Sunday, July 31, 2022

12 lap Strong Ruck!


Well that was a total surprise! After all those super heavy one arm swings yesterday I was prepared to suffer, and to have to call things short but this was the strongest and fastest I've been in a Sunday ruck in months

Reloading the ruck and switching out the gypsum for hard packed sand in a sandbag filler sleeve did the trick.

I placed the sandbag sleeve vertically in the center of the ruck and put the ten pound sand pill in front and hoped wouldn't shift and it didn't!

I could get and keep the hip belt up much  higher on my hips and it didn't slouch. That's what's been making my lower back tight and my traps achy  at the end of the rucks. Today  it felt really well balanced

Lungs and legs were good although  it did take a bit ( 45 min) for the lungs to open but that's not unusual. But legs were good the whole time! Shocking

45 lb ruck

12 laps


13,026 steps

Ave MPH 3.4

BW 173.8
BF 13.9

Saturday, July 30, 2022

60 and 68 kg One Arm Swings 10 x 5/5, sandbag lunges, pullaparts

 This went very very  well, especially considering I didn't even finish the 48 kg workout last week. I was nervous too( as should be, but more than usual as my back has been unnaturally tight of late) but I focused on converting that to more concentration .

Grip was solid as could be too and I kept the load in my  legs and not my  back

One arm swings

16 kg x 5/5
20 kg x 4/4
24 kg x 4/3
28 kg x 4/3
32 kg x 4/4
36 kg x 4/4
40 kg x 3/3
44 kg x 3/3
48  kg x 3/3
60 kg x 5/5 x 7

then two sets of 5/5 with the 68 kg and one set of 3/3 ( no transfer) with the 68
I was getting a little nervous that I was pushing my luck with the third set with the 68 so decided to cut the reps and not transfer

It wasn't til I had to hike pass the 68 with my right arm that I realized I hadn't dont any with the right arm at all. It was ok but my right heels came up a bit
Damn happy  when this workout was over

Sandbag lunges
bw x 8
25 lbs x 5/5
           x 7/7
           x 8/8

these felt great! the right move for me now

3 x 30

BW 172.8 !!
BF 13.5 ( bath but long interval to weigh in)
W 57.4  dehydrated

Thursday ruck

 Hard, hot slow slog. Feet were tired from standing for 7 hours to start but the pack just didn't seem to fit right. Again. Changing it out from the gypsum to actual sand pill. will see how that works.

I think mainly back just tired from Wednesdays  hard work No problem just hard

45 lb ruck

6 laps

48 min


hot and sunny with zero breeze or cloud cover. BUT, it got done. we'll see how Sunday goes with the new setup

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

155-195 x 3 ( PR) full pyramid,24 kg swings,floor pushups

 Another great session. So much  less stress in the training when I actually know what I'm supposed to be doing/feeling. It makes all the difference. Even had to start late and I was not stressing. Felt in the groove every set. BUT it's really hard for me to not lose sight of the X even for a millisecond. And that's vital. Neck extension strength as well as stronger eye muscles lol!

65 86 105 x 3
135 x 2
155 x 3
165 x 3
175 x 3
180 x 3 really solid

Then a big jump to 190 x 3 to tie my  old pr lost balance but still made 3

Then 195 x 3 for an all time PR
then down to 180 x 3 and 170 x 3

24 kg swings  5 x 8/8

floor pushups  1 x 54  1 x 50

BW 174.4
BF 13.5    

Monday, July 25, 2022

205,215,220,210 x 1 x 4 , wt pushups, side and rear delts

 Wow up from the ashes a GREAT press day! Everything felt great and literally  didn't miss any  reps.

The lockouts on 220 and 215 weren't solid but the groove was and I could grind. Plus I did not lose my  balance as I pressed my hips forward at the start.Keeping my eyes on the X was the difference. It seems to be THE key.

Slept ok last night but the allergy meds worked and I didn't sneeze and hack all night so I felt good going in

A bit light  but probably over 174 at the start of the workouts


65 85 105 x 2
135 x 2
155 x 1
175 x 1
195 x 1 fast!
205 x 1 strong!

then right to 215 which was a win in itself
then 220 with a bullet ;)

But then FOUR 210 singles each  one as good as the other!

Man I'm happy with this. I'm finding my way with this groove and realizing just how key seeing and staying on the X is has made all the difference. HAVE to keep visual contact with it at all times from the very start to the lockout




Weight pushups
bw x 10
53 x 10 x 3 
slow and controlled with paused lockout, elbows in

side and rear delts
3 x 8/8  with 20s

BW 173.8
BF 14.3
W 56.0

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Decent ruck

 Got a good nights sleep last night despite sweating the bed with the last vesitiges( I hope) from the fever. woke up feeling rested and more normal than I have in awhile.

