Wednesday, June 14, 2023

195 x 1 x 12 sets, 205 x 1 x 2, 20 kg swings 5x 7/7, light pushdowns

 Weird one, The technique kinda much better towards the end when I coordinated the lat squeeze WITH a forward hip move. THEN reversed it

Bar is still ending  up forward to much as I want to tuck my chin; just like the squeeze the lat it's natural

Might have to figure out a way to use it instead of fighting it too. Feed that mistake

155 x  1
175 x 1
195 x 1 x 10 sets
205 x 1 x 2 sets ( rough but mainly from fatigue)

20 kg swings 5 x 7/7

really hate doing swings after presses but there's no where else to put them

purple and red band pushdowns

3 x 15, 15, 10

4 AM
BW 175.0
BF 13.9

12 noon
BW 176.0
BF  10.6 ( bath)
W  60.1

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35 lb ruck Another awesome fast one

  35 lbs 4.65 miles 1:13 min 15:46 ave pace 15:07 last mile THIS feeling, THIS flow state is what it's all about for me 3 miles in 48:29