Rehab sucks. My back is much, much better but things are wound weird again and I have to start back over slowly. the combo of the bear crawls and the squat style swings did me in. I should remember to read my log more often, of course the better I feel the more I feel I can do anything, lol.Its a slow process at best.
How to make God Laugh: tell Him your plans.
Got the knee then the shoulder figured out then the back goes. Of course. But at least I know my ugly swing/snatch technique doesnt bother the back.
Swings and LOTS of Rifga
12 kg and 16 kg sets of one arm swings and transfers for 30 minutes. The longer the set went on the better everthing felt.Each set was about 30 plus reps.
Face pulls
Bottoms up kb press
stick presses
bw 161
bf 8.5%
water 61.2%
datsit.gotta get loose.
How to make God Laugh: tell Him your plans.
Got the knee then the shoulder figured out then the back goes. Of course. But at least I know my ugly swing/snatch technique doesnt bother the back.
Swings and LOTS of Rifga
12 kg and 16 kg sets of one arm swings and transfers for 30 minutes. The longer the set went on the better everthing felt.Each set was about 30 plus reps.
Face pulls
Bottoms up kb press
stick presses
bw 161
bf 8.5%
water 61.2%
datsit.gotta get loose.
Crap, sorry dude, get better soon man.
Yes, the best laid plans of mice and men.....
thanks man, I'm already on the mend. Just no more bearcrawls, lol.
Wow, didn't know you were hurt. Heal up and get that back strong bro! We can't afford to have you injures :)
thanks franz, it just went a little nuts saturday. I'll be fine.I just can't do everything I want yet it seems.
Do the Yoga, "Sphinx". I think I have a post on my blog about it if you search. It is my preferred psoas exercise. I got it from Marc "Crafty Dog" Denny of the Dog Brothers.
heal quick rif
randy h.
p.s. bear crawls for bears...not nearly as much fun as pub crawls
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