Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A new floor.

It's hard to believe that not very long ago I couldn't press at all.Not kbs overhead, not bench press with a bar or a db, not even a pushup without my right side rotator cuff screaming at me and locking down my whole right side for days or more.

My right teres major would lock up my humerus into internal rotation I would also get crazy bad biceps impingment. My shoulder was a mess, so I took over two years off of pressing anything, did almost nothing but one arm swings, snatch holds and rehab/corrective drills.

It paid off big in August of 2008 when, on a lark at the Ck-FMS I ended up doing kneeling presses as part fo Gray Cooks program and realized I could indeed press again.In fact I pressed the 32 kg after not having pressed anything nor worked any of my pressing muscles for over two years.

Here is a video I took of my kneeling press I did in my home gym when I got back., just to make sure it wasn't a dream

I came back to the press gingerly always making sure to keep the volume of loading down, my correctives high, and , most importantly my overhead snatch work which I am convinced was the key rehabilitative aid in my rotator recovery.

That and rededicating myself to getting back my overhead flexibility, a job to which I am still dedicated and gaining ground every day on.

That was over two years ago and I am still riding the wave of progressions, ramping up and backing down slowly keeping the progress slope slightly up and to the right.A few months ago I actually pressed the 36 kg bell last November which was just half my bodyweight! Crazy. Then I started training and it's been solid work. I ramp up to the 28 or 32 kg bell always trying to increase either total number of reps per set or total number of sets or ladders.

With my travel and teaching schedule what it's been I have had to be very cautious so progress, while steady, has been slow.

It wasn't too long ago that I would approach the 24 kg very cautiously as well, hoping I would get sets of 3-5 strongly.

Then the worm turned and the 24kg started feeling like the 16 kg BUT the 28 and the 32 did not.
Until now.
I decided that the 28 kg has to be my new floor, the bottom level at which it becomes an everyday weight, not one I have to 'peak ' for. The number of sets , reps and ladders I can do with it can vary but I have to start training with it more oftern, regardless of my travel schedule.

Where the new ceiling is I have no idea except that I want to play with the 32 like I did before with the 28 and I want to press the 36 as my peak fairly regularly.
The higher you climb the farther you see.

SO MUCH of strength training is the mind, the strength of the mind, the training of the mind. The strength training of the mind. that's part of the beauty of doing just a few simple things over and over again with serious intent and desire for deep skill. It works :))

6-7 am
stretchout and joint mobility in Tracy's class

8:30 am
one arm swing
16 kg x5/5/5/5 x3
one arm cleans
16 kg x5/5 x3

Short cycle press
16kg x5/5x2
20 kg x5/5
24 kg x 3/3

28kg x1/1
x3/3 x 3 ladders

these went very well, the cleans felt easy, the bell felt light in the rack and the presses were fast and easy.

Here's a video of the last set

I had plenty more in me but not much time so onto some clubbells.

I used to do plenty of clubbell swipes and actually managed 300 continuous with the 10 lb clubs and 150 continuous with the 15 lb clubs but that was before my back took a hike last year and recent efforts to try them left my back not happy.

So I decided to play with the technique, using as an efficient a style as possible and minimizing the ROM as much as possible and it seemed to worked fine. Kind of a GS for clubbells.

I started out with one arm swipes and then went to doubles and they were fine
One arm swipes
10 lbs x 10/10 x 2
two arm swipes
15 lb x10/10 x 3

heres some video

I am really digging the two handed cb work but it would be great if I could also do some reps with the swipes. they are cool to do.

Two hand cb shield cast
15 lb x10/10
20 lb x10/10 x 2 sets

More fun! easy too.

KB lunge( left leg only)
16kg x10
20 kg x10 x 2 sets

that's it. Got to train with my bride watching her crush her 14 kg press for sets and rep ladders as well. It's nice to train with her when we are doing something I am strong at,lol.
Looking for 300+ one arm swings tomorrow with the 24 kg in Stones Gym.

Can't wait :))



jockeRKC said...

Real good post Mr Rif.
Nice pressing it was light and fast.
seeing you with the Clubs i fell like i have to fix mine and start incorporate them in to my training to =)

Diana said...

Pressing from my knees is now my one of my favorite things to do! Lets my legs rest and feel fresh for the running I'm training for yet gives me that strength endorphin rush!

Mark Reifkind said...


thanks man, they felt light. I always try to accelerate weights as much as possible, even when they are light so that the heavy ones move fast as well.
something I learned powerlifting.

now fix your clubs!

Mark Reifkind said...


I like it too but can't get the heavier bells in position myself so I don't do it much these days.

Diana said...

I can see that and I'm glad you posted that video, since I've never done them from the knees, I was a little unsure if doing properly. Then I thought, all you're doing is taking off the legs-no different!
Tonight I did a ladder with the 12kg from 10 to 1 each side from the knees! I have a long to go before I have to worry about having help picking up the bell! When I can do this ladder with my 20kg-then I'll move on!

35 lb ruck 3 miles 46:39, 15:30 ave pace

 Went back and re measured the distance for my half mile loop and I was right; it was spot on. Using the stopwatch and the walking app must ...