Wednesday, April 05, 2023

Breakthrough set up technique 175 x 2 x 4 185 x 2 x 4 195 x 1 205 x 1

 After watching Mondays videos I realized that the hardest part of the unracking with my hips forward is not rotating my torso forward as I 'push up' and create tension in my arms and shoulders and the bar

the hip forward part is right, the question was how to come up and maintain the same angle as the setup

Glenn figured that out as he suggested "back" as I came up. For him the cue back ( as in lean back ) also pushed his hips forward

I tried it with an empty  bar and it felt right. 

here's 155 x 2 with the technique

then I went to 175 x 2 x 4 sets and it felt awesome!

then onto 185 for the same 4 sets of 2

then 195 x 1 and 205 x 1 also. felt great!

the bow is loaded and just gets tighter as I unrack

So it's

1) hips in front of bar to set up ,look at the X

2) BACK to unrack

3) Press to X

155 x 2 x 2

175 x 2 x 4

185 x 2 x 4

195 x 1

205 x 1

wt dips bw x 10

53 x 10 x 3  horizontal bar  med close grip and thumbless

FORGOT swings! lol

I feel great about this. this should be the last part to this puzzle

BW 175.4

BF 14.4

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