Monday, June 05, 2023

225 x 1 (13th) 220 x 1( 30th),215 x 1, 210 x 1, 205 x1x 3, laterals/rear delts, heavy band pushdowns

 Didn't go perfect but it went well.

Definitely felt a little tight and drained going today. Most probably from the heavy swings and ruck and just not enough stretch time.

But I felt good enough and the even better thing is that I'm not stressing about it almost at all as I was forever each Monday. This new technique is way more natural for me and I don't have to think much at all, which is a great time.

Thinking makes you slow

Normal warmup up to 195

then 205 x 1 ( out in front a bit, elbows not quite high enough)

then 225 x 1 ( no happy  at all with the lockout but it's all going in the right direction)

was not feeling taking it over again so down to 220 and a strong one, although the tightness is showing up in my lockout even here, BUT it's the 30th time I've made this weight and that ain't nothing
then a strong 215, elbow up better and timing the fall back, hip drive start better. I was tensing my glutes to  unrack the bar and I now think that might not be the best to get the hips started first.If I lock out knees then drive hips forward WITH glute tightening it seems better( on air practice) than if they're tight to begin with. I'll try this Wednesday
then 210!
then 3 sets of 1 with  205 this is definitely my strongest workout I've ever attempted

then 3 x 8/8 with 20s on laterals and rear delts and

3 x 10 with heavybands pushdowns

BW 176.0
BF 13.3 !!
W 57.8  wow something is working. the no alcohol?

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35 lb ruck Another awesome fast one

  35 lbs 4.65 miles 1:13 min 15:46 ave pace 15:07 last mile THIS feeling, THIS flow state is what it's all about for me 3 miles in 48:29