Monday, May 27, 2024

205 x 1 x 10! great day! laterals, rear delts, wt bar pushups

 What a great workout!  The technique worked great at 205 and the small changes I made also made things better. To be honest I had very little faith this would actually work but it worked spectacularly and gave me so much hope ( been running low on that )

The two new cues that really seemed to help were :

1) Think "right" arm when I unrack ( so I dont have the right side drop)

2) Squeeze glutes to push hips forward ( NOT just move hips forward)

3) REDRIVE the hips at sticking point ( I wasn't sure I would remember during the grind but I did)


Push Right
Squeeze glutes hips forward
Drive head to X
Re Drive hips

this one above was wrong. I leaned back BEFORE driving the head and bar got forward.DON'T DO THIS


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