Perfect weather for rucking too, 54 degrees with a cool breeze just how I like it. Chose to do just 9 laps even though Im sure I could have done 10-11 strongly just didn't want to push it

Did 8 squat stretches too and they felt great. As deep and easy a bottom position as ever

45 lb ruck

90 minutes

9 laps

5.5 miles

3.3 mph ave this was surprising

No fever but allergies are still kicking my ass

BW 171.2
BF 14.7 !!

Saturday, July 23, 2022

48 kg One Arm swings 8 x 5/5, alternate lunges 10 lbs, pullaparts

 Didn't know if I was going to be able to make this. Came down with what I first thought was allergies, then a cold with a 99.5 fever then I thought maybe covid? Took a test and that was negative so back to the cold. Fever broke in the night so I decided to train a bit

Felt great til the 7th set the it got a bit ugly. Broke a serious sweat and got a bit nauseous and woozy  for a sec. Layed down on floor with feet up and all was well after a few minutes.

Did the 8th set and called it. All that nyquil and pseudophed decided to come out of me I guess. Still runny nose but no fever. Will see how ruck goes.. I had planned on doing ten sets of swings even before I went weird but no go

Glad I got anything done

48 kg swings
16 x 5/5 x 2
20  x 4/4
24 x 3/3
28 x 3/3
32 x 3/3
36 x 3/3
40 x 3/3
49 x 5/5 x 10 sets

Alternating lunges
BW x 16

10 lbs x 8/8 x 3 sets

pullaparts 3 x 30

BW 171.6 !!
BF 13.7 after a bath
W 57.3 spent all day yesterday  drinking fluids

Friday, July 22, 2022

Thursday Ruck

 Either my allergies kicked in big or I caught a head cold but either way running nose and sniffles. No fever. Slept like shit Wednesday night and that pushed things on. Haven't been sick with anything since covid in 2020.

But the ruck felt great but did only five laps anyway not to push things

45 lbs ruck

5 laps

45 min total

2.5  miles

BW 174.4
BF 13.3

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

155-190 x 3 full pyramid, 24 kg swings, floor pushups

 Everything went great today. Not as sore as I was yesterday and warmups went well. Took a bit of time getting my hips forward enough  at the start but then it was 'there'. Tried to really  load the hips and 'lock in' at the start of the press and spot the X from the start. It went well.

The few times the bar went forward a bit was when I didn't have a great spot on the X. Exaggerating that helped immediately

Still have to work more on completely  locking in and feeling it solid before I start to press.

65 85 105 x 3
135 x 2
155 x 3
165 x 3
175 x 3

180 x 3
185 x 3 second rep went a bit forward but still strong
190 x 3 STRONG Ties PR but was a better effort

180 x 3 strong too
then 175 x 3 x 2 sets  really really good

24 kg swings 5 x 8/9

floor pushups 1 x 54 1 x 45 triceps really cooked!

BW 174.8
BF 13.4

Monday, July 18, 2022

195-215/220 press, wt pushups, laterals, rear delts

 This was decent all things considered. As usual the exact cues I was thinking of didn't work but they were close

The cues were

Lock in

Wedge the bar up

Made a few mistakes and had a few misses

1) elbows too high cause me to dump bar backwards. no good.

2) not spotting the X causes bar to go forward

BUT waiting a bit too long to lock in DOES WORK

And initiating from the hips does work too, just have to spot the X

65 85 105 x 2
135 x 2
155 x 1
175 x 1
195 x 1 ( a bit forward)
205 x miss ( elbows too high)
205 x 1 decent

210 x 1 really good
215 x 1 ok started spotting X
220 x miss not in bad position just not enough speed
220 x miss second  not bad either for a second grind
205 x 1  x 4
this is second rep
Now I'm spotting X strong and good start speed. of course it's light

wt pushups
BW x 10
53 x 10 x 3
slow and strict and full parallel position no angle

laterals and rear delts
3 x 10/10 15

BW 173.2
BF 13.0  light!

Hard and slow Sunday ruck


This was tough. Had predecided to only do 10 laps and was lucky to get them.Slept well, felt good on awakening but everything was heavy and tired.Pack straps digging into shoulders even tho it was adjusted correctly.

Just a hard day after a tough and strong swing workout. didn't help that it was hot and humid with no breeze from the start

Thought it was a trend down BUT check the blog and the last three rucks excluding last weeks (forgot to blog it) was not just ok but fast.Including both Thursdays!

