Wednesday, May 08, 2024

Kono Press 205 x 1 x 11 sets PR, kb press 20 x 3,24 x 3 28 x 2, 20 kg swings 4 x 8/8

 Decidded to try the kono start position again, even change my head position (  didn't last) to looking up and in thinking I could get away from the spot the x but it didn't take) But the idea of 'falling away from the bar' did seem to work a bit

Ended with with no drop and pop OR lowering the bar from the higher unrack position

It seems I have to "hold" the bar as I fall back but NOT push up on it til after or it will go forward

did 175, 195 x 1 x 2 then 

205 x 1 x 11

 swings 20 x 8/8 x 4

kg press 28 was heavy! and left arm spun out even with my attempt at a single bell version of my bar press


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