Friday, March 09, 2007

The week's lifts.

I've been meaning to calculate the weeks tonnage and number of lifts for awhile but just havent gotten around to it.Need to start keeping track of this as well:

Total lbs lifted: 30,446
Total # of lift: 582

Despite using the lighter bell on wednesday I am amazed how sore my legs and hips are from the work. A good sore but sore.The lighter bell, moved as fast as possible really put some serious force into my legs! Also, doing ballistics three days a week is also a big increase in total volume.

Getting sore and reading Brett's blog on how sore he is from squatting reminded me of just how many years I have been 'sore'. Pretty much all of bodybuilding and powerlifting, which makes 23 years of being sore almost every day! LOL! I am nuts, it seems.

Problem was, I got so used to being sore from the training that I didnt notice when the soreness was no longer as much from my training as it was from the crashing of my orthopedic structure. Now I am trying NOT to get sore, or get too much tension into the muscle as it really hampens my mobility,which is much more important now that my strength. I have strength to spare;I don't have an ounce of mobility to spare.

But if one is dedicated to a specific goal then being sore, and learning how to mitigate that soreness and enhance their recovery is a must. One can only get as strong as the training loads they can tolerate and recover from. If you can't recover from the load then even if you can complete the workout it does you no good, and can even send you backwards.

So recovery is a must and comes first. This is why if you have a big workout the next day and you are sore and tight getting off one's feet, eating well and preparing for the next days session is so important. If you stand on your feel all night at a bar and barely get any sleep don't count on fresh legs for the workout nor any PR's. Not on a regular basis that is. The price of progress must be paid and if it is not it is painfully obvious.

So I have a hot bath, lots of time on the floor and a dvd to watch before tomorrow am's snatch workout.


Royce said...

Holy crap dude, I just posted about being sore BEFORE I read your blog, seriously check the times. LOL
Missing almost a week then snatching lets me know just how many muscles are involved!!
Top of traps to bottom of hamies!!

Mark Reifkind said...

seems the soreness is running in packs eh? nothing like a bit of a layoff to tenderize the muscles when you hit em again!

155-200-180 Chin Press! rolling db ext 3x8 with 25s, laterals, rear delts, rev band curls

 This went great! Tried to just go as naturally as I could and not overthink things. Wore elbow sleeves too and that seemed to help 135x1 15...