45 lb ruck

1:45 min

10 laps

11,026 steps

5 squat stretches

BW 173.8
BF 13.5

Saturday, July 16, 2022

44 kg One Arm Swings 16 x 5/5, bw lunges, pullaparts


This went very well. Very steady and good power from start to finish. All bodyparts ok and on board. Grip was solid as well

Slept decent and big toe was a non issue.

One arm swings

16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 4/4
28 kg x 4/4
32 kg x 3/3
36 kg x 3/3
44 kg x 5/5 x 16 sets
160 reps
15, 520 lbs

Alternating bodyweight lunges ( prep for walking lunges)
3 x 8/8  felt fine work up to 10/10 x 4 sets then out to the lawn or add sandbag

3 x 30 all vector angle reps

BW 173.8
BF 13.5

Friday, July 15, 2022

Thursday ruck

 Big toe much much better but still played it safe and only did 4 laps

But, they were good laps, much faster than expected.

2 miles in 35 min or so. First lap was 7:30 1/2 mile which is blazing fast for a thursday, plus it was hot as hell.

Very happy I can walk normally again,much less ruck , much less ruck fast.

I'll take it

45lb ruck

4 laps

2 miles

34 min

BW 174.8

BF 13.0

W 58.0

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

155-185 full pyramid, 24 kg swings, floor pushups

 This worked really well. Starting where I left off Monday, with the idea of completely locking in and loading my legs and hips at the start before starting the press. Once I was sure my glutes AND quads were locked then I push the hips forward to start the press then threw my head back

Worked brilliantly. Of course it's light but the get tight as long as it takes BEFORE starting the press is the way to go. No other choice. If I'm not totally tight it's not going to go

I may lose some starting speed but that's my strength; I have to solidify my base more than anything

135 x 3
155 x 3
165 x 3
175 x 3
180 x 3
185 x 3
180 x 3
175 x 3
165 x 3

24kg swings  5 x 8/8

floor pushups 52 x 2

BW 173.6
BF 13.5

PS Big toe is Much better. Abductor Hallucis was  over stretched, Released that and adductor hallucis and activated abductor hallucis, anterior tib and release soleus as well

that was seriously painful

Monday, July 11, 2022

205/210 x x 4,wt pushups, laterals, rear delts

 What a shit show. For no real reason except I am beat up. The ruck and swings really kicked my ass it seems, and despite sleeping and eating really well I was just sore and flat today. Like I haven't been in a long time

The heat got into me too and the garage was 90deg plus and there wasn't a lot of there there and couldnt get tight enough

Over correcting from last weeks mistake on my elbows caused me to dump 195 at the start and 205 as a down set. SO weird, All over the place BUT still got some weight lifter

Plus I was setting my glutes well but knees got soft. Of course bar goes foward. ack

Oh, and my fucking right toe is jacked up again. Slacking on the calf SMR and tib strength. Ack

65 85 105 x 2
135 x 1
155 x 1
175 x 1 
195 x MISS elbow up TOO much
195 x 1 easy
205 x 1 so so
210 x 1 x 2

215 x 1 x 2 really fucked up lock out on second

205 x 1 x 3 (  and one missed rep ) downs sets > None solid
Set ups
225 x 5 sec x 2 Now THESE felt great which lead to this 135 lb rep, focusing on super locking in before pressing.

When I just do the setups it seems I can REALLY  lock in and don't have the balance problem I do when I set up to press and always rush  things

Going to play  with this Wednesday, I did really  well back in the day  when Glenn gave me a press signal

Wt pushups
bw x 10
53 x 10

laterals and rear delts 15 lbs x 3 x 10

BW 172.8 this didn't help!
BF 13.1

Saturday, July 09, 2022

40 kg One Arm Swings 20 x 5/5, 24-32 kg goblet squat pyramid, pullaparts

 This went better than it has in months. NO hand damage at all which has been occurring at set 17 and it's been a focus not to tear, rather than pushing for power. Today I didn't have to do that so that's a good thing. Better grip or skin adaptation, I don't know but I'll take it

Slept REALLY well for a change and what a difference that makes. If you could actually bottle it it would be the best selling drug/supplement/product in the world. Amazing on all levels. I need more of it to be sure

One arm swings

16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 4/4 
24 kg x 4/4
28 kg x 3/3
32 kg x 3/3
40 kg x 5/5 x 20
200 reps
17,600 lbs work
fast pace too. barely up to talk test at start of next set.
Not timed but under 90 sec
Solid bell speed and height

goblet squat
24 x 5
28 x 5
32 x 5
getting stronger

3 x 30
still love these. really light up rear delts

BW 173.8
BF 12.7 ( bath)
W 58.1

Friday, July 08, 2022

Thursday ruck


Another solid and fast six lap ruck. Remembering to actually do pose technique has made all the difference. Not sure how I forgot to do it but glad I finally remembered

