Tuesday, November 16, 2010

One million more swings and some clubbells

Ok, not exactly a million but it's felt like that in the last week. I went from never having trained Tracystyle to doing three of her classes in a week,the last one being yesterday when we shot her first( of many) train along DVD's.

I was in the Intro to High Volume Swing class and glad that was all I had to do as I watched her lead, coach and encourage the class for another 2 hours after I was finished with MY workout,lol.

I literally was tired just watching them.

I did Saturdays workout with the 20 kg,just to know that I could, and did the same yesterday but it was harder. First, DOMS, which was loading up quite well on Saturday from Wednesdays beating was in full force for Monday's shoot combining nicely with Saturdays workout to make a very potent hamstring, adductor and glute cocktail.

I needed to be very careful not to overextend myself and tweak something, while at the same time doing the work as strongly and proficiently as possible.I am a MRKC after all and had to represent Hardstyle on camera in the best manner possible, even while doing Tracystyle.

No worries, it went off well and my old performer mind rose to the occasion and 464 swings in 30 minutes went down strongly. 20,416 lbs of work in 30 minutes. Again, can anyone do more work per minute with any other tool than a kettlebell ballistic movement? I don't think so and that's not even counting accelerative forces which are easily four times the face value of the weight.

So 80-100,000 lbs of force were created by this 53 year old body in 30 minutes. Tracy did 2404 swings in 2 hours with the 12 kg.That's 62,504 lbs on face value and that's at least 250,000 lbs of force produced !!! Craziness!

Will I train this way regularly. ah, no. it's too many two hand swings for me right now. My right side is stillw ay stronger than my left and while I can tolerate( thank the Gods) and train, two hand swings now I still have to be careful about getting out of balance. I can't deal with overworking my right side. It won't be pretty.

But I did use this Intro workout with all my clients today and they all loved it.You'll love it to but you'll have to buy the video,lol

I didn't feel the need to swing any kbs today but I stretched out from 6-7 am and then spent 45 minutes doing clubbells by themselves from 8:30-9:30 am with the kb Swing Queen who also taught her class from 6-7 am. Just another day at the office for her.

two hand arm casts
10lb, 15 lbs 20 lbs a 10/10
two hand shield casts
10lb, 15 lbs 20lbs x10/10

one arm arm casts
10 lbs, 15 lbs x10/10
one arm shield casts
10 lbs, 15 lbs x10/10 x2

cb torch presses
10 lbs x5/5
15 lbs x5/5
20 lbs x3/3 pr!

wow, havent' done torch presses and forever and they went very well and were very very tough. A very good assistance move for my press tool box.

Still need some serious recovery, lots more food and sleep and hopefully more than a few weeks of normalacy and stability so I can ramp up my training again.

all good stuff



guy said...

Wow, Boss! When you add the numbers up it seems incredible. I know it did for me when I was doing VWC practice. I can't wait for the next swing DVD.mjolnir88

Mark Reifkind said...


I know its amazing work loads and the interesting thing was how fast it went by. and the irony is is that I was just doing her beginning workout.lol

Tracy Reifkind said...

Sweetie...I don't mean to get picky, but....I did my share of 14kg swings too! lol

Mark Reifkind said...

oops, my bad love.Of course, my brain was still fried when I wrote this from my workout,lol.

you rock :))

175 x 1 x 5, 185 x 1 x 5 ( layback style) 16 kg five mine 15:15 swing test 100 reps

 This took a few warmup sets ( and almost tweaking my tricep again with  95!) but I think it went well over I just have to 'THINK RIGHT...