Saturday, November 13, 2010

Swing class, snatches and presses.

Since I survived Wednesdays swing beatdown fairly well and I don't have much time to practice I thought it would be a good idea to actually take a real class from the KB Swing Queen herself this morning.

So at 7:30 after a good half hour stretchout I found myself in the back of the class with all the newbies.Beginners mind indeed.I had gone over the sequence of the class in my head many times since Wednesday and thought I had it down pat only this time I wanted to try it with the 20 kg and see how that went as that is the weight I hoped to use during Monday's shoot.

There is a guy doing the video class with a 16 kg but he's doing more than equal work to rest so I figured I should use a heavier bell since I'm getting more rest. Of course he's trained in this method for over year with Tracy leading but that's a minor detail, right? We'll see.

After stretching out I spent about 10 minutes warming up with the 16 and the 20 for one arm two hand and hand to hand swings just to make sure the grooves were good for the pace we would be going at.Things felt great so I decided to go with the 20 although I had the 16 right there if I needed it. No worries.

Can't tell the details of the workout til later but suffice to say I did over 400 reps in 30 minute and it was much better than the first time. It seems, just like I found with max vo2 training, your adaptation to this type of loading comes fast and I already felt I was stronger even with the heavier weight.

Tracy will tell me later exactly how many swings we did but if it was 400 it was 17,600 lbs of work and 586 lbs per minute, about what I did Wednesday but for 50 more reps with a lighter bell.

That's one solid workout for 3o minutes,one weight and basically one movement.
Wednesday I fell into more of a wider stance and leg driven groove as I was following Tracy and that's more her technique.
It felt great on my legs but it's not my style so I went back to my almost pure hinge movement and things went great.

Since my leg strength difference is significant due to my left knee if I use a bilateral technique that emphasizes too much' legs' my right side always takes over and things go amiss. I felt a little of this on Thursday as my right adductor and inner hammies said high and I figured out why.
After changing my soaked t shirt I went to snatches.

I have to work my legs unilaterally for it to work. Have to train the weaknesses by themselves if you want to brings things into balance. It's great I can now do two handed swings but I still have to modulate intensity to make sure things go in the right direction

16 kg x5/5
20 kg x5/5 x 5 sets
50 reps

Wanted to go easy here as I didn't know how the swing class would effect my muscles and I still have to repeat everything on Monday. They felt good but I thought more presses would be good.I needed to get some snatch practice in as I missed last Saturdays workout.

KB Press Ladder
16kg x5/5
20 kg x3/3

24 kg x3/3

These were great but I could tell my shoulders were tired from all of the above.

Two Hand Clubbell Shield Cast
15 lb x10/10
20 lbs x 10/10

25 lbs x 8/8 x 3 sets

All in all a great workout. Not used to doing so many different movements and modalities in the same workout but it was fine.Stretch and rest tomorrow and Monday is Show time! Then maybe back to some semblance of a routine :))



Tracy Reifkind said...


I'm so lucky that you were forced into training with me!

We make the perfect compliment to do what you do and I try to follow. I do what I do, and you try and follow. Together we represent the ebb and flow....

23 years together.... It's our anniversary month!

Mark Reifkind said...

It is our anniversary MONTH this month, lol. and there is almost nothing I love more than training with you. almost,lol.

doing the last two workouts with you, TracyStyle, has literally opened my eyes to what your training methods are all about.

Before, I understood them intellectually. Now, I've felt them and they rock.

Only the beginning my love.For my swing training; and the World's.

Tracy Reifkind said...

wink, wink....I get it!

175 x 1 x 5, 185 x 1 x 5 ( layback style) 16 kg five mine 15:15 swing test 100 reps

 This took a few warmup sets ( and almost tweaking my tricep again with  95!) but I think it went well over I just have to 'THINK RIGHT...