Monday, October 31, 2022

185 x 10 x 1 technique day,wt pushups laterals,rear delts

 This went great. Not too sore from the weekend and knowing I only had light work made things much easier mentally. Could really focus on technique

The Kono press technique is the winner, no question. But it is rooted in ( pun intended) really rooting my  feet first

Toes grip, glute tightens and that locks in the base/root. Then I can push shoulders back AS I drive hip forward, keeping the glutes tight

and get back into the incline bench position to get under it. hips foward as much as shoulders are back then press STRAIGHT  UP NOT back

185 x 10 x 1  sets 4,5,9,10

Loose belt for first eight sets, then reg tightness for last two. could feel the difference as my back got tired

Wt pushups
BW x 5
53 x 3 x 5 reps

laterals/rear delts
15 x 3 x 8

BW 176.2
BF 14.4

Sunday, October 30, 2022

11 lap Ruck


Felt great coming off yesterdays workout. especially knowing tomorrow's a light day.I didn't think it would make such a difference mentally to me but I could really feel it. Knowing I didn't have to immediately start getting ready for heavy  press tomorrow

Pretty much just finally outran my ability to recover. Now just have to be able to get warm prior to Wed workout without a hot passive warmup bath. 

I'll figure it out

But today was good. Super crisp this am ( 45 deg) and started off on a good clip, 8:30 first lap, 17 min mile. I just time the laps and came up with 1:32 min for 11 laps. Total elapsed time door to door  was 2 hours but I could have rested that much but the per lap pace was fast and solid

45 lb ruck

11 laps

1:32 min

12, 360 steps

2 hours door to door

BW 176.0
BF 14.2

Saturday, October 29, 2022

40 kg One arm swings 20 x 5/5, 40 kg belt squat , pullaparts

 This went great. Very strong across the board; reps were powerful and good height, bell speed solid, back, legs and lungs good. Rest between sets medium and recovery between sets good too.

One arm swings 

40 kg x 20 x 5/5

then 40 kg belt squats 
3 x 8 no warmup went right into them. was getting decent depth but better as I warmed up

Pullaparts 3 x 30

BW 175.8
BF 13.7
W 57.9 bath

Thursday Ruck

Late posting but a good, actually great, ruck

 For some reason I felt good. Legs loose, lungs open fast pace from the start. back good too

I did one lap and took about 15-30 secs to shake out and time each lap and it was great

3 miles in 50 min.

45 lb ruck

55 min door to door

BW 176.2

BF 14.2

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

185 x 10 x 1,Kono Press Style, 24 kg swings, floor pushups


I realized I was trying to push the bar back over my head, violating the most basic principle of barbell lifting , that the athlete has to move around the bar, the bar doesn't move around the athlete.

Also, that at lockout my elbows have to extend which means the bar has to go forward. If my torso is not declined enough the bar will move forward( which is what has been happening) and out in front of my center of mass. That means my hips have to go forward to counterbalance the shoulders going back and I have to press the bar STRAIGHT UP

Which, is easier.

So the Kono Press!

And today it worked GREAT

Set up the same

elbows up

grip the toes ( but now also the glutes)

layback AND drive hips foward simultaneously

lockout straight up

185 x 10 x  1 sets 3,5,9,10

Loving this!

24 kg swings 5 x 8/8

floor pushups 52 x 2

BW 175.6
BF 14.3

Monday, October 24, 2022

215 x 1 220 x miss x 2, wt pushups, laterals, rear delts

 Well way more tired than expected. The techniques worked well but there was not a  lot of go. Not so much energy but CNS tired. The heavy swings and ruck took too much out of me it seems

I took two big naps yesterday then went to bed at 7:30 and still felt flat today.

