Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Ring Weights

That's what kettlebells used to be called back in the early 1900's when they were used by such Iron Game luminaries such as Sig Klein and Eugene Sandow. And that's one of the first things I thought about kettlebells when I first got my hand on one was how much it resembled the rings I was used to swinging on as a gymnast, as well as the pommel on the side horse. A ring weight indeed.

Kettlebells had gymnastics written all over them. Perfect for me, especially since when I found them in I was easily in the worst physical shape I had ever been in.I was strong in a powerlifting sense by my mobility, my conditioning and my pain levels were terrible

Being able to swing again brought me immediately back to my roots of gymnastics, where the swing IS the thing, such a beautiful blend of strength, power, speed and control.

I had NO idea that training with kettlebells these last 9 years would rehab me enough to allow me to even DREAM of playing with the rings again, in any way. Hell for most of that time I couldn't get my right arm fully over my head without serious pain and even then no where near full ROM.

Forget about double bells or two hands with anything over my head. I thought of more irony that I once could do 22 free handstand pushups on the rings at the END of my workout. How far I had fallen.

So as I bought these competition style rings from Rogue Fitness it immediately brought me back to my beginnings, but also to my end. It was a ring injury that finished my gymnastics career and my Olympic Dreams. Back to the future. Watching Kelly Starrett and Carl Paoli use these rings to develop external rotation and stability in the shoulders inspired an AHA moment that I too could play with these again, even if only for rehab.

Still it would be cool.

SO I set them up first thing at O dark thirty this morning and they looked great. Like real ring, just like I remember( except they need more chalk)
I played around with them just a bit during my stretchout from 6-7 am, using no load at all just getting them into position for a support and really focusing on locking the elbows and externally rotating the arms.

Just feeling them.

8:30- 9:30 Long cycle clean and press, single bell

one arm swings
16 kg x5/5/5/x3
16 kg x 5/5 x2

clean and press
16kg x5/5x2
20 kg x5/5
24 kg x2/2

28 kg x3 x 5 sets

these went so well. very very strong. I want to alternate single arm presses with double bells every other week. easily could have done more but wanted to save something for the ring ;))

Two hand arm casts
20 lbs x10/'10
25 lbs x 5/5
35 lbs x 10/10

damn if these things still aren't hard! especially the second arm for any reps over five!!

Ring Planks
15 seconds
18 seconds
20 seconds.
Man oh man did I ever play on these things like I remember or was it just a dream? Even holding myself up and getting the arms turned out, WITH MY FEET ON A BENCH! was crazy hard.

I really thought I would do sets of 30 seconds but realized that wasn't going to happens very very quickly. Like ten seconds into the first set. The second set was better but I let off 2 second shy of 20 so I had to do it again.

I was going to also play around with upright supports but HAD NOTHING LEFT,lol. Crazy how much muscle gets worked on those things. But, leaves lots of room for improvement.


Spencer said...

Congrats Mark. I'm sure you were glad to get reacquainted with your old friends. Though we just have come run-of-the-mill plastic rings, we put 'em to good use with planks, push-ups, L's, and my wife loves to stretch out her shoulders with rows.

Spencer said...

*some, not come

Mark Reifkind said...

Spencer, in the long run rings are rings but these guys and I have history :))

you can use them for SO many things.

Mark Reifkind said...

can't wait til I can do L's, dips and pushups on them. Pullups too.

Steven Rice Fitness said...

Great to hear Rif. I love using rings for the upper body work TRX has become popular for. Much more comfortable, plus, hey, there's always the chance busting out a handstand or iron cross.

Mark Reifkind said...


there will be no "busting out" anything,lol . Just slow steady progressions towards the basics and then see where it takes me.
I have to remember not to be greedy :))

Diana said...

I love gymnastics and can't wait to see your video of your "cross", with the beast hanging from your waist, of course!!
Have fun!

Mark Reifkind said...


lol only in my dreams, there will be no crosses, not in this lifetime,.

guy said...

Bravo Sir! I'm glad for you, you truly have come a long way on your path of healing, regaining, and rediscovering.

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks Guy, it definitely is coming along well, and gaining speed too!

teracheapgold said...
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205 x 1 !!! Chin press

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