Thursday, May 26, 2011

Swipes and Handstands

Another experiment on where to put the mid week workout was successful. I realized this was not the time. The decision to do swipes today was a good one but I was running out of steam quickly after 7 clients. I have a six AM opening on Thursdays so I believe the next experiment will be to try to train at that time.

I have said my goal is to be able to train myself first and here's another chance! It's working out well for Tuesdays heavy presses, and Saturdays swing and snatches so why not Thursday as well?

Six am is NOT 8:30 but swipes are not snatches either and I figure I can get a 30 min stretchout in from 5:45 to 6:15 then go to swipes for 30 minutes before a post workout mobility cool down for 15 minutes. This might be the ticket.

And here's the other part: I 'm going to try Swipe Vo2 !!! Substitute swipes for snatches and start playing with the protocol. See how many swipes I can do in 15 seconds and then go for a big volume of sets.

Bilateral swipes don't give one the alternating arm rest so the totals might be different but this should be fun. It's my favorite met con workout but I am stuck as to where to do it with kbs. The swipes shouldn't compromise my grip for Saturday's heavy work.

At least that's the theory.

Today's work

6-7 am Full stretchout and mobility work. Focus:ankles and hammies.

1 pm


10 lbs x 20 x 5 sets/ 100 reps
15 lbs x 10 x 5 sets/50 reps

two clubbell swings
20 lbs x 10 x 5 sets/50 reps

total reps =200

man that seemed harder than it looks,lol.Pretty much equal work to equal rest. These felt good but it seems almost harder to do swipes in sets and reps than it is with one long set. Just the opposite of kbs.

brief play about with handstands on two kbs. not ready for this yet. so stack ups on stability ball

Did four sets of these, not sure how many reps.This was perfect and really let me focus on getting into the hollow position with my torso as well as lock in the shoulder/arm position. Tried some kick ups but these were better.

Looking at these on video it immediately struck me that these were essentially hanging leg raises done upside down, lol. All of these parts are coming together as I get ready for teaching the Level 2 RKC in Budapest this summer and a not yet announced bodyweight cert coming up in the fall.

All the time I have spent stretching and supporting small loads in those stretches has gotten me ready to actually do some real work with my own body. Kalos Stenos indeed. Calisthenics. Gymnastics. Beautiful strength; it's all the same :))

Body weight squats
5 sets of 10

wow. this has been awhile. ok, forever. to about 3/4 to parallel and they felt fine. so bizarre to be doing squats again of any sort after so many years forbidden to do these. we'll see how it feels tomorrow. My squat stretch work has been good but I have overdone it a bit a few times and gotten weird feedback from the non injured knee/leg.

The foot/knee mechanics that work for my tweaked left knee are not the same as for my non injured right knee and I have to figure THAT our now. Being asymmetrical is not all it's cracked up to be ;))



Juci SFG said...

Full of sparks, Sir, what? :)

The handstand stuff on the ball looks good! I must try this.
I so wanna learn how to do a proper handstand, but I'm apparently unable.
(Nevertheless, the main concern is the TPU these days, so whatever...)

Mark Reifkind said...


I willmake sure you do a handstand before I leave Hungary :)) the progressions are simple, but not easy. start with the ball though, it's a solid beginning.

what is TPU?

Mark Reifkind said...


jockeRKC said...

Good minds think alike =) i did the handstand on my TRX the other day and it was awesome so i am doing it more =)

Juci SFG said...

TPU: Tactical Pull-Up.

Me doing a handstand? Wanna bet? :)

Sparks. Vitality, sparkle, fire, glitter, brilliance, and the like. That's what I mean. Sorry about my English.

Mark Reifkind said...

yes I will bet :))

I thought that's what you meant by sparks just wanted to be sure.Your english is fine. I wish I could speak even a small amount of Hungarian.

Mark Reifkind said...

that's great Joaki, still a ways off for me but I will get there.

205 x 1 !!! Chin press

 Feels like it's been months but I guess only 3 weeks or so. Warmup went well and mental state was solid, for a change 135 x 1 155 x 1 1...