195 x 1
205 x 1 slow

215 x 1 best rep of the day!
220 x miss-badly then this almost locked out 220
then a down set miss at 210!
the 5 sets of 1 with 205. lots of slow grinds


ready to try switching heavy day to Wednesday. The problem is no time for hot bath before and that really helps. Have to figure something else out but trying to go this heavy  week in and week out after two seriously hard and heavy  days is no longer working. having Tuesday off should help a ton, at least rest my CNS

Also, have to make  sure to make mondays very light, like 175  x 5 x 1 and 185 x 5 x 1 and only 5's on the weighted pushups so I'm not sore or tired at all going into Wednesdays

Wt pushups on pbar
3 x 10  with 53

sides and rears

3 x 8/8 15s

BW 175.2
BF 14.8
W 56.6

Sunday, October 23, 2022

5 Mile ruck and the Swing/Ruck cycle

 SO nice and chilly this morning when I started so it made it quick going. Everything felt fine from yesterdays monster bells and for that I'm very  grateful

A bit dehydrated but it didn't bother me on the ruck

45 lb

10 laps


5 miles

Not sore anywhere but just overall tired. Not a lot of gas in the tank so the ten laps was right

The Cycle: Swing/Ruck

60 kg 10 sets  10 laps

40 kg  20 sets  11 laps

44 kg  16 sets   12 laps

48 kg 12 sets    12 laps

BW  175.2

BF  15.9 !!

W 56.1

Saturday, October 22, 2022

60 and 68 kg one arm swings, 60 kg belt squats, pullaparts

 This was hard but good. Grip was solid, techniques were on ( focus on toe grip AND holding knee lockout at standing plank is TOUGH but crucial) and trying to maximize power on each and every rep and set is also tough. But is also the point.

Bell height seems ok but nothing better than last time

But nothing ripped off and I'm not hurt so that's what matters most

60 kg 7 x 5/5
68 kg 3 x 5/5 ( the last set was very tough)

60 kg belt squat
40 kg x 8
60 kg x 2 x 8

Pullaparts 3 x 30 angled

BW 175.8
BF 13.5 bath

Friday, October 21, 2022

Thursday Two Mile ruck

Got an early cancellation so I had 45 min at 9 am, prime time! before it got hot and the air was still cool and clean

45 lb ruck

2 miles

38 min

BW 176.0

BF 13.9

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

195 x 5 x 1, 200 x 6 x 1, 24 kg swings, floor pushups

  The toe gripping technique worked perfectly! Connected the grip tension with foot tension and their was NO balance issues at all. Really gave me a base to work from.  Just a few forward finishing reps from not keeping the elbows up enough  after unracking it. 

As soon as I fixed that the bar path was spot on.

Very excited. Not sure there's any more leaks in the technique. Hope not

195 x 1 x 5 sets

then 200 x 1 x 6 sets

24 kg swings 5 x 8/8

floor pushups

2 x 50

BW 176.0
BF 14.2

Monday, October 17, 2022

Sunday Ruck

 Very good. 1:58 min for 12 laps at a solid 3.4 MPH pace. nothing hurt very steady pace with less dog talking stops

45 lbs

12 laps


3.4 MPH

BW 174.8
BF 14.3

220 x 1 x 2, 215 downset, 4x1 205 downsets wt pushups, laterals

 This went really well again. Not happy with the lockout particularly but it motored well AND I did a 215 down set after two sets with 220

I also moved my index finger OUT 1/2 in and that was a mistake and could have made the lockouts worse. When I moved it in for the 205's the lockouts were way better and tighter( lighter weights not withstanding)

Pretty much stayed on mid foot after unracking and it helped but I just realized I am NOT gripping with my toes and I think that will help root my feet and create a more solid base than now.

I will try that Wednesday

The different muscles that are worked with this grip still have a lot of catching up to do and the fact that my lifts are heavier AND more consistent than they've been in months tells me a ton

195 x 1
205 x 1
215 x 1
220 x 1 x 2
215 x 1
205 x X out in front!
205 x 1 x 4 easy

wt parallete pushups 3 x 10 53 lbs

laterals/rear delts 3 x 8,9,10 with  20 lbs

BW 175.0
BF 14.5

Saturday, October 15, 2022

48 kg One Arm swings 12 x 5/5, 48 kg belt squats 3 x 8, pullaparts

 This went great. Perhaps the best height I've achieved swinging the 48 kg bell. As usual I couldn't tell by feel so I took video at set 3 and set 7.