45 lb ruck

6 laps

54 min

18 min  miles

legs and lungs felt solid. hot out but decent breeze

BW 173.6
NF 13.5

Wednesday, July 06, 2022

155-190 x 3 full pyramid, 24 kg swings, floor pushups

 This went great. Repeated the sets and weights of last week almost exactly ( one more warmup) but the  reps and teshnik were much better. Have to make sure to keep the glutes tight  ALL THE DAMN TIME- if I don't that's when the weight shifts to my heels and the bar gets forward. this happened on my 185 lb  set but then I figured it out!

Finally NOT at the end of the workout!


65 85 105 x 3
135 x 3
155 x 3
165 x 3 
175 x 3

185 x 3 this is where the bar gets forward
190 x 3 much better than last week
180 x 3
this went great. then onto 170 x 3 and 165 x 3

Really got the take off down well

set the hips in front of the bar

roll the elbows up UNTIL THE ANGLE MATCHES THAT OF MY  ARCHED TORSO( this is a key visual and  kinesthetic)

glutes unrack the weight

throw the head to start the press

24 kg swings

5 x 8/8

floor pushups

2  x 50 surprisingly strong. good triceps pump

BW 174

BF 13.3

Monday, July 04, 2022

215 x 1 x 4, 210 x 1 x 4, wt pushups , laterals, rear delts

 This went really well despite being pretty tired from the weekends very heavy training

Techniques all worked well and I could execute moderately well also.

Keys were

1) get hips  in front of bar 

2) get elbows high

3) unrack with glutes and keep them tight

4) throw head to pull trigger to start press

65 85 105 x 2
135 x 2
155 x 1
175 x 1
195 x 1
205 x 1

210 x 1 x 2

215 x 1 x 4

then 210 x 1 x 2

225 x 5 sec
245 x 5
265 x 5 PR!
These really  worked everything especially the glutes. This is indeed the exact right position to press from. Just takes me all workout to get warmed up enough to get my hips this far in front of bar!

Wt pushups  ( totally  parallel bars)
bw x 10
53 x 10 x 3 slow

side raises 3 x8 with 20

rear delts 3 x8 with  20

BW 174
BF 13.8

Sunday, July 03, 2022

45 lb ruck


Really really strong one. Another fast day too. Very cool and overcast which helped a bunch but remembered to lean into the POSE ruck position and that's making it much easier to get to speed and maintain it

Also, barely any squat stretches ( just 2) as I wanted to push the total time a bit

Mental focus was good too.

45 lb ruck

12 laps

2 squat stretches

1:52 min

top speed 3.6 mph

BW 173.8
BF 14.3

Saturday, July 02, 2022

Big Dog bells, 60 and 68kg one arm swings, 32 kg goblet squats pullaparts

 This went well and, as always , it takes 100% of my concentration to get it done. Scares me more these days not less even though  I've done it for years. Slept really well the night before, as opposed to the almost no sleep I got on Thursday. Nothing helps like a great nights sleep!

Grip, which is always a concern was no problem at all. Height was decent and bell speed as well.

One arm swings
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5 
24 kg x 4/4
28 kg x 3/3
32 kg x 3/3
36 kg x 3/3
40 kg x 3/3
44 kg x 3/3
48 kg x 3/3
60 kg x 5/5 x 7 sets

68 kg x 5/5 x 3
Goblet squat
24 kg x 5
32 kg x 5 x 2
3 x 30


Thursday Ruck

Fastest ruck in forever. I've been doing about 3 mph on both short and long days and really haven't felt I could push it more. Not anything specific but they haven't felt easy enough to try to push the pace

Today, on a Thursday no less, I felt a speed flow for the first time in forever. Nothing dramatic but 3.2- 3.4 mph  at times.

Definitely leaning into the Pose running gait mechanics helped; which I also haven't done in awhile. We'll see how it goes on Sunday but this was encouraging

Plus it was hot and it didn't bother me much ( breeze always helps)

45 lb ruck

6 laps

48 min

Legs and lungs solid


175 x 1 x 5, 185 x 1 x 5 ( layback style) 16 kg five mine 15:15 swing test 100 reps

 This took a few warmup sets ( and almost tweaking my tricep again with  95!) but I think it went well over I just have to 'THINK RIGHT...