Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Samurai Rogue

I love a good hardcore, badass t shirt. I used to have a serious collection when I was powerlifting but it has dwindled pretty badly since then. Besides most of them were XL's and that don't fit me any more. Mediums are just fine now and that's just fine.

I have always liked to wear the same clothes for specific workouts once I have figured out what makes me feel the best for that workout since my bodybuilding days. Scott Wilson did that and I soon caught on. Sounds weird but it works. I would even have different colors I wore for specific bodyparts or lifts. Something either made me feel strong and fit or it did not. I didn't have to think about it, I either liked it or not.

I wear different gear for snatches than I do for presses or for swings. Not dramatically but it's gotta to fit the mood and promote the mood.What mood? For strength and courage, of course.

And that's how I felt when I came across this company called Rogue Fitness from KStars Mobility website.It's a company that specializes in outfitting Crossfit strength boxes( as they're called) but that doesn't bother me. I know hardcore when I see it and this place is seriously hardcore.

If you carry WSB Power racks,bumper plates, Atlas stones, glute ham raise machines and wood( not plastic) gymnastics rings you are hardcore and know quality.This place does. They need to upgrade their kettlebell brand but that's another story.

Anyway, they carry a collection of T shirts that got to me right away. One is an American flag on a black background called the Disposable Heroes Project whose proceeds go 100% to wounded veterans. That was my first purchase.

Next was this crazy ass skull and meat cleaver shirt which would have been perfect for squat day.Unfortunately it has lame stripes on the arm but otherwise is very cool. Next was this one, the Samurai Rogue which is what I was wearing in the video above.

The new shirts reflect my new attitude which is a very good one. Being confident of being able to do more than just rehab now has re sparked my mojo.Strong is good and these shirts are perfect to strengthen my mood and power.Rogue Strength is my last purchase for awhile and fits right in too. It's nice how they name the shirts after the athletes that inspired the art.

Now the workouts.

first up, 6-7 am full stretchout and mobility.

as has been the case this is going very well and I can't believe the progress my left knee is making in actually bending as well as my ability to squat. squat training is next up on the agenda and it will be happening sooner rather than later!

I never miss stretching out in the am now, no matter how tired I am as I can really see the difference it is making in my total body tension levels as well as my ability to move well.Priority ONE!

Short Cycle Mil Press
one arm swings
16 kg x5/5/5/5 x3
16 kg x5/5 x2

short cycle press
16 kg x5/5
20 kg x3/3

24 kg x5/5
45 presses per arm and 90 total! PR

I much prefer long cycle presses these days, much to my surprise but I figured it was time to throw in some sheer shoulder work. It would help the long cycle and I didn't want to do it so enough said.

I skipped 9/9 because I wasn't sure I could do that AND get my last set of 10/10 and I really wanted to get the 10's. No problem and I went back and did 9/9 right after. Should've trusted my ability more.I will next time. as well as have more patience.

I also played around with my technique a bit, going back to my original teshnik of watching the bell as it ascends. this worked great on my right arm but turned out not to be better with my ( non injured) left so I split the difference and did it the old way on the left and the new on the right. I ain't even close to symmetrical so why should my techniques be?

One of the beauties of only having to do one side at a time no? With this technique my shoulder doesn't lock out any better but my elbow sure does and Man do I have good leverage in this position. Tracy asked me if I was doing speed presses and that's what they felt like.Crazy strong and like I could keep going.

Two Hand Arm Casts
20 lbs x10/10
25 lbs x10/10
35 lbs x 10/10

Two hand Shield Casts
20 lbs x8/8
25 lbs x8/8
35/lbs x5/5

man my shoulders and upper back were toast by now but the 35 lb shield cast was a pr. Never used that weight for that move before so I was happy :))

Scapula Tactical Pullups

3 sets of 8-10

really need to add these in and get my pullups back in shape for teaching it at Level 2 in Hungary. These went very well and I really focused on locking into the hollow position with my body as well as really torqueing the arms into external rotation before I began the movement. Also made sure to dorsiflex the ankles to prepare for holding weight this way.

This is SO different than my old style of bodybuilding pullups but right back where I began in my gymnastics hollow technique. Like riding a bike;)) Also made sure to activate from scapula depression first and then engage teres and lats. this is going to work. Next up: handstands.

Bodyblade laterals

3x10/10 to finish off delts

good one and the chest wound is fully healed.Another great workout with my Valkerie Warrior Woman by my side:) Tracy is getting her presses to a whole nother level too.


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205 x 1 !!! Chin press

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