Set  3 was a bit lower than I wanted so I focused on maintaining my leg drive into the ground and locking in at the top ( as well as letting myself warm up. a bit cool in the garage today) and set 7 seemed better

Then, to hold on for the next 5 sets

set 3

then set 7
Grip was solid AFTER I remember to get a deep palm grip after the first two sets the left hand grip felt weak
48 kg belt squats 3 sets of 8 32 kg x 8 warmup

these felt great. opened up my stance a bit and depth seemed better than last week. No knee or groin issues today

pullaparts 3 x 30

BW 174.8
BF 13.7
W 57.4

Thursday ruck


Two miles this day with the 45 lb ruck

Felt great, nice and cool out and all bodyparts were cooperating

45 lb ruck

2 miles

40 min

20/mile pace

after being so sore all week I wanted to take things easy. this was perfect

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

185 x 5 x 1, 190 x 5 x 1, 20 kg swings 5 x 8/8, Band tri extensions

 Man I got sore yesterday and was still sore today! Crazy what such a little change in technique and groove will do. Traps, NECK, upper back and biceps tendon a bit too. that was from rowing/sliding the bar into the start position and I won't do that again

I knew it wasn't good when I was doing it but it was too late already

A bunch of teres major work cleared it up for the most part but I've been tight all over. So it took me just a bit to warm up and I decided to go lighter. definitely the right decision

45 65 85 105 x 2
135 x 2
155 x 1
175 x 1
185 x 1 x 5 sets

then 190 x 1 x 5 sets even better as I warmed up and got less sore

 then just 20  kg for swings
5 x 8/8

purple band tri ext



was not in the mood for pushups!

BW 174.8
BF 14.8
W 56.6!!  ack!

Monday, October 10, 2022

220 x 1 x 2 sets!! ( ties pr),20th and 21st time, weighted pushups , laterals rear delts

 This went freakin' great! Not perfect as I let myself shift back a bit on 215 and 220 but I made them all with decent lockouts.All I need to do now is make sure to stay on midfoot at the start of the press. It was good up to 205 but the extra weight had me shifting just a bit 

But the second 220 rep was better than the first! I will repeat this again next Monday to solidify then go to 225 again the week after

This was the 20th  and 21st time I've pressed 100 kg. Not bad at all if I say so myself.

135 x 1
175 x 1
195 x 1
205 x 1
215 x 1
220 x 1
220 x 1
205 x 1 x 3

weighted parallette pushups
3 x 10 53

laterals/side raises 3 x 8/8 20 lbs

BW 175.8 !!
BF 14.1

Sunday, October 09, 2022

11 lap ruck

 Strong day for who knows what reason. But it was good and I'll take it.Quads were definitely feeling worked, mainly from the 2 sets of belt squats with the 44 but, really, just two sets? They must have gotten really weak.

Won't let that happen again. I think it also helps my  rucking something I remember happening the last time I did these. So, why did I stop? lol 

It's always that

I was on good pace, phone shows 3.2-3.5 mph ave and it was about right. But too many dog stops to have a great time overall

Ended up with  11 laps in 1:55 min 2:05 total time on feet

45 lb ruck

11 laps


BW 175.4
BF 14.3

Saturday, October 08, 2022

44 kg One Arm swings 16 x 5/5, 44 kg belt squat, pullaparts

 This went well but I was nervous a bit. Really trying to maximize bell height and power is a whole 'nother ball game than just holding on for the ride. When I was swinging lower ( not on purpose, not strong enough) even though I was pushing maximally it just wasn't producing the same force as now and it's just way more damn work and takes way more out of me per rep per set.

Plus, the extra speed, power, ROM and effort allows for more things to get tweaked. so I have to pay total attention to each part of each rep and each set. 

