Sunday, May 29, 2011

Nikko squats big

This is an amazing testament to the power of the kb swing and snatch for building serious power in the posterior chain and having a crazy carryover to other power movements. Back in 2006 Nick squatted 601 at the APF State Meet here in Cali wearing a two ply suit with straps up ( obviously), tight knee wraps and with a monolift, meaning he didn't have to walk the squat out.

He has diligently trained the squat once a week for years now, letting the bench and the deadlift go but still training kettlebell swings and snatches with me, also once a week,for all these years as well. Sometimes it went for months with just maintenance loads but the last year he has really picked up the pace, setting up real training cycles and waving the loads as we did before.

The result is this great effort today( after 100 or so kb snatches yesterday with the 24 kg) which was EASY. Yes, the last rep should have been deeper but it was still very strong. When he told of his plan to just do 521 for a single I told him he needed to go for more as he just doubled five hundred for two sets just 6 weeks or so and had been training hard this whole time.

He wore a six year old single ply suit bottom with no wraps or straps and he crushed it. He should be able to squat close to seven with the same setup he had in 2006 and some very specific gear and monolift training but I doubt he will do it.

Probably just keep training his squat and his kbs and end up doing 600 very soon in this same manner. Progress is the key, not competition. Many need competition in order to have a serious enough goal to really train hard and progressively but it's not, as Nick shows necessary.

Well done my Brother! Wish I could still be squatting along side you but this is close.If not me then who else but you?


He argued with me but when the bar was on his back he knew I was right :)

this was in Dec 2010


bencrush said...

That's very cool! Always interesting to hear about the carryover to the powerlifts.

Ben Edwards

Mark Reifkind said...

hey ben, yes it's been amazing to see just how little swinging and snatching does carryover. Plus although he hasn't been 'killing it' in the squat rack he has been showing up consistently and getting his workout in.

you know how I feel about consistency :))

Juci SFG said...

I like this devotion and concentration. Written all over his face.

Mark Reifkind said...


yes, he has learned to focus very well over the years.heavy anything will teach one that, but heavy squats especially. it is always trying to crush you; you must push back hard.

Boris said...

No better teacher than heavy squats!!!

Strong stuff.

205 x 1 !!! Chin press

 Feels like it's been months but I guess only 3 weeks or so. Warmup went well and mental state was solid, for a change 135 x 1 155 x 1 1...