Wednesday, October 26, 2022

185 x 10 x 1,Kono Press Style, 24 kg swings, floor pushups


I realized I was trying to push the bar back over my head, violating the most basic principle of barbell lifting , that the athlete has to move around the bar, the bar doesn't move around the athlete.

Also, that at lockout my elbows have to extend which means the bar has to go forward. If my torso is not declined enough the bar will move forward( which is what has been happening) and out in front of my center of mass. That means my hips have to go forward to counterbalance the shoulders going back and I have to press the bar STRAIGHT UP

Which, is easier.

So the Kono Press!

And today it worked GREAT

Set up the same

elbows up

grip the toes ( but now also the glutes)

layback AND drive hips foward simultaneously

lockout straight up

185 x 10 x  1 sets 3,5,9,10

Loving this!

24 kg swings 5 x 8/8

floor pushups 52 x 2

BW 175.6
BF 14.3

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