Monday, August 07, 2023

220 x miss, 217.5 x miss, 205 x 1x 4, laterals rear delts and heavy pushdowns

 Didn't expect much and I didn't get much lol

Just out of phase from the get go, surprised I almost got 220 at 173

Cannot keep my knees locked hip at all in front and when I hip drive  my eyes follow the bar and pull it forward

Last sets were better when I set up straight, BUT WITH EYES GLUED ON THE X, drove from there and STAYED FOCUSED ON THE X NOT THE BAR as I pressed

I think I've been trying to stay on the X and PRESS to the X which brings my chin in, and the bar forward instead of locking in on the X and letting the bar press its groove

these were the last three sets after my205 down sets. the position seems much  better

155 x 1
175 x 1
195 x 1 ( slow)
205 x 1 ok
215 x X out in front
220 x 7/8

then 217.5 miss at the  top


rear delts

 heavy  band pushdowns



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