But it was good and bell height was most probably the best yet.

then onto belt squats
32 kg x 8

44 kg x 8 x 2 this was harder than it should have been. but it's exactly what I need


3 x 30 multi angle

BW 174.8
BF 13.5 with bath
W 57.6 too low

Thursday, October 06, 2022

Fast walk


Decided to de load the legs and do some speed work today and it went great. It was harder than it's been, mainly  anterior tibs locking up but legs lungs and gait were solid

3 mile fast walk

6 laps

45 min

15 min miles

a  few stops to let AT unlock but all was good

BW 175.6
BF 14.2  definitely not drinking as much now that it's cooler

Wednesday, October 05, 2022

195 x 5 x 1 200 x 5 x 1 WRAPPED THUMBS, 24 kg swings,floor pushups

 Decided to try to fix the lockout and the groove by wrapping my thumbs instead of using a false grip and it could not have gone better.

Timing still will improve but where I normally hit the sticking point and push  forward I could still keep pushing back

Makes sense, wrapping the thumbs improves shoulder flexion and false grip improves triceps extension and what's missing from the lockout is flexion

We'll see, of course, how it fares at 220 and above

As well as how my shoulders and elbows do

But today it was so easy  to lock in and just push

Same Cues
bar high

elbows up

lock and freeze

layback and push

didn't think for a second of the X or a head drive or keeping my head back. Much more natural

24 kg swings
5 x 5/5

floor pushups
1 x 50
1 x 40

BW 174.5
BF 14.7

Monday, October 03, 2022

215, 225 miss, 217.5 miss, 205 x 5 x 1, wt pushups, laterals rear delt

 Actually a very strong day  and with the exception of two misses at 225 and 217.5 all else was excellent

One of the best 215's I've done and was surprised when I missed 225. Twice. ack

Second attempt I dropped my elbows prior to launch and the bar launched forward lol!

217 was all over. One I fell back and another went forward

But then 5 sets with 205 were excellent! Go figure? But overall very pleased.

On the 225 I just didn't stay back at the sticking point but mainly need more starting strength. But can't sacrifice tightness for it!

Gonna take 220 next week and get the official 20th one. Go back to 215 220 and then a 225 attempt

I'll get it

then weights bar pushups
BW x 10
53 x 10 x 3

slightly strained left pec here? weird. must have been all those max isometric pushes

it's fine but irritating
 laterals rear delts 3 x 10/10 w/15s

BW 175.4!
BF 13.6

Sunday, October 02, 2022

10 lap Ruck

This was way stronger than I expected  and I considered doing all 12 laps instead of the 10 that was planned as part of this new cycle- heavy volume swing day  followed by lowest volume ruck day,

Next week is  16 sets with  44 kg bell and 11 laps in the ruck

Then 12 laps with the 48 and 12 laps (  highest volume) in the ruck

So I stayed with the program and was glad I did. By the  tenth lap I was getting tired. Legs and lungs were ok but gas tank was low

Cool overcast morning, so nice. Air so fresh

Body feel( feels ) relatively  balance ( don't jinx yourself!)

45 lb ruck

10 laps

1:40 min or so 9.5 mph

BW 173.8
BF 14.2

Saturday, October 01, 2022

Punisher Workout 40 kg One Arm Swings 20 x 5/5, 40 kg belt squats, pullapart


This went really  well. And, really fast. Just Nick and I and it turned into on the minute training, basically. It wasn't warm out at 7 am but I was sweating. and breathing heavy. But the bell height and speed was much better than I thought it was

Really happy with this performance

One  Arm swings

16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 4/4
24 kg x 3/3
28  kg x 3/3
32 kg x 3/3
40 kg x 5/5 x 20  

Really did not lose any power or speed even on the last set, even with those short  rests!
I might  actually be getting in shap

Belt  squats
32 x 8
40 x 8 x  2

these felt much better. I let myself lean more than last time and depth was better. This is the move for  now. Need to get the legs stronger in absolute sense

pullaparts  3 x 30

BW 174.8
BF 14.2

Sunday ruck in the rain

 Wow, quads were sore from the start today! good sore. though it would affect my ruck more but it didn't another fast and strong one! 35...