Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Swipes and Speed Snatches, one day early.

Yesterday's short cycle press workout showed me just how much difference there is between a 5-10 long cycle ladder and a 5-10 rep short cycle one,lol. Without the intervening clean there is no break on the delts, upper back and triceps and the load adds up quickly.

What I'm trying to say is that I was already a bit sore when I got up this morning and when the time came to do my workouts this morning at 9 am I could tell it was just settling in.

But I was determined to try to get through the workout today, one day earlier than normal to give myself enough rest so I am NOT sore on Saturday for heavy swings and snatches. Can't do it all simultaneously so I sacrificed a bit in todays wipes and snatches and I could tell the difference.

Every thing felt heavy, even the 10 lb clubs,lol. I wanted to do a 20 lb club swipe workout and build up my top end so I can get 200 reps with the 15's soon. Multiple sets of lower reps and focus on a big total number. Then increase the reps and decrease the total sets. Basic Density Training( thank you Ethan Reeve!). But the 20's felt WAY harder than expected and I realized I had used way too lose of a grip as well. These bad boys were nothing to mess around with. Grip those handles!

I wanted to do set of 10 but thought better of that after the first set. I warmed up well and could have finished with 10's but decided not to be greedy.

30 minute stretch and mobility, then:

Clubbell Swings
2/10's x 20 x 2
2/15's x 15 x2
2/20's x10/x 2

these got to me more than I thought and my grip was seriously pumped. Next time right to swipes

Clubbell Swipes
10's x 10
15's x 10
20's x 8x 10 sets

ouch. That wasn't that much fun.; I was using the same grip technique I would use if the weight was "light" but the 20's aren't light and my elbows didn't like the first set. So I tightened up and treated the weight with some respect and things got fine after that. As usual the more sets I did the better I felt

Speed snatches
16 kg
8 rep sets
20 sets
160 snatches
5760 lbs

can't call these snatch vo2 as they were all off the clock as I knew right away I wouldn't be able to hold that pace. So I focused on doing each rep as fast as I could and resting as little as necessary to feel ready for the next set.

Went back to my speed form that I used in 2007 and it worked well here too although it took me a few sets to get the bugs out; like breaking late instead of early and not getting to far back on my heels at the end of each rep.

30 min stretch and mobility/ foam roll

not an optimal performance give the lack of rest but it should set me up for Saturdays workout. We'll see how this goes


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