Saturday, May 21, 2011

Speed swings, power swings and swipes.

Another good one in the bag. had a full hour of stretching and mobilization from 7-8 to get me ready for my swing workout today. Last week was snatches, today, heavy speed swings. My groove has felt fast and stable of late and that's always good.

If you can't go fast the groove isn't right, imo.One may not have the conditioning to go fast for long, or for multiple sets but you should not be fighting your own body or mechanics during the motion or something's wrong. Done that enough to know it's true :))

One arm swings
16 kg x5/5 x2
20 kg x5/5
24 kg x6/6

28 kg x10/10x10 sets
200 reps/
12,600 lbs

Nice! things felt easy for the first five sets then a bit of fatigue started setting in. Haven't done this weight, for tens, much less ten consecutive sets for years. Felt good that it was so strong.
The pace was fast, alternating "I go, you go" with Nick. so it was about 30 seconds of work and 45-50 seconds of rest. Thats not much rest for me;}

Power two hand swing
32 kg x 5/5

These were easier and harder than I expected. When I started with fives I thought I would ladder up to ten pretty easily. After two sets I realized that it would be no joke to not only do these reps but make sure the hike pass was seriously hard and the hip snap powerful with the bell speed never dropping for any reps.

Two CB swipes
10's x 10
15's x 10
20's x 10

My left shoulder/levator was a bit impinged all morning and it was feeling fine at the end so I didn't want to mess anything up with more pullups so I went with the swipes. These were easy but I was done. 75 minutes of training later( after the hour of stretching).

Very happy with everything; form, condition, strength, recovery, work capacity.
SO nice to be able to train hard again and not feel tweaked right after. Also nice to workout and not worry every second whether your spine is going to fall off at any second too .


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