Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Speed snatch


Speedy, that is. I should know by now that trying to train speed AFTER heavy or max effort is just wrong. Trying to make my schedule fit physiology doesn't ever work and I should remember that.
Yesterday's long cycle double presses were fun and solid but definitely heavy and took it's toll.

Trying to train today was one thing; trying to train speed was another.I thought last week that it was doing clubbells first that took it out of me but it was just doing heavy presses the day before.
In WSB land they train squat speed on fridays, bench speed on Mondays THEN max effort squat/deadlift on Mondays.

Speed before strength. I forgot. Now I remember, and won't make that mistake again. I definitely need two days after speed snatching before heavy swings on Saturday but trying to go fast just one day after heavy makes no sense.

No issues at all after yesterday's presses and still got a 30 min stretchout at 5:30 am. Have to stay mobile, a supple leopard, as Starrett would say :))

Snatch Vo2
16 kg
36 sets of 7
252 reps
9,072 lbs

Groove felt fine but left arm speed was iffy and overall, just tired. What I needed was recovery not stimulation but I got it done nonetheless.

What this means in the big picture is that I need to train on Thursdays and I don't think snatching them will help for Saturdays. So that means Snatch VO2 may be sacrificed to the gods and I'll do clubbell swipes on Thursdays ( which shouldn't interfere with Saturdays snatch/swing training and still give me a day off after Tuesdays heavy presses.

MAN! Having all these options is a serious high quality problem.



snatch or one arm swing
two hand or power swing

long or short cycle kb press
two hand clubbell casts

two clubbell swipes
bw squats

that's what's up for now. See how that works


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