and snatches:played around with these on right so but
I am rethinking the dead hang cleans.They might help me solidify the upper right side tightness I need for that shoulder.Then just hold the rack position for a count.

16kg x10
20 kgx10
24 kgx20

32 kg x20 x1o sets.
200 reps
14,400 lbs!
wow, that adds up fast.

Snatch Holds
20 kgx45 sec
24 kg x 45 sec for 3 sets.

both hands. these are great. Plus I get to snatch it!

12 kgx8/8x 4 sets

Weeks total
Total lifts 664
Total Lbs 32,632
Ave lbs/lift 49( lbs/lifts)

Not a bad weeks. Up a couple thousand pounds from last week, which included the 20 kg snatch workout( low #).Definitely felt great NOT to worry about hurting my shoulder and just work hard. This definitely has a future and being able to do some of my favorite RKC lifts was great as well. My left side is strong and it will be fun to press and windmill the two pood again, safely.
Might do some low volume snatching as well. The thing I have to remember is that with the kettlebell everything gets worked all the time; just in greater or less amounts but the whole body is working!

Hope this works out.

datsit, gotta stretch.
these went VERY well.The most reps I have done with this weight in eons. form felt great with NO shoulder or back complaints.


Royce said...

Nice one man.
Sets of 20 wih the 2 pood is SAAWEEET. That is some leg and lung work right there man.

Mark Reifkind said...

royce it wasnt that tough. I was very happy with swing is getting really solid.thanks man.

Royce said...

OK fine it would be leg and lung work for me. :-)

Mark Reifkind said...

hey, all this volume has to account for something, eh? lol!my best is 85 continuous reps with the two pood in the darc a year or so ago.

155-200-180 Chin Press! rolling db ext 3x8 with 25s, laterals, rear delts, rev band curls

 This went great! Tried to just go as naturally as I could and not overthink things. Wore elbow sleeves too and that seemed to help 135